Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 283: Night attack

Don't panic, the reason is the same as yesterday.

In the past two days, I went to school during the day and was busy with car parts at night, and there was no time code.

The official chapter is dropped in the early morning, so everyone can rest early.

The rising sun rises above the clouds, and the sunlight is flat against the clouds, casting shadows on the sparse forest, and dyeing it with a faint bright gold.

As the temperature gradually recovered, the answer gradually became clear in everyone's mind.

There were a total of fifteen contestants, none of whom chose to set off immediately, but searched for materials in place.

Perhaps many people originally planned to cross the wilderness directly, but the severe cold last night made everyone realize the reality, and all the original plans were scrapped.

Surviving in the wilderness is far less simple than they thought.

This is the purpose of Bi Fang’s airdrop of everyone in the evening. It is to let everyone understand their own strength after spending a night, which is equivalent to a cooling-off period. Wilderness, when you encounter danger, you will be in trouble.

But this scene is quite boring in the eyes of the audience.

After working for a long time, no one moved forward and tried to find the people. They all stayed at the “safe point” that was originally put in. The audience who were accustomed to Bi Fang’s bold forward style were a little unbearable.

[No one goes across the wilderness? Even if you don’t find the people directly, you should try to find a wooden house, right? 】

[No way, all stay in place? So embarrassed? 】


[It is estimated that the old party will set off directly. 】

"It's not that no one wants to cross. If you look carefully, you can find that many people are actually making weapons." Bi Fang shook his head and pointed to Bono in front of him.

If a worker wants to do well, he must first sharpen his tools.

As a ranger, even though he slept in a hammock for one night, the high-intensity training all the year round didn't have much effect, but Bono still vaguely realized what was wrong.

It was too cold. I was completely awake in the morning. Although the hammock was clean and convenient, it could only solve the urgent need. He couldn't afford to sleep twice more.

It’s not that I haven’t survived in the wild before. Training in the wilderness is a common thing. Sometimes I can even stay in the bushes for a day and night. So although Bono is aware of the difficulty of the challenge, he doesn’t plan to stop there. He wants Travel through the wilderness to get a higher score!

Among the fifteen people, it is unlikely that there will be too many who can last for twelve days, but it will not be too few. At least Mu Jialun and that Huaxia are quite threatening. If they are satisfactory, it is difficult to get the first name!

With this idea in mind, Bono severely broke off a branch, then found two stones of suitable quality, slightly chiseled and started to cut the wood.

"Want to make a spear?"

Bi Fang nodded. This is also the choice made by quite a few contestants. Try to make a weapon, whether stone or wood. Each has its own advantages, whether it is to resist danger or hunt animals. necessary.

Stone spear, wooden spear, stone hammer...

As time passed by, various weapons appeared in front of the audience, which was amazing. Many of the weapon production methods had not been used by Bi Fang, which was quite novel.

Holding the roasted wooden spear, Ji Zuodong extinguished the fire, carried three long spears and two short spears behind him, and set off toward the depths of the forest like a primitive hunter.

Wild and charming, the eyes of the audience shine, this dress is too handsome.

[Fuck, who is the Great Sage?]

[The old general with the flag on his back]

[Slowly type a question mark? 】

[Ji Zuodong: Are you polite? 】

With the completion of the preparation work, more and more people have made their own choices. Bono and Ji Zuodong will try their best to eliminate the traces of the place and embark on the journey one after another.

When they cleared their traces, everyone knew that they did not intend to come back.

It was Mugalen, who was still screaming against a big tree, as if he would never give up without cutting it down.

This attracted Bi Fang's attention, because he discovered that Mugalun had been picking trees for a long time. With his eyesight, he could tell at a glance that he had picked a fir.

Chinese fir.

A kind of wood worthy of scrutiny.

You don’t have to be so troublesome to make ordinary wooden spears. Just choose some common tall trees. There are everywhere. Why waste time looking for fir?

Bi Fang stared at him for a long time, and he was rather surprised when he saw Mu Jialun cut off the outer layer of the tree before he understood what the other party was going to do.

"He wants to make a bow!"

【staff? 】

[In the wilderness, still want employees? 】

[I can't eat anymore, still want employees? 】

"It's not an employee, it's making bows and arrows." Bi Fang gestured with a bow down.

