Chapter 678 Development Strategy

Pieces of howling winds set off layers of waves.

One after another large consignment ships are loaded with densely packed ore of various kinds.

Naturally, the most abundant coal is the familiar coal. The wet coal reflects the luster of bright oil under the sunlight. There are still green and purple algae and seagrass on it. It was just unearthed from the depths of the seabed. sample.

One after another, large trucks were neatly parked at the dock, and after receiving instructions, they rushed to the unloading area of ​​the large ship.

Under the transportation of the automatic unloading device, more than ten tons of various ore are transported every minute, and the large trucks will transport them to the various regional bases for sorting, inspection and research.

One after another large ships no smaller than the Exploring Jiaolong rushed into the fog ahead, bright red flags fluttered in the wind, and sailed forward like wind and waves.

One area after another was lit up, large or small resource areas were detected, and now all areas that were discovered were shallow, easy to mine, or easy to find.

There will also be in-depth inspections that last for several years or even decades, which will be advanced and carried out in an orderly manner.

The huge maritime team has demonstrated extraordinary coordination and control capabilities. They strictly inspect and patrol, not letting go of any possible dangers.

No matter it was squally rain or stormy waves, they couldn’t shake this team at all.

In the front of this sea area, many more forward-looking small ships have set out from open or dark channels to explore more roads and islands.

Most islands don’t have much development value, but they are good stops and transfer stations. Perhaps more than 10 or 20 years later, there will be villages, bases, and small outposts here.

The howling wind keeps blowing, and the sea that just lifts the shallow veil is still very dangerous and violent.

Even so, human beings who are keen on adventure can’t wait to set out. New news comes every day, and the seas and territory discovered every day are also expanding in reality.

Not only the discoverers in the front, but also the number of workers in the rear.

As the basic producers, they are also continuously giving help.

Many expedition materials are transported to the hands of the needy through ships or speedboats, and the materials and funds are transferred to each other.

Form a complete new capital and industrial chain!

Through the desperate pursuit and discovery of some people, the expansion of the human world, which has been stagnant for a long time, has begun again!

Only this time, the human world has accumulated enough power and wisdom, ready to use wisdom to control power and nature to achieve better coordination and cooperation.

There may be different pursuits in this world, but the pursuit and thirst for the unknown are the desires that countless people can hardly resist.

Even Lin Changfeng received new news from the transformation of the bamboo live studio.

Two new departments have been established in Zhuzi Live Studio. The first is the training department for talent training and recruitment.

They will hire professionals from all walks of life to conduct centralized, classified, and professional training for newly recruited personnel.

They will be proficient in various skills in the process of sailing or exploring, defend themselves and the safety of their team members, and complete tasks more efficiently.

The second department is very interesting. It is the pioneering department for light guide and marine resource exploration.

This department has begun to form standardized teams one after another to deploy and recruit personnel, and it seems that they are ready to flex their muscles first.

For such changes, it is not difficult for Lin Changfeng to guess that the big boss Li Yuzhu, who is quite intuitive, seems to have begun to change the focus and direction of the bamboo live studio and re-formulate a new development strategy.

Just when Lin Changfeng thought that the boss Li Yuzhu would discuss with him about the big development of the bamboo live studio.

The news from the big boss caught him off guard.

“What? Are you going to change the name of the bamboo live broadcast platform to the Haiwang live broadcast platform? And you want me to manage it? Then how can I manage it!”

Lin Changfeng, with a blank face, blinked involuntarily, and the little girl on one side looked over curiously. She had never seen her uncle in such an interesting appearance.

Raising his brows lightly, put down the pen in his hand, the boss Li Yuzhu, who had just presided over the two-hour meeting, continued with the tone he had expected.

“Knowing that you are lazy and don’t want to do these trivial things.”

“However, I didn’t expect you to be able to control the live broadcast business of the entire live broadcast platform, and my assistant and the people in the department are still in charge.”

“You are just a nominal leader.”

Seeing Lin Changfeng’s immediately relaxed expression, the big boss Li Yuzhu couldn’t laugh or cry. He didn’t bother to worry about this lazy guy, flipped through the documents in his hand, and said otherwise.

“You must be the face of the entire group company and form a luxurious exploratory and adventure team.”

“Now I’m looking for candidates for you, one after another, to send them to your boat for good training, and then you must make achievements.”

Touching his chin lightly, Lin Changfeng was quite satisfied with the task on his head. If he really wanted him to sit in the office, that would be a violent thing.

And even if he agreed, the system won’t agree!

There are so many dear fans who will not agree!

Ahem, even if the wisdom is as much as the sea king, I don’t know what fans will think.

Thinking of that mysterious sea, Lin Changfeng turned his head involuntarily, and suddenly a bright smile appeared on the little black face that seemed to have a foreboding.

Xiao Hei, who was playing with Da Hei, involuntarily hit a spirit, and almost didn’t keep his figure. Da Hei was chasing him. After tossing and avoiding, he lightly landed on the ship’s side and licked himself beautifully. Claws, take good care of your weapons.

Xiaoyu’s eyes were full of surprises, and he was obviously having a very happy chat with the daughter of the big boss Li Yuzhu.

Lin Changfeng also talked to the big boss Li Yuzhu about the subsequent development of the entire company. He also showed the big boss the magnificence of the vast sea, the beauty of the water and the sky, and the sunset glow.

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