Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1698: Peerless Cheats

? 12'22", the end of the interventional surgery. 35xs

Zheng Ren tore off the sterile clothes and said with a blank expression: "You put your position, I will disinfect."

Feng Jianguo immediately opened the airtight lead door and walked in. The right grass followed.

"Boss, the stone?" Su Yun asked.

"Well, I will do the above. You will see the following situation for a while. If you can sew, you don't need gynecology to go on stage." Zheng Ren brushed his hand again.

The blood has been hung up, looking at the red fresh frozen red blood cells input, the blood pressure is still stable, this person is expected to live.

As for more, no one can guarantee.

The anesthesiologist took off the lead coat and stood on the patient's head, carefully observing the various data, for fear of something else.

Su Yun and Feng Jianguo and Quan Xiaocao set the stone position for the patient, and Zheng Ren had already brushed it out.

At this time, the Xie Yi came in from the operating room door and asked, "I am coming, what patient?"

"Burst injury, rectal rupture, colon prolapse." Zheng Ren began disinfection, Xie Yi people immediately realized the eyes of patients injured, to take the surgical box.

After the surgical box was disinfected and placed in the large external operating room, in order to avoid other people's jealousy, Director Xu specially gave the Shei people a partition, specifically placed Zheng Ren's operating box.

"Boss, the patient is born with a red face, not a latecomer." Su Yun brushed his hand while chatting with Zheng Ren.

"Dr. Su, have you ever done cosmetic surgery?" Feng Jianguo asked.

"I haven't done it, but I have studied anesthesia. In order to anesthetize the mouse, I spent a few months in the operating room." Su Yundao: "The general born net red face, the chin is sharp, the metropolis is accompanied by the airway." deformity."

"..." Feng Jianguo did not know what else was involved.

"Old Feng, you don't know if you see it."

Su Yun said with a smile: "The mandible is short and usually accompanied by airway malformation. But when you go to the cosmetic and plastic surgery department, you don't have this problem. Originally, I thought I found the cheats, and at least I can show it at a later time. ”

"There is still a connection here." Feng Jianguo was surprised.

"80, at least this probability. But then the net red face is prevalent, everyone is doing exactly the same, who knows if there is an airway malformation." Su Yun sighed. "This big thing is called peerless martial arts, only Can be scrapped."

Zheng Ren’s silent shop list is also welcome, and stands directly at the position of the surgeon.

Reaching out, the pliers with the iodov gauze fell on the hand.

"Feng Ge, you are welcome." Zheng Ren said while disinfecting.

Feng Jianguo’s heart is awkward, when will your old man be polite with me?

However, this surgery, the success of their own success is not very large, especially after the operation of the intestines, there are many uncontrollable factors.

Or Zheng boss is coming.

Routine disinfection drape, remove the midline incision, up to the umbilicus, down to the upper edge of the pubic symphysis.

Zheng Ren hesitated, and the lancet extended upwards by 5.

"Boss, such a big mouth?" Su Yun wears gloves, stands by Zheng Ren, and acts as a second helper.

"No way, look at the film, it is estimated that the liver and spleen have problems, or look at it is more assured." Zheng Ren said quietly.

Step into the abdomen and follow the steps to protect the bladder.

It can be seen that the bladder is broken and there are 3 broken mouths.

Zheng Ren did not pay attention to the bladder, but began to explore the entire abdominal cavity.

Because of a severe pelvic fracture, the posterior peritoneum has a very heavy hematoma. Interventional embolization has been done, so this piece is not considered for the time being.

There was a lot of bleeding in the abdominal cavity. Zheng Ren had pliers in his hand. He waited for the suction device to **** the blood and the hand straightened in.

The pliers were clamped, and he reached out again... and the four pliers were caught in it, and his movements stopped.

"Zheng boss, how do you judge the bleeding point?" Feng Jianguo asked.

"Look at the film, rebuild it will probably estimate the anatomical location of the bleeding point." Zheng Ren lowered his head and saw the blood go down a little.

Feng Jianguo did not want to understand what Zheng Ren had just said. If you look at an ordinary ct, you can know the location of the blood vessel.

Su Yun also bowed his head and did not directly blame Zheng Ren.

This situation has seen more, and it has long been strange.

Su Yun himself can also do reconstruction, but his hand reaches into the pool of blood, and he does not hesitate to use hemostatic forceps to clamp the bleeding blood vessels.

"Ligation, ultrasonic scalpel." Zheng Ren's voice is a little hoarse.

4-wire ligation, several hemostasis clamps were accurately pinched on the bleeding blood vessels without any deviation.

"Zheng boss, you..." Feng Jianguo was slightly distracted.

This side of Su Yun is responsible for knotting, with a line of scissors in his hand, a knife flower after the knot is finished, and the line is cut directly.

Ultrasonic sputum all the way in, small bleeding points directly stop bleeding, Zheng Ren is slightly larger to stop bleeding by ligation.

This is a bit old-fashioned, but this is the habit of Zheng Ren.

He is not very convinced that the ultrasonic scalpel has a hemostasis ability for blood vessels above 5, and it must be stopped completely. It takes a long time and it is better to knot it faster.

The operation is like using 2... No, it is the same as the 4x speed. Feng Jianguo is fully committed, and this can barely keep up with Zheng Ren’s speed.

As for the right grass, almost full of daze. What she saw, did not wait, Zheng Ren and Su Yun, Feng Jianguo have been processed.

Quan Xiaocao is struggling with a tick, thinking that surgery can still reach this level?

The big bleeding stopped in the shortest Zheng Ren began to explore the abdominal cavity.

Liver contusion, spleen contusion, stomach is relatively large, blocking the field of vision.

"Small grass, pressing the stomach." Zheng Rendao.

"How is the stomach so big." Quan Xiaocao asked why.

The anesthesiologist's face is extremely ugly, why? It's not because the intubation has just been inserted into the esophagus. The gas blown out by the ventilator is all in the stomach.

If you find it later, the stomach has to be blown up.

Pressing the stomach, the stomach slowly squats down. A large area of ​​the hematoma in the stomach was visible to the naked eye, and it looked shocking.

"The time for fasting water after surgery is very long." Su Yun said.

The intestinal tube in the abdominal cavity has no normal physiological anatomy, and the surgeon is a headache.

All the intestines have intermittent clefts, severe congestion and edema, and are surrounded by blood and feces.

Seeing this situation, Feng Jianguo’s hands were numb.

Under normal circumstances, rectal damage needs to be done in the second phase of anastomosis, and a local ostomy is performed. After a few months, it is restored.

But in front of such patients, almost the entire intestine is damaged.

Do you want to cut all the intestines?

Zheng Ren did not worry, asked for a gauze strip, lifted the sigmoid colon, and let the right grass hold it, then cut it along the left sigmoid mesenteric root and the descending colon.

"Boss, do you need to be so strict?"

"The rigorous point, or the next physiological structure is chaotic, can not find the location."


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