The audience suddenly realized it, and then they were deeply puzzled. They had seen Bi Fang make bows and arrows with branches. Why did they bother to cut down a tree?

"Because he wanted to make a real bow and arrow, my bow making method last time was nothing but a coincidence. The durability and strength are incomparable to real bows and arrows, and the method Mugalen chose is quite primitive. The whole tree makes a strong bow.

Willow, cedar, and walnut are all ideal materials for bow making. If you want a good bow, the material is the most important. That's why Mu Jialun spent a lot of time looking for cedar.

Quite a time-consuming practice, today may not be completed in one day, I guess Mugalen planned it from the beginning, otherwise he would not take so much time rashly. "

Bi Fang had to admire Mu Jialun’s perseverance. It was someone else, even if he could make weapons, but it would never take such a long time. Even if the bow was made using the simple method like last time, instead of Cut a tree and sharpen a big bow.

The survival time is only twelve days, and it is very risky to spend a whole day, or even more than one day, to make the bow, because you will be dozens of hours behind other people.

Others may have found the river and food at that time, but you have found nothing because the bow has not been made yet.

"However, Mu Jialun has 500g of canned meat, but I can understand his approach. The human body consumes a total of 1,700 kcal a day. Of course, there are differences depending on body shape and activity level, but it is probably this amount. The energy of 100g pork belly is about 350 calories, which means that this one can can cover the energy consumption of one day, which is also his advantage."

[That's awesome, it feels like a gambling. 】

[Plus one, if I change it, I’m sure that canned meat can’t be eaten without eating it, and I’ll do it after I can’t hold it. I didn’t expect that Lao Mu was so courageous, and he would finish it after he came up.]

[Yi Gao people are bold]

Muggalen didn't know the heated discussion among the audience, but patiently made his own long bow, holding a stone chisel in his hand, and chipping away unnecessary parts little by little.

The initial prototype is always the easiest to complete, and the subsequent polishing and processing are the real waste of time and effort, and it is also the key to the quality of a bow.

"It's the English longbow." Even though the longbow is still in its rudimentary form, Bi Fang can see at a glance what the big bow Mugalen wants to make, and he smiles, "Should I be called a deer hunter?"

Thinking of Mugalen's identity, it is not difficult to understand why he made such a long bow.

The English longbow is not a recurve bow. It is quite primitive in shape, but very powerful. It can shoot 100 meters away and penetrate armor. It is the best quality longbow.

A skilled archer can even shoot 6 arrows per minute, and without aiming, he can shoot 12 arrows per minute.

The only disadvantage is that the user must have a strong physique, superb technology and coordination in all aspects.

Many soldiers have abnormally curved spine after death due to long-term stress and special posture.

The reason why the British first chose to equip support troops with muskets was not even because the firearms were more powerful, but because the muskets were like crossbows. They were weapons that could be easily used without much training. Otherwise, it is not necessarily true. The ability to eliminate the English longbow shows its power.

Owning it is equivalent to owning a firearm, and its original shape means better production.

With so many advantages, there are still some traditional hunters using it. It is not surprising that Mugalen, who is also a traditional hunter, would choose to make it.

After listening to Fang's large explanation, the audience understood why Mugalen would rather waste a day to build such a long bow.

[This is an artifact! Didn't it come out to chop melons and vegetables? 】

[It doesn't matter if Lao Mu just looked for a tree just now, he was looking for it for a long time. How can I build an artifact without good materials? 】

[All talents! 】

[Guru Guru presents Big Bones*10 to the anchor-good commentary, and it's insightful again, awesome! 】

Seeing that Mugalen couldn't finish the meeting for a while, the camera director gave the shots to other contestants. They are all adults, and they have their own ideas whether to go or stay.

Those who left left after making weapons and equipment. Those who wanted to survive in the forest for twelve days also started to build their own shelters with their heart.

Looking over one by one, when it was Ava's turn, Bi Fang couldn't help but sit up straight, not because there were female contestants in the screen, but the only female contestants meeting!

This is the first case where contestants meet!

You know, the show allows team formation, but also does not prohibit fighting! As long as it doesn't cause harm, you can grab resources!

It depends on whether the players can understand the intention.

The audience was also taken aback when the two met.

