: The dusty truth, uploaded globally

As soon as the words came out.

The entire communication channel was suddenly silent.

Then it exploded.

in the communication channel.

Ouyang Baili: “That’s right! We’ve never heard of the third-stage world.”

Pete: “Back then, Boss Jiang, you only experienced the world of stage 2 in the dead net world. If the distress signal is true, it means that the group of people may have encountered the world of stage 3.”

It is at this time.

The voice of a very assertive young man came from the communication channel again.

Xu Shiming: “I live in the world of the first stage, which is the world of the undead. The second stage is our current metaverse. Since Boss Jiang is in the real world and not the third stage… I am afraid that the dimension of the third stage world, It may be even higher than Boss Jiang’s real world dimension!”

Xu Shiming.

Follow Jiang Zhe back to the second stageof: Rockstar Universe (Metaverse).

Hear what your teammates have to say.

Jiang Mingyue really felt a little unreal.

She couldn’t imagine that an observable metaverse actually contained higher dimensions than the real world that Jiang Zhe, Jiang Ming, and Jiang Mingyue lived in?

Curiosity drives her.

Jiang Mingyue immediately changed her tone, and looked at Jiang Zhe solemnly: “Dad Jiang, let’s go and have a look!”

Jiang Zhe in the driver’s seat tilted his head, gave Jiang Mingyue a spoiled look, and smiled helplessly: “It’s you if you don’t go, it’s you if you go. Let’s go, go and see!”

Hearing this, Jiang Mingyue finally smiled and said playfully, “Hey!”

By the coffee table.

Think about it.

Jiang Zhe’s complexion gradually became serious: “It’s a good thing I went there at the beginning. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to get in touch with the truth of the world too early.”

Because the strangeness they saw next was part of the truth of the world!

It’s just that until now, he still hasn’t understood where the void he saw back then is!

in memory——

58 light years away – A-908.

This is a green planet.

The planet is covered in green vegetation, with few oceanic areas on it.


over the planet.


Silver-white wormholes immediately circulated in the sea of ​​stars.

A dozen or so silver flying saucers appeared afterward, and they belonged to Jiang Zhe and his party.

When a group of people arrive here.

Through the driver’s window.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

Old Song: “What is that?”

Pete: “Holy shxt! What’s that?”

Ouyang Baili: “How is it possible?”

In the communication channel, there were exclamations from teammates.

Jiang Zhe narrowed his eyes, contemplating deeply, and the scene in front of him really surprised him.

Because above the universe of planet A-908, there is an impossible silver “gap”!

And the gap is crazily tilting the jet-black energy liquid like a waterfall towards the planet.

The moment the energy liquid touches the planet.

The planet was contaminated by the black energy liquid without warning, and disappeared quietly.

Gradually, the energy fluid covered the entire planet.

Star A-908, shortly after Jiang Zhe and the others arrived here, completely disappeared, as if it had been wiped out by this universe, as if it had never existed!

“Ji…Nirience?” xN

Everyone was shocked.

This is the first thought in everyone’s mind.

The way this planet disappears is very similar to the blackness left by erasing 3-dimensional matter from high dimensions, until the disappeared planet merges with the black starry sky.

Before the ‘cave entrance’ completely disappeared, they looked up again.

In the gap is a huge silver laboratory. From here, it is even comparable to the entire sun.

Perhaps because of the different dimensions, the objects inside are very large.

Even a 10cm high mug is even 50,000 meters high.

In the laboratory, there are all kinds of ultra-sophisticated equipment that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, and even Jiang Zhe can’t tell one thing or two.


The laboratory with the size of a star is being repaired little by little.


A giant that cannot be calculated by the naked eye flashed through the gap.

After a while, the gap disappeared in an instant!

Ouyang Baili: “What the hell is that?”

Old Song: “How is it possible? What the hell did I see?”

Pete: “Oh my God! Is that a laboratory? Is that a person who just flashed by?”

Xu Shiming: “Is it Boss Jiang? Is that a different-dimensional space room?”

Soy Sauce No. 1: “I don’t think so, I saw the mug, which means it’s man-made…”

In the communication channel, frantic questions came out.

Soy Sauce No. 1’s voice stopped.

Even without waiting for him to explain in detail, all the expedition members in the communication channel have already realized it.

For what they saw and heard!

It is absolutely impossible for human beings to accept in this lifetime…the truth!

In a flying saucer.

Looking at the silver hole that had disappeared, Jiang Zhe held his breath, turned his head in shock, and looked at Jiang Ming and Jiang Mingyue, as if he had seen something taboo.

Because he was convinced that “The Gap Lab”…

It is not a different-dimensional space room of its own system.

Jiang Ming was dumbfounded and asked: “Jiang… Father Jiang, what the hell is that… that…?”

Jiang Mingyue turned her head rhythmically like a machine, and looked at Jiang Zhe with shock in her eyes: “Dad Jiang.”

Although the two have seen a lot.

But until the silver hole appeared out of thin air and took away a planet…

The minds of the siblings really trembled.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhe’s face suddenly became serious, and he squinted his eyes and solemnly told the two of them:

“Except for our team to know, we must not let the earthlings in the ‘real world’ know. Otherwise, the real world may collapse in an instant!”

In the past, Jiang Zhe tried his best to prove that the world is fake and virtual.

But that is just a reasonable rhetoric on the premise that the truth cannot be ascertained. It wasn’t until the truth was in front of him that Jiang Zhe suddenly realized – the truth is not acceptable to human beings!

Seeing that the faces of the two were dull, there was no response.

Jiang Zhe looked stern, and reminded again: “Do you remember?”

“Remember…remember!” x2

In the communication channel: “We also remember!”

Since this incident.

No one discussed it in detail.

Because Jiang Zhe expressly stipulated that whoever discusses it will be expelled from the team.

Under his authority, teammates have not spoken to anyone about it.

And so things were gradually forgotten.

Until just now, after Jiang Zhe met the middle-aged Jiang Xiaobai…

Truth, wake up!

End musing.

In the different dimension space room.

Jiang Zhe next to the tea table had a serious face, and then said mockingly: “It turns out that the truth has almost been selectively filtered by me.”

“It’s time to let the world know what happened at that time!”

After the words fell, Jiang Zhe held onStand up slowly on your knees.

Go straight to the tech table.

turn on computer.

Make use of professional equipment to make the memories in your mind into a video.

Coupled with professional commentary.

In the end, that dust-covered memory will be brought to light again!

The truth video was instantly uploaded to the largest website in every country in the world!

Of course, it was first sent to Kunming TV Station, after all, it was my hometown!

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