Chapter 391: The name that was crossed out!

Recognizing the few old Miao characters on the top of the stage, Hanzhe was suddenly shocked. At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room also asked anxiously.

“Anchor? What is this?”

“This is also written in old Miao, right? We don’t know each other!”

Seeing the audience’s question, he thought about it for a while, and then confidently said: “This should be the genealogy of the Miao Village, but I don’t know why it is in the room of the Miao Village girl.”

“But it can be inferred from this that her identity in this Miao Village is definitely not simple. However, what secrets are hidden in it, I will continue to look down!”

After finishing speaking, Hanzhe stopped talking, but forcibly resisted the doubts in his heart and continued to look down. Now that time is running out, Lin Jia still doesn’t know where they were taken, so every minute seems particularly important.

Shining it with a flashlight, all the words on this genealogy were displayed before the eyes. Looking down, this is indeed a genealogy, and the text arrangement on it is in a pyramid-like arrangement.

Starting from the top of the text, going down are the surname branches separated by vertical lines, and each generation is arranged in order, and in the end it has formed a scale of hundreds of people.

It’s just that the text in it is all old Miao, so not many people can recognize it. At the top of the pyramid, the uppermost character can be recognized at a glance.


The top name has no surname or name, just a ghost character written in old Miao script. Seeing this, the cold rut confirmed his previous guess.

“Brothers, it seems that I guessed right before. That’s right, the ancestors of this Miao Village, Bacheng is the so-called Wugui. The first line of the genealogy is the character “ghost”.”

While talking, Hanzhe continued to look down. It’s just that at this moment, he was also a little confused, because the more weird he found, the more proof that Lin Jia’s current situation must be very dangerous.

Moreover, this genealogy only recorded the name and clan of the Miao villagers, but he could not find any clues about this matter at all. After a quick scan, Hanzhe did not find any documents on the sudden disappearance of Miao Village.

If this goes on, he won’t find any clues at all. And, the longer time passes, the more serious things may become.

“What to do? What about the clues!”

For a while, as he couldn’t find a clue, Hanzhe couldn’t help but roared.

“and many more…”

And just as he was anxious, he suddenly caught a glimpse from the corner of his eyes, that there seemed to be something unusual in the surname arrangement of this genealogy.

Hanzhe quickly looked over and saw that in the layout of this pyramid, some names were crossed out by red pens.

Perceiving the abnormality, Hanzhe quickly forced himself to calm down and take a closer look. But it didn’t matter if I looked at it, but after that, Hanzhe found an unbelievable clue.

I saw that in the format of this arrangement, starting from the right side of the second generation, looking down, each generation has a name that is crossed out by a red pen. Moreover, everyone’s surname and characters are horribly recognized.

“It’s the dragon character!”

That’s right, it is the surname of dragon recorded in the old Miao script of the Miao nationality. After thinking about it carefully, I immediately determined what the word was.

But what does the name that was crossed out by the red pen mean?

It is crossed out by a red pen, which may mean that the person was removed from the ethnic group, or died. But it can never be a natural death, it can only be an accidental death.

“What’s the situation?!”

Thinking of this, Han Che suppressed the fear in his heart, and then continued to look down. But the more he looked down, the more frightened he became, because he discovered with horror that every generation had the same situation.

“Dragon Miao… Dragon Heart… Dragon…”

Every generation has a name that is not crossed out with a red pen, and without exception, everyone who is crossed out has the surname Long. Moreover, the names that have been crossed out by the red pen are all women, and the proportions are surprisingly consistent.

and many more!

Seeing this, Hanzhe suddenly thought of a creepy possibility. Long Lin is also surnamed Long, and through these two days, she discovered that there is actually only one Long surname in this Miao Village.

That is to say, Long Lin may be the immediate family member of those branches whose names have been crossed out.

But what exactly do these crossed out names mean? !

The more I thought about it, the more I was frightened, Hanzhe quickly lowered his head and continued to look down. However, what makes people feel a little strange is that before this generation, there does not seem to be a name that has been crossed out by a red pen in the genealogy.

One of the names of the previous generation was blacked out by ink. Hanzhe couldn’t tell what her name was, but she could still see that that name was the female surnamed Long of the previous generation.

Because under that name, there is only one side branch. After Hanzhe saw the name at the bottom, Hanzhe stiffened.

Because, under that name, the woman surnamed Long in this generation is Long Lin. And this is not the most terrifying, the most shocking thing is that this generation of Long Lin’s name has not been crossed out with a red pen, but next to her name, Lin Jia’s name has been added with a black pen.

That’s right, it’s Lin Jia!

Hanzhe looked at it several times and found that this was Lin Jia’s name, and it was still written in Chinese characters. The ink on it hadn’t dried up yet, obviously it hadn’t been long since it was added.

And Lin Jia’s name was crossed out by a red pen!


Seeing this scene, Hanzhe suddenly snorted in his heart, and an ominous premonition gradually filled his heart.

Lin Jia’s name was crossed out with a red pen, but Long Lin’s was still there. There is no doubt that there must be a problem inside. The names of the previous generations that were crossed out by the red pen, what happened to those people, no matter good or bad, now Lin Jia must have been replaced.

In other words, the person who should have been crossed out in this generation should be Long Lin. But now it was replaced by Lin Jia?

But why is this in the end? What does it mean to be crossed out?

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