Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 749: How far do you have to go from boy to man

The Xie Yi smiled and said: "Where, this car was opened in the morning, only one day. Today my dad's secretary went to mention an XC60, I am not used to one77."

"Hey?" Zheng Ren wondered.

"Oh, Aston Martin one77, the world is limited to 77 units, so called one77." Shea people started the car, the roar of the motor is a little gentle.

"Oh." Zheng Ren nodded with a blank expression, what the Xie Yi was saying, he did not understand a word.

Global restrictions on sales, it sounds very high. How much is it, Zheng Ren has no concept at all. This car doesn't look as good as Volvo, and four people can't sit still.

100 kilometers acceleration? horsepower? Are you joking, can the emperor run? No matter how much money, Zheng Ren is not very concerned about it. After all, it is more than just the trouble of going to the director to visit the mountain gate. Zheng Ren seems to have a lot of trouble.

"What do you want?" The Xie people could feel the sorrow of Zheng Ren, looking at him sideways and asking.

Zheng Ren spoke his own distress to the Xie Yi people completely. When he talked to Xiao Yi people, it was his most relaxed time.

"Do you want to grow up?" The Xie Yi people finished listening, just smiled and said: "How far do you have to go from boy to man? This is one step, come on."

"Yeah." Zheng Ren nodded, very serious.

I shouldn’t have so many fears and emotions, and Zheng Ren’s heart is cheering on himself. How to say that you are also the identity of the Nobel Prize candidate, the pressure should be the directors adults.

Just how to do a good relationship, Zheng Ren still did not want to understand.

The Xie Yi people did not bring Zheng Ren to eat all kinds of strange foods, but also took Zheng Ren to drink porridge, and then went all the way to the 912 hospital.

Professor Rudolf Wagner saw Zheng Ren finally appear in the hospital, excited and forced to introduce Zheng Ren to the postoperative patients of TIPS surgery.

He has done two operations in the morning for several postoperative patients, but not all.

Three patients felt that after completing the TIPS operation, the symptoms were relieved and they refused to undergo a second-stage operation and had already returned home.

The remaining professors did six, and three patients taught that the second phase of surgery was more difficult, so he left it directly to Zheng Renlai.

After seeing a circle of patients, they are very stable. Patients after the second operation are expected to be discharged home tomorrow.

The professor’s level of surgery is still good. Zheng Ren’s thoughts are just that I don’t know what my level of TIPS surgery can be.

"Zheng boss, how come you?" Zheng Ren checked the room, Dr. Shen just came out of the duty room, sleepy.

Dr. Shen also came back and went to work and went out to the clinic early in the morning.

There was still fatigue on his face, and it looked like Zheng Ren, and he was tired. As for the Su Yun goods, the perfect realization of their promise, to cover the quilt for three days and three nights.

"Look at it." Zheng Ren smiled.

Dr. Shen looked at Zheng Ren's side, Su Yun did not follow, it seems to relax a little, smiled: "Director Kong specifically deliberately told me to let me go out and go to the hospital."

"How many?"

"6, tomorrow after the patient is discharged, they will come in. I have left the phone, Zheng boss you do not have to worry about these things, I will report to you when the time." Dr. Shen said.

"Right, is there something in the afternoon?" Zheng Ren asked.

Dr. Shen immediately replied: "I am fine. The outpatient clinic does not have much meaning. The number of trampolines is small. It is enough for a patient who has received an outpatient clinic for one week."

Looking at Dr. Shen’s attitude is obviously unintentional. Zheng Ren’s heart sighed and said: “If you have nothing, take me to other related departments.”

"You are this..." Dr. Shen just wondered, and even if he understood that Zheng Ren was going to worship the dock, let the directors of each department familiar with themselves and then start their work.

“Which department do you want to go to first?” Dr. Shen immediately asked.

"Related departments, digestive medicine ... I will not go to the general." Zheng Ren had thought about it, and said directly.

"Well," Dr. Shen said with a clear voice. "I asked Director Luo of the Department of Gastroenterology not here."

Zheng Ren smiled and nodded.

Dr. Shen called and contacted Xie Yiren: "Then I went to the operating room. I gave you a copy of your cabinet. I have time to look at what is missing."

Said, the Xie Yi took the key from the bag and handed it to Zheng Ren.

Zheng Ren nodded and watched the Xie Yi people leave.

It’s great to go home.

"Zheng Boss, Director Luo is in the ward, this is the past?" Dr. Shen asked.

"Good. Rich!" Zheng Ren called.

“Hip, boss?” Professor Rudolf Wagner stepped out of the office and just checked the room. The professor then went to sort out the information.

"I am going out, you are looking at the house." Zheng Rendao.

The professor was stunned and his eyes were a bit complicated.

Zheng Ren’s look at the unrequited look of the professor was somewhat puzzled, but then he woke up to think about what was in the heart of the goods.

"I went to other wards to fight for the source of patients and the amount of surgery, not to go far." Zheng Ren explained.

"Call..." Professor Rudolf Wagner took a sigh of relief and patted his heart and said: "Boss, I still wonder if you have to go. Good luck will not be with you forever..."

Zheng Renhao missed Su Yun, and he did not know that Su Yun was not taking it seriously when the plane landed in the city of Rongcheng.

"I will go first, see you later." Zheng Ren waved his hand and said comforting himself, this is cultural differences, cultural differences, don't be angry.

I am a man with a lucky +12 bodyguard. I don’t understand the rich.

"Zheng Boss, Director Luo Zhongwen is Luo Zhongwen. He is 52 years old this year. He is a doctoral tutor with a high level." Dr. Shen introduced Zheng to Director Ren.

He is not a person in the Department of Gastroenterology. He knows only the details of Director Luo's specific situation. The specific situation is not something he can understand.

In fact, Zheng Ren also knows that he should wait for Confucius to come back. It is better for Director Kong to bring him to visit the directors. With the face of the director of the hole, the directors and adults will not face themselves.

However, before the earthquake relief work, I don’t know when it will end. The return of Director Kong is far away, and I can’t just be so mixed.

Zheng Ren can not forget the matter of contacting the prosthetic.

This is a long-term job, not just a short week.

It is indeed a bit abrupt... Zheng Ren recalled, sighed slightly.

What did you say? Do you want to tell Director Luo that he is a Nobel Prize candidate? This is not to go to the pier, this is the special place to go.

Zheng Ren’s mind is calculating, and it is estimated that he will go today, that is, go through the game and mix his face.

Well, if you lower your goals, you don't feel so difficult.

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