Chapter 295

Lin Changfeng glanced at it, and the pump that was still “rumbling”, the originally very deep pool, had been evacuated in half.

On the rock walls around the puddle, dark green water plants and moss are exposed, as well as small clams densely attached.

Looking expectantly at the muddy puddle, he shook his head in disappointment.

Da Hei watched more curiously, the water pipe that kept swaying from side to side, watching the spitting water flow, and seemed to be very interested in the pipe that was swaying from side to side.

Following the steps of her uncle, Xiaoyu looked at the white and flawless coconut pulp quite happily, took a bite, and her crescent eyes were slightly narrowed into crescent shapes.

The little girl likes sweet delicacy the most.

Lin Changfeng gently hummed a little song, looked at the unexpectedly huge site, and involuntarily touched his chin to estimate.

“How much does it cost to turn this site into your own?”

Just at this moment, the crisp and sweet telephone ringing suddenly rang, and a cheerful face appeared in front of Lin Changfeng.

Lin Changfeng stared at the young face with gold glasses in a bit of astonishment, with a bright smile on the corners of his mouth.

“Do you know the autumn boss?”

Lin Changfeng, who had read the detailed information of several fans, raised his brows slightly.

Quite proud of not blowing, not black-Mo Zhiqiu’s mouth curled up, making an expression like Lin Changfeng’s, and then spoke very proudly.

“Well, Aquaman comes back quickly, or I will find you quickly.”

Although it is still unclear what happened, Lin Changfeng has always been in no rush to encounter problems, shrugged his shoulders slightly, and then asked quite curiously.

“It looks like, what good has happened to me?”

“It’s definitely a good thing. I checked your darlings. I didn’t expect that every one of them has good vitality, especially this golden lip shell. There seems to be a lot of golden pearls in the body.”

Gently pushed the gold wire glasses, Mo Zhiqiu’s clear eyes flashed with a translucent depth, but Lin Changfeng just nodded calmly.

“This is normal, but things are rare and expensive. Now that the works have appeared, it is natural to wait for them to reach a greater appreciation space before other products are more valuable.”

There was a little bit of inexplicable tactics between the two of them, and Xiaoyu who was next to her blinked slightly. She was keen and smart, and she clearly noticed something was wrong.

Lin Changfeng and No Blow, No Black glanced at each other through the screen, and suddenly laughed.

it is more than words.

The corners of his mouth raised involuntarily, Xiaoyu suddenly patted his forehead, tugged at his uncle’s sleeve, and continued with a daze.

“Uncle, something in the puddle has appeared.”

He raised his eyebrows involuntarily, and often turned his head around expectantly, but the scenes he saw before him made him involuntarily sluggish.

It’s not what he called a treasure pit, there is nothing in the pool.

On the contrary, the harvest is very great.

But the small slap-sized fish and the crabs of two or three were crawling everywhere, and none of them met the harvest standard set by him.

This made Lin Changfeng feel a little embarrassed, and he immediately felt a little grateful.

Fortunately, this scene has not been broadcast live, and there is still room for maneuver, otherwise I will lose my fame and be laughed at by fans for a long time.

This black history cannot be preserved, it must be destroyed quickly.

Sure enough, not all places have amazing gains.

But for ordinary people, it is a great harvest, but for Lin Changfeng it is a failure!

While holding down the camera, Lin Changfeng turned his head, and coughed slightly at Xiaoyu who was about to count the harvest with wide eyes, and then continued with a cry.

“Xiaoyu, the harvest here is too small, let’s wait for them to grow up before grasping, OK? Let’s go and see the waterfall over there first?”

The simple Xiaoyu was quickly distracted, but he who heard the conversation did not blow up, he gently held his smile, and involuntarily sighed with emotion.

“Sure enough to be the Sea King, hahaha!”

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