Chapter 357

“Former special forces member Song Chengyi received professional field combat survival training and won the gold medal in the international military competition.”

“Adventurer Chen Zilong, has explored many deserted islands and ruins, has a very rich experience in wild survival, and also has a good “cooking skill”.”

“An experienced seaside fisherman with a knife, has a very rich experience in fishing in the sea, and can find edible fresh ingredients in any waters.”

“To be honest, this group of survival teams is the one I value most, because they are not only in the professional field. They all have a good balance and no obvious shortcomings.”

As a professional Bell, he couldn’t help but relax slightly. He was really worried that the show he hosted would turn into a joke.

There are professionals and there are no professionals, that is definitely the effect of two programs.

Hearing Bell’s domineering attitude, he just smiled mysteriously and nodded slightly to the camera.

“This action is very much like that guy Neptune!”

Fans from Ganhai Live Studio made a statement.

Next, the teams and players that appeared in everyone’s field of vision made everyone involuntarily eye-opening.

Almost every team member has professional knowledge or experience in a certain industry or field.

Even those teams with Internet celebrities or anchors and celebrities also performed quite strong and confident.

Those recognized Internet celebrities or celebrities have been more or less professionally trained for a period of time, or their expertise is a supplement to their knowledge.

It doesn’t look like the look is quite powerful, and the appearance and figure are even more unremarkable, but they just make people think that Fairy Liu and Lu Xinyu are very eye-catching.

Therefore, the exploration team is also called a unique “oil bottle” team!

Lu Xinyu, who was originally quite confident, could also hear the introduction of the other teams by the two hosts.

Seeing a few opponents with relatively outstanding strength, but with very few shortcomings, and fairly balanced opponents, he couldn’t help but blinked.

Immediately, she could only comfort her from the bottom of her heart. “The big deal, it’s like a tourist, as long as you behave well. It’s enough to attract more fans.

Lu Xinyu, who is very confident of her own charm, just turned her head, but suddenly saw Liu Qianqian looking curiously at a dizzy sky not far away.

Looking at the various cameras around, Lin Changfeng couldn’t help but raised his brows.

Feeling the chaotic airflow in the air, and glanced at the chaotic scene of a reef in the distance, Lin Changfeng lifted Xiaoyu up and placed it on his shoulder, and continued with a clear tone and tone.

“Let’s go, there is not much time left for us.”

Lu Xinyu looked blank and blinked lightly, before she could ask.

Little traitor Liu Qianqian had already pulled her, followed Lin Changfeng quickly, and walked quickly towards the woods not far from the beach.

This move made a considerable difference between the fans and the audience who were watching. They hadn’t heard it yet. The two hosts announced the start of the game.

“Is this leaving so shameless?”

“Will it be affected?”

“Something’s wrong!”

“I want to make trouble!”

When everyone was still thinking about it, they suddenly realized that many of the contestants who were listening to the introduction had also made the same moves and actions as Lin Changfeng.

They started to leave the place where they were placed before, and move in other directions and positions.

Of course, there are also some contestants who are still waiting quietly in place, seeming to enjoy the much-anticipated gaze and feeling.

This has made many fans and viewers very curious. What is going on?

Finding a few huge palm trees, Lin Changfeng looked in all directions, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.

“It seems that in a short period of time, we can’t find a cave where we can hide.”

“Then we must, within a limited time. Use the limited conditions, to build us a small nest that is enough to hide as soon as possible.”

When the big guy heard it, he couldn’t help but faintly amused. They wanted to see how the guy Neptune uttered wild words.

Xiaoyu was already quite excited and eager to try, she believed that as long as her uncle promised something, she would definitely be able to do it.

Liu Qianqian and Lu Xinyu looked blankly, and looked curiously at the lush and sultry surrounding jungle, not knowing what Lin Changfeng wanted to do.

“Why do you want to make a small nest? Don’t we have a tent? And it’s just starting now…”

Lu Xinyu couldn’t help it anymore and directly asked questions.

She didn’t think that Lin Changfeng was doing useless work, but she still wanted to ask what his plans and arrangements were. She was prepared in her heart and didn’t want to be led by the nose.

Lin Changfeng shrugged his shoulders lightly, then pointed to the dark clouds that were getting closer and closer in the distance, smiled slightly, and then said.

“Because it’s going to rain heavily!”

As soon as the voice fell, a howling gust of wind raged in, and the leaves were rustling.

Pieces of small leaves hung and fell from above, and everyone’s doubts were swept away.

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