Chapter 674 Huge Farm

The raging storm kept blowing the towering coconut groves, and the wet water droplets sprinkled violently, dampening everything they touched.

However, the closer the turbulent storm is to the interior of Huangdao, the less the impact will be. The dense coconut groves are not only used to produce juicy and sweet coconuts, but are also loyal guards against violent storms.

The line of sight gradually moved to the interior of the desert island, one after another, cement-paved avenues have spread all over the desert island.

Large trucks, under the misty heavy rain, met and staggered on the highway, heading to their respective locations.

The slightly turbulent wind blew the rain curtain diagonally, blowing a little bit of rain on the car windows.

What is their job? As the big truck gradually came to its destination, beside the crystal clear pool after another, there were pipes with gushing water standing upright.

This gushing water draws water from the puddles. If you look closely, one after another seafood seedlings are active in the surging of the water.

After the water flowed down, it was caught by a long, gentle ramp, and then fell into the box of an approaching truck.

The performance of the whole process is very peaceful, there is little movement, but the speed is very fast and the efficiency is very high.

The seafood seedlings in the puddles were quickly put into one truck after another, and then these trucks went back down the same road and met their new companions under heavy rain, and then staggered.

The number of seafood seedlings in each puddle is amazing, even after loading and transporting by dozens of trucks, it still hasn’t decreased.

However, when the number of truck transports reaches a certain value, the huge transporting machine will automatically transfer to the next pool.

When the camera slowly stretched upward, the screen was occupied by puddles of closely connected water, and densely packed seafood seedlings emerged from the misty drizzle.

The last time it was shown in the Neptune Live Room, it was less than 110 of the total number of puddles in front of me. With the capital investment in the Bamboo Live Room, it seems that the number of puddles here has become even more.

There are densely packed seafood seedlings, and it is difficult to tell exactly how many there are. The picture in front of them made the staff very emotional.

Although they are constantly transporting, these are still seedlings, but they are increasing.

More aquaculture puddles were developed, and more seafood seedlings were quickly hatched, and then grew happily with the help of Sanwei Zhenshui.

Among them, there are many kinds of seafood specially selected by Lin Changfeng. Some of them are very difficult to breed, but they have considerable market potential.

For example, golden-lipped shellfish that can produce golden pearls, a large abalone with a huge body, and even razor clams with long and thin fingers, dense golden squids, etc…

At the same time, there are also very precious special aquatic products, such as a sloshing tuna. Although they are still in the research and development stage of breeding, because of their superior meat quality and high reputation, the production speed is also very fast. The potential to become an excellent aquatic product.

Beside this water puddle, densely packed researchers and staff are recording data in detail, preparing to advance the study of large-scale tuna aquaculture.

Beside the tuna farming area, one after another, groupers of all kinds kept rushing around.

They are full of vitality, even constantly colliding and biting each other, wanting to express themselves actively.

At the same time, alongside these grouper and tuna, there are also various seafood seedlings.

For example, the delicious bluefin tuna, the huge titan shellfish, the dumb moonfish that makes everyone laugh the most, and many other seafood that the sea king has shown you.

Some of them can be cultivated on a large scale under long-term cultivation and research.

After the promotion, it will not only enrich everyone’s dining table, but also create more seafood industry for the welfare of the people of the whole country.

Some seafood may not be cultivated, but more seafood seedlings can be produced here, which are returned to the sea to expand the population of the entire ethnic group.

Perhaps in the future, with the development of science and technology, they can also be raised by fishermen, and then become a delicacy on the tables of thousands of households on a large scale.

Anyway, according to Neptune’s statement, letting small seedlings return to the sea, and then finding larger marine products to grow on their own can get an amazing rate of return, which is simply a lucrative business.

The farm is busy and orderly activities, and its scale is constantly expanding. Different kinds of seafood are transported from all over the world, not only from the sea king, but also from the bamboo live room.

A person’s power is always limited, reasonable use of one’s own channels and network of relationships can create greater surprises.

Bamboo Live Studio has invested a lot of manpower and material resources here, as well as assistance from Sino-Ocean Group. They can provide professional transportation teams and management personnel as well as professional aquaculture personnel.

The environment here is undergoing earth-shaking changes every minute and every second.

Moreover, this change is not known to outsiders.

The entire desert island is slowly brewing, waiting for the baptism of time, and then blooming with dazzling light.

Wonderful and still going on!

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