Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1666: Real cow

When I am old, I am sure to find a place to visit the mountains and play with water. Sitting in a chair and daze every day, I will never pursue this feeling of "control".

"OK." Zheng Ren thought about all sorts of messy things in his mind, and said directly on his mouth.

"Really..." Yan Dean also had some emotions.

After Mao’s surgery, he had a lower limb paralysis. After he knew the news, he was also confused and helpless. Just over forty years old, how can I say that I am embarrassed?

But who can think of the final diagnosis turned out to be endometriosis!

Although this disease is not uncommon, it is the first time that it has entered the spine and oppressed the central nervous system.

Yan Yuan, with a feeling of emotion, took off the flower mirror and smiled at Zheng Ren.

"If you didn't say it, it might cause misdiagnosis." Yan Yuan said.

"..." Zheng Ren did not know how to answer the question.

The scene was a bit awkward, and Su Yun sighed softly at the back.

"Xiao Zheng, how do you tell me how to diagnose?" Yan Dean did not seem to notice the embarrassment of the atmosphere, but naturally introduced the topic to the second dimension that Zheng Ren is good at.

When it comes to diagnosis, Zheng Ren is in a spirit.

"This is the dean." Zheng Rendao: "I look at the ct film. I feel that the continuous epidural puncture site is a chest 12-waist 1 vertebral body. It is far away from the location of the hematoma. It is difficult to have an anesthesia injury, which causes the patient to paralyze. ”

Yan Yuan nodded and looked at Zheng Ren with great interest.

"But there was really bleeding. I watched the film for a long time and noticed the image of methemoglobin without deposition."

"Is hemoglobin imaging can also be seen?"

"I can't see clearly, but the performance on the image is more or less different." Zheng Rendao: "Nuclear magnetic energy is more clear, but it is also difficult and requires a wealth of clinical experience."

"You rely on this speculation, in the hospital consultation, it is directly affirmed to be endometriosis?" Yan said.

"Yeah." Zheng Ren is not afraid. In the face of Yan Dean's gaze, he said calmly: "First of all, I trust the anesthesiologist. We have cooperated with him. He has a high level of skill and should not have such low-level mistakes. ”

Without waiting for Yan Dean to rebut, Zheng Ren continued: "Because of this, I began to find reasons."

"Preoperative Mao Director refused surgery, and did not come to the holiday. Because the perforation of the appendix caused the body to have a stress reaction, and the menstrual period was advanced, this is also possible. Although I did not ask, but combined with the ct image, there is a certainty of 80 to determine this. a little."

Dean Yan is crying and laughing.

Sure enough, young people, for the sake of their own beliefs, for the people around them, so impulsive. If you change yourself, you will never do this, and you will choose another method that is more "safe".

Even if you have full control, you have to sneak a peek at the medical history.

"It turns out that I am right. So surgery and postoperative pathology are all expected." Zheng Rendao.

"If you judged the mistakes?" Yan said.

"President." Zheng Renxi smiled and said: "I am a small doctor, mistakes are mistakes, this is not the head of each department to help check."

Su Yun listened to Zheng Ren, and his eyes jerked.

The high level is indeed awesome, but definitely not the best.

The most powerful person, not only the level is high, but also the heart, the face is thick enough!

When did the boss evolve to this extent?

Yan Dean was stunned by Zheng Ren. This is not the inherent impression of Zheng’s boss in his heart. Isn’t he the doctor who should be serious?

All the crimes must be true, and for academic disputes, they will not hesitate to face the red.

How can it be like a rogue? If you say something wrong, you can't do it. You can take the words like me.

"In fact, endometriosis, not only its own transfer, there are reports that can be transferred to others." Zheng Rendao: "I also reported according to these cases, and finally decided to give it a try."

"Oh..." Yan Yuan is speechless.

“There was a gynaecologist in Spain who was splashed with blood on her eyes when she was doing surgery. After she wiped it clean, she didn’t pay attention because she didn’t have all kinds of infectious diseases.”

"and after?"

"After half a year, he found that his eyes will bleed every month, and he will have severe pain." Zheng Rendao: "He recorded the time, but did not find any reason at that time. After the consultation, he decided to undergo surgical resection. Pathology shows endometriosis."

"..." Yan Dean is speechless.

This kind of medical gossip, he listened to the frightened war, but fortunately he did not go through obstetrics and gynaecology when he graduated.

"President, this is medical risk, it is a work injury." Su Yun jokes on the side.

Yan Yuan’s stunned Su Yun’s eyes and laughed and said nothing.

"After the operation, the doctor found a female patient and checked the other menstrual period. Finally, it was confirmed." Zheng Ren said with a smile: "Because of this incident, I am more convinced that the problem of Mao is endometriosis. Menstrual blood, non-coagulation. Ordinary bleeding, is clotting, which is one of the differential diagnosis and the most important differential diagnosis."