[Damn, you ran into your own person so soon? 】

[Niu, niu, niu, it's the two little sisters, fighting, fighting, tearing clothes! 】

【? ? ? 】

[How did the airdrops go? Why did they meet so easily? 】

"You should remember that the fifteen contestants were divided into four helicopters, which is equivalent to four groups. The four groups are far apart, but the members of each group are very close."

Since you can team up and snatch, you must give the players a chance to meet. If you divide too far, the distance between the players and the players is tens of thousands of miles, let alone snatch, it is considered good to meet.

Coincidentally, Ava and Lisa are in the same group, less than one kilometer apart. If the exploration range is not large, they can easily meet.

Therefore, when the two met, they were all taken aback. Five meters away, they were facing each other in the forest. No one spoke, and there was silence.

The silence lasted for a long time, but none of the audience felt impatient and all looked forward to the next development.


Ava took the lead in the beginning. She didn't want to waste time, competition, and wasting time was a waste of life.

Lisa just thought for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."


Is it their Crimson King?

What just happened to form a team?

"There is something here!"

Mugalen slowly searched for animal trails in the grass. As a member of the deer hunter, Mugalen undoubtedly has real abilities. Less than two minutes after getting off the car, he looks almost exactly the same to ordinary people. In the grass, traces of prey were found.

An overwhelmed bush.

Mu Jialun looked overjoyed, and when he was about to step forward to take a closer look, he suddenly remembered something, and he consciously glanced at the side of Bi Fang, wanted to see if the other party had found anything, but rushed for nothing.

There was nothing in the light, only a piece of moss.



So why is the big guy missing?

Mu Jialun was taken aback. He turned his head and looked to his side. Bi Fang, who had been standing behind him, had disappeared without a trace. He couldn't believe his eyes.

The two obviously got out of the car together, so how come they disappeared suddenly.

He hurriedly turned around to ask Button, and Button stretched his finger in a direction. Mugalen took a look and found that Bi Fang had already reached the depths of the forest, leaving only a small back.

Have a discovery?

So fast?

Mugalen ran quickly, approached and slowed down to prevent the prey from being shocked. Patton also drove up to keep up. After a certain distance, he took two small cars out of the car and walked, wanting to see Bi Fang in the end. What was found.

Patton, who had been in the car, could see clearly. After getting out of the car, Bi Fang seemed to look around at random, and walked purposefully in one direction, completely different from Mu Jialun who was looking for clues everywhere.

"21 Days of Primitive Survival", "Survival 1 plus 1", "Living is King", "Wild Wild Couple File", etc. are all popular wilderness survival programs in previous lives.

However, in this world without Mr. Pei, these wonderful shows did not appear, but when Bi Fang introduced the concept of survival in the wild in the form of live entertainment and it was a great success, the talents of the world seemed to be opened up by Ren Du Like two veins, one orifice communicates with all others.

The Discovery Channel is one of the best. It was a flower when it first appeared. After Bi Fang's 21-day survival at sea, he launched a new show called Wilderness Arena.

Many wild survivors compete on the same platform to challenge the survival of the wild, which lasts for 300 hours, which is twelve days.

During this time, the eliminated players will have no rewards, and then the ranking will be determined from the remaining survivors. Bifang scored. The first place will be awarded with 100,000 ugly gold, and the second place will be awarded with 50,000 third place. Ten thousand, including all medical expenses.

If no one remains, no reward will be issued.

This is a cruel game system, and it is also full of temptation.

The top one hundred thousand ugly gold, but a very generous reward, and the program group's medical expenses and travel expenses are all inclusive, completely free of one hundred thousand U.S. dollars.

As for Bi Fang, he played multiple roles throughout the program, namely, as a commentator and as a security consultant, responsible for handling any possible crisis situations, and as the final judge.

There is more than one judge, but Bi Fang is the judge with the most power and has the final interpretation and decision-making power. The other judges only have the right to make suggestions, which shows that Discovery Channel values ​​him.

On the one hand, Bi Fang’s reputation is too great, and he has made many famous deeds. Ordinary people can eat one of these deeds for a lifetime, but when these things happen to one person, this person becomes a legend. synonym.

And from any point of view, Bi Fang is also a master of crisis management, and there are few things he can't solve. No matter how desperate the situation is, he can always turn the danger into a breeze and raise his reputation to the next level.

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