Chapter 292 Childhood Shadow

After bursts of weird thoughts, they seemed quite uncomfortable, but they were quickly attracted by the fresh style and very golden performance.

Airplane accidents and bluefin tuna hot spots have passed these days, and the heat led by Lin Changfeng has attracted the attention of a considerable number of editors and cloud network headlines.

They paid attention to Lin Changfeng’s live broadcast room, because the story they imagined themselves had to be described in a bizarre and seductive way.

There are some semi-official collaborations with Bamboo Live Studio. Attracted the attention of many people, indirectly it was an advertisement for Lin Changfeng.

It can also get enough clicks and viewers. Can bring them far more than usual benefits.

Therefore, the tacit cooperation between the two parties also exists, no matter what novel discoveries and actions Lin Changfeng has made.

Or something else happened to Lin Changfeng’s career, they can use this as another selling point.

Of course, those who have tasted the sweetness are more willing to linger.

After all, it is too difficult to find a hot spot that is attractive and can be used for a long time.

A whirlwind of whirlwinds slowly passed by, blowing the surrounding emerald green bushes, causing rustling and rustling noises.

Suddenly, Da Hei stayed in the same place in a daze, and kept letting out a low growl after another.

Doesn’t this situation mean that there are enemies and movement around?

The big guy originally had a lot of barrage, but they all stopped temporarily. What could make Da Hee so vigilant?

Lin Changfeng squinted his eyes slightly, watching the figure slowly crawling out of the bushes, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Turning his head to look at Da Hei who was waiting for him, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

“What the hell, why are you afraid of a turtle?”

Everyone couldn’t help but feel surprised.

It is hard to imagine that Da Hei, who is mighty and majestic, has a huge physique, and is proficient in various hunting techniques, would actually be afraid of the turtles dangling and slowly crawling in front of him.

Seeing Da Hei cowering, everyone involuntarily began to use their brains.

“I think it must be the shadow of childhood, just as I am still afraid of the rope…”

“Have you ever been bitten by a snake? So afraid of the rope?”

“No… I used to accidentally go to D, although I was passive, so I am afraid of something now…”

“Fucking? You have to look a little, buddy. There is no obstacle in the world.”

“Puff, what are you thinking about? I just accidentally fell and hung down the stairs…”

“Haha, please forgive me for laughing out unkindly.”

“Don’t go too far, oh, let me go, Xiaoyu is too popular, right?”

“This is more than just liking, Xiaoyu is simply a charm to kill men, women and children!”


Under everyone’s gaze, Xiaoyu slightly squinted her eyes, stretched out her little hand, and stroked its head slightly.

This turtle, which is one meter in diameter and quite large in size, slowly squinted his eyes, posing a very comfortable and enjoyable appearance.

This made everyone involuntarily envied, and the big guys looked at the interaction between this swaying sea turtle and Xiaoyu with great interest, and did not forget to express a mockery of the jealous Da Hei on the side.

Da Hei has fallen out of favor again!

In the translucent gaze, a touch of joy was outlined, Xiaoyu suddenly raised his hand, and pointed to the shrubs that tremble slightly in front of him, and the beach where holes were dug out one after another.

I saw one after another petite turtles, the cubs had broken out of the sand, swaying towards the sea, crawling hard and slowly.

Lin Changfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, and finally raised his head to look at the sky, only to see one figure flying by, one after another, making sharp and clear shouts.

The big guys all saw those figures one after another, one after another as predators on the sea.

The target of these predators is these little turtles that are about to emerge from the sandy soil.

The dense white seabirds and black seabirds were intertwined with each other. After touching the tip of his nose, Lin Changfeng turned his head and introduced to everyone.

“The white birds are seagulls that you often see. Yes, they like to eat small turtles.”

“Those black frigate birds are even more terrible. They have been waiting for at least half a month to get this rich meal, coming from thousands of miles away and being reunited here.”

Of course, it is not just this tidal flat, but also other beaches where sea turtles lay their eggs.

With the continuous strengthening of people’s awareness of protection in recent years, the protection of sea turtles has gradually been put on the agenda, but this kind of survival of the natural selection of the fittest can still only be allowed to develop.

Lin Changfeng is very clear and understand that the operation of everything in the world has its own hidden laws. If you want to impose interference, it may often backfire.

Nature is not a comfortable place!

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