Dean Yan is also quite emotional.

This kind of thing, it is simple to say it.

However, in that case, in addition to the front of the eyes, who dared to stand up and shouted - not the old congratulations!

"President, when are you going to leave the hospital?" Zheng Ren explained the matter of Director Mao and pulled the subject back to Yan Dean.

"The day after tomorrow, the inspection will be discharged without any problems." Yan said with a smile: "Is there any medical advice?"

"No, no." Zheng Ren just wants to follow along, and reminds the strict president, the life of your old man is saved by me. With this hint, the next thing will be much easier.

Regarding this kind of false and false concern, Zheng Ren was really not good at it. There was no momentum at that time to put the chief of the court on the bed to make an electrocardiogram.

"Yan Dean, the isolation task of the community hospital, was successfully completed." Zheng Ren wants to take a look back, but this is not surgery. He is really not good at it, he chose a simple, direct and rude way.

"Well, I know. The whole process went smoothly and worked hard." Yan Dean smiled and said.

"Because the condition is unknown, I don't know if the epidemic will break out. Can the nursing team not disband temporarily and stay in the community hospital for a while?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Well? I remember you said that it was a group of snoring." Yan Dean frowned and looked at Zheng Ren, like watching a monster.

"President, my face is difficult..." Zheng Ren feels that it is still a matter of laziness. If you don't give it, you will not leave.

If this matter cannot be done, it is difficult for community hospitals to withstand the diagnosis and treatment of 100 patients.

"Director Kong did not tell you?" Yan said strangely: "Last night, he came to me for a long time, isn't it good to leave half of you?"

"..." Zheng Ren is wrong, Director Kong has done it?

This is a noisy thing.

"President, we attended the consultation and surgery of Director Mao in the morning, and I haven't had time to communicate with Director Kong." Zheng Ren said helplessly.

Yan Dean laughed and laughed and smiled at Zheng Ren.

In the ward of Yan Dean, Zheng Renru sat on a needle felt.

At the end of the walk, Zheng Ren left the red envelope under the bed. After going out, this thing was ridiculed by Su Yun and said how it should be.

Zheng Ren did not go to the heart, and went out of the special needs ward. He took out his mobile phone and called Laohe.

"Lao He, Mao’s surgery is done, you know. Pathology is endometriosis, nothing to do with you."

"Come out and sit."

"Well, the beautiful coffee outside the hospital."

Hang up the phone, Su Yun said with a smile: "The boss will not really prepare to pull Lao He into the medical group."

"It's a good relationship. I can't see him being blessed. I don't have any idea if I can't enter the medical team." Zheng Rendao.

"If you want to be a little bit of society, you should go straight to the head and worship, what do you do?" Su Yun is also indispensable, asked with a smile.

"His level is not bad. He will be called after surgery." Zheng Ren smiled. "And I think that Lao He has not slowed down yet. How can he get back to normal in three or five days? ……Not too possible."

Su Yun remembered that the waist bow of Lao He was like a shrimp, almost white night, and could not bear to open his jokes.

When I came to the coffee shop, Zheng Ren found a place in the smoking area and told him where he was.

Lao He’s estimated that the hands and feet are so soft, not so fast.

Sure enough, after about 20 minutes, he was late.

On his face, his expression is still a bit sloppy.

The hair is white for a long time, and it is pitiful to look at it.

The impact of medical accidents on doctors is so great that old fuel sticks like Laohe are caught off guard, and a series of crites directly ruined blood.

This still proves to be the premise of endometriosis.

If it is judged that Laohe’s operation mistakes lead to the patient... Mao’s long hair, I am afraid that Laohe will at least be seriously ill.

Being a doctor is really not easy.

An industry that can't make mistakes is not good at all.

If Zheng Ren is given another chance to choose, even if there is a big pig hoof blessing, he is not expected to choose the medical industry.

Can't make mistakes The pressure is too big.

When I was in the college entrance examination, I was still young and ignorant, young and ignorant, and I got on this thief boat.

Lao He found Zheng Ren, he did not sit down, but was very serious.

"Old congratulations, your own people, you are welcome." Zheng Ren quickly pulled the old Hehe up and pressed it on the side of the chair. "If you do this, I always feel like saying goodbye to the body."

"Zheng boss, if you thank you, you won't say much." Laohe's nephew was a little hoarse. Although the matter had been resolved, Mao should not leave any sequelae, but he still got angry and sealed his throat.

This is the interpretation of Chinese medicine. The interpretation of Western medicine is the excessive secretion of various hormones in the body, leading to the muscles in the vicinity of the vocal cords.

"You see, drink something?" Su Yun laughed.

"Water bar." Laohe sighed and said: "The fire of a cavity, drink some water and pour it."


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