Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 747: Model body sign

"McKay...s...what?" The manager in his thirties looked confused and covered with dew.

Are these two migrant workers who are wearing camouflage clothes and whose muddy water has not dried up talking about their hometown?

Zheng Ren and Su Yun are already in a state of semi-sleep, but when they hear the manager talking nonsense, they almost instinctively come up with such a sentence.

When he heard that Su Yun was still talking, Zheng Ren immediately closed his mouth and began to doze off, enjoying the 44° water temperature to bring comfort to the body.

"This, I am too tired, do not want to take care of you, but you are so nonsense, it should not be." Su Yun put his head to an angle, said with his eyes closed.

"Nonsense? You touch your waist, you really have two nests, the kidney is already very heavy, you need to adjust the meridians." The manager's expression was awkward, but still tried to explain.

"That is the waist, in the local anatomy, also known as Mackas Ling." Su Yun closed his eyes, a sultry smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, "is the two concave nests behind the waist, is the hips The sides of the vertebral vertebrae and the lumbar vertebrae are also called Venus's dimples and sacred nests, which are one of the models' body signs."

"..." The manager's face was full of words that could not be believed.

"You have to sell cards, I don't care." Su Yun said: "But there is always something to get it. For example, the massage points are better, the power is bigger, and the subject is not fooled. I am very struggling. The general power is like touching on me."


"Nothing, you let me do the card? By 啥? Just rely on kidney deficiency?" Su Yun's mouth is full of smiles. "Please, deceptive people also have to be professional. It is outdated. You must know how to keep up with the times, or else..."

Said, a slight snoring sounded.

This item is already asleep.

The manager's face rose red, and he couldn't say a word. He turned and left.

The technician who gave Su Yun massage was not very old. Looking at Su Yun, his face was red. But her red and manager's red are two concepts, a little shy.

"Brother, there are several kinds of essential oils..." The technicians still have a sense of reason and are still selling.

"He fell asleep, and he can use normal without charge." Zheng Ren said with his eyes closed.


The little technician was a little unhappy, but when he saw Su Yun, he was directly killed by the side face killing, then resurrected, killed, and killed. After a few seconds, she looked at Su Yun slyly and felt that it was nothing to earn less.

"Use some strength, don't use your hands, use elbow joints." Su Yun said in a confused way.

Zheng Ren smiled and fell asleep soon.

An hour passed, and it was like this. When Zheng Ren was awakened, Su Yun was dressed and swearing, saying: "Boss, do you want something to eat?"

"You are hungry?" Zheng Ren had no interest in eating. He just drank porridge and didn't want to eat.

"Boss, can you be a little human instinct?" Su Yun said: "It’s strange to drink porridge, I am hungry now."

"I saw a barbecue stall on the side of the road, and I will walk back when I pass. There are ten strings when passing by."

"Ten, do you feed the rabbit?"

"The rabbit does not eat cooked meat."

In a serious nonsense between the two, Su Yun went to the front desk to scan the code, check out, and left.

After the welcome of the two front halls, the two men left and surrounded them.

"The young man is really beautiful."

"There are more people knowing, Fan Manager is going in and being taken out directly."

"Just look like it's not very rich."

"You know, rich people are driving good cars? Are they wearing famous brands? Some rich people have temper, you don't understand."


Zheng Ren and Su Yun swayed on the way home, where the neon flashes, the lights are shining, and the songs and dances are flat.

The instantaneous behavior and the misplacement of perception made Zheng Ren somewhat embarrassed.

He tried to open his eyes and look at the road. If he didn't suffer too much injury on the front line, he returned to the emperor and walked and accidentally broke his leg. Director Kong gave himself a third-class merit, which is estimated to be a joke for a lifetime.

Swinging through a barbecue stall, Zheng Ren asked: "Hey, what string do you eat?"

"Musk, don't let it go, put less pepper." Su Yundao.

The business of the barbecue stall is very hot, a few small tables are crowded with people, and others are waiting in line.

Zheng Ren looked at the heart and felt tired, waiting for a bunch of good, at least ten or twenty minutes.

At this time, he only wanted to go home, and fell to sleep in the bed.

"That gentleman, your sausage is good!" the boss of the barbecue shouted.

A man who smoked on the side of the road stood up and walked to the barbecue stall, licking the cigarette and taking the sausage.

Turning the effort, eyes and Zheng Ren on the top.

"You are... Zheng Zong?" The man was a little surprised and didn't dare to recognize it.

In the words of the massage shop manager, a camouflage suit, the muddy water has not dried up, and it is down from the construction site.

Even if it is worn ordinary, this person can recognize it without hesitation, and his face will be filled with enthusiasm and a smile.

But this is the case... Song Ying really can't recognize it.

"Oh..." Zheng Ren hesitated, looking at the middle-aged man opposite, some doubts.

Not some, but quite doubtful.

Who is this? Do you know him? Call yourself Zheng total is Haicheng people?

Mindful flashing, only for a moment, Zheng Ren saw the roast of his hand.

Dongsi Shitiao, Tang Song Restaurant, Song Ying, parathyroid dysfunction.

Several keywords instantly appeared in Zheng Ren's mind.

Duck step, limp, he looks good, this is, how to eat sausage?

"Song Manager, hello." Zheng Ren tried to squeeze out a smile, exhausted the power of the whole body and reached out.

"Zheng Zong, I thought that you have more forgotten things, don't remember me." Song Ying smiled and reached out, and the enthusiasm and restraint shook hands with Zheng Ren.

Su Yun is a bit strange, how does this late-faced guy recognize people?

Did you go to the front line, is his seven shackles open?

"Surgery done?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Do it, and take some medicine after the operation, as you said, it will be very soon." Song Yingdao.

"Baked sausage, can still bring you good luck?" Zheng Ren did not hate to say that as little as possible to eat the sausage, but to the gas transport.

"It’s the same as before." Song Ying smiled and said: "But it’s not so used for so many years. I’m eating a lot less frequently. I also asked the doctors who said that it’s less There will be no problems."

Zheng Ren thinks so too, Song Ying has no disease diagnosis in the system panel.

It looks like it is completely fine.

"Zheng Zong, you are this..." Song Ying looked at Zheng Ren wearing such a dress, and the assistant who was next to him was the same, asking doubts.

. m.

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