Chapter 621

In everyone’s impression, Neptune had a smile on his face, very kind and confident.

But sometimes, he will hold grudges like a child.

Of course, in more cases, the most memorable feature of Neptune is that he likes “irritating people” for no reason.

Everyone looked at the behemoth and rushed out of the water. The very fat body slammed down and splashed with water.

Similar to a shark, the shuttle has a plump, swollen body shape and looks full of power. Even after it has been dragged onto the water, it is still running around frantically.

This scene of turbulent waves and splashes of water made the big guy involuntarily let out a burst of exclamation, very worried that the sea king could not hold it and let it escape.

After the camera was zoomed in, everyone could see clearly that it resembled a shark, something like a creature.

The skin is smooth and tight, and the color is shiny, like leather inlaid with metal. The upright dorsal fin and strong tail are the reasons for its very fast speed.

There are many sharp-eyed fans and audiences who have already shouted loudly. “This is a big tuna, weighing at least hundreds of kilograms.”

“Is it a bluefin tuna again? This one does not seem to be as big as the one that Neptune broke the record last time.”

“But it’s also a big guy, at least more than two hundred kilograms, really powerful!”

“However, it doesn’t seem to be a bluefin tuna.”

“It seems to be a yellowfin tuna. I have eaten it before. It is a very valuable big guy.”

“Hahaha, it’s definitely not better than Shanghai King’s oversized bluefin tuna, that guy can sell for tens of thousands of dollars a catty.”

“It’s not a problem to sell this yellowfin tuna for more than 200 pound.”

“It weighs several hundred catties again, my boy, Aquaman has caught the big guy again.”

“Tuna, tuna, what should I say to you, where the prey is not to eat, but you actually eat Neptune’s hook directly. Isn’t this the old birthday star eating arsenic and living impatiently?”

A lot of new viewers, especially those who came to meet Neptune after the live broadcast of the Catch the Sea Competition.

They thought that what Aquaman had caught was an oversized moonfish, which was enough to make people surprised, but they didn’t expect there to be more exciting yellowfin tuna.

But when they saw the barrage, scrolled down the video, and found the mighty and domineering bluefin tuna under at least hundreds of short and wonderful videos, they were even more embarrassed.

Damn it?

So funny than Aquaman, is it so fierce?

“It turns out it’s this big fat guy, why is it so greedy? To thank everyone for supporting me, today we will give this big guy a share.”

“After peeling and deboning, it is estimated that it should be divided into about 500 yuan. Please remember to wash your hands first, so as not to wait for the miss and blame me again.”

Lin Changfeng pulled the fishing rod hard and quickly gathered the fishing line. It was more than three meters long and was close to the largest natural growth of the yellowfin tuna. Naturally, it was impossible to escape his clutches.

When the yellowfin tuna was almost exhausted, after being dragged under the ship’s gunwale, the lifting platform and the fishing net that had already been explored had already restrained it and slowly hoisted it.

Looking at this fat yellowfin tuna, although not as expensive as its cousin, it is also quite lovable.

What makes everyone happy the most is naturally not something else, it is the happy draw.

Everyone looked at the Sea King on the yacht, and saw him facing the big fish tank on the Exploring Jiaolong, shook his hand slightly, and continued to put the fishing rod away again and threw it into the water.

I just wanted to get rid of the big boss, and went back to clean up the peerless masters of the mobs. After fixing the big fishing rod, he held the small fishing rod again to hide his strength leisurely.

At this moment, the hearts of most fans and viewers have fallen on the large fish tank on the Exploring Jiaolong, as well as the lively yellowfin tuna.

For most fans and viewers, they have never eaten such a big fish before, and their eyes have almost turned into knives. They tore this fat and strong, unpopular yellowfin tuna into pieces. Fragments, sprinkle with seasoning, fry, cook, stew…

Well, it’s really a villain!

Although he behaved such a salty fish, the two accidents just now made everyone still look forward to him very much. Will he continue to bring surprises to everyone who has already caught two large cargo sea kings?

The trumpet fishing hook fell down. Although many people are engrossed in the trumpet fishing rod, there are also some people who don’t just want to watch the fishing from the sea.

Although the wide sea surface will give them an elusive sense of expectation, how can it be compared to browsing the wonderful underwater world, which is so interesting and surprising?

Pieces of flickering light slightly followed the rugged water waves, reflecting a little bit of golden light, occasionally driving the slender fishing line, slowly swinging with the wind.

Everything is so leisurely and leisurely, and occasionally Xiaoyu’s cheers and the sound of “wow” are heard.

It was Xiaoyu’s joy and cheers after the little golden squids took the bait, which also made everyone interested.

In the beginning, Xiaoyu and the two big beauties also seemed a little leisurely because the little golden squid took the bait too slowly.

But after they were able to release the hooks skillfully, one after another, the little golden squid rushed to the speedboat as if they were fleeing. Whether it was an adult or a child’s face, how could the word “envious” be able to explain it.

The endless harvesting scenes made the big guy’s eyes widened uncontrollably, and sighed with surprise.

More people are starting to move around again, and even many people have already chanted slogans.

“Fishing 100 catties wildly, trying to break the record, breaking the record, come to give Haiwang a reward for the plane and pay the tuition.”

“The goal of 80 catties can’t be completed, so I’m embarrassed by the sea king, come to pay a reward for the plane to redeem.”

“The target is a big fish that has fallen to more than 20 kilograms. This time I have made a full set of preparations. I don’t care about small fishing rods or anything. If we want to get it, we will get the big one!”

“A target tuna is the size of a sea king, as long as it is tuna…”

“Just a grouper…”

“…If you don’t have the air force, just give Sea King a reward for the plane…”

“There is something wrong with you upstairs, are you sure that it is not a spy sent by the enemy?”

“There is still an air force these days? No? There won’t really be an air force, right?”

“You are too much, isn’t it the Air Force? What’s the big deal, although I am the Sky Army, I have persisted in the same way…”

“Puff, it takes courage to say this, and it takes a lot of courage to be able to persevere, and it hurts you upstairs!”

“Puff…too miserable…”

“Does the Air Force Party have no human rights? Serious protest!”

“Protecting rare species starts with me!”

“The Air Force is so miserable, everyone here is responsible…”


Along with the various bells and whistles of the big guys, many fans and audiences have already targeted the Lin’s bait for Sea King and the fishing gear that Qiao Gang has successfully advertised.

This time they have to be fully armed and out of anger!

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