Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 381: Arrive at base camp, above the snow line!

"Team trekking, especially when some members of the group are inexperienced with trekking, you need to have an experienced person at the front of the walking group to lead the way, and an experienced person at the back of the group as well. To keep from falling behind, I let Rob take the lead today and I'm at the end of the team."

Bi Fang pulled out the trekking poles from the dirt and climbed a rock. From today, they will start climbing, at least 600 meters.

"When we go uphill, we should take small steps, the center of body weight should be forward, and the stride should be the same as walking on flat ground. The joints are kept slightly flexed to reduce the pressure on the knees from the pack weight, and it is easier to zig-zag when going up and down steep slopes.”

"If the soil on the uphill is relatively soft, such as composed of sand, gravel or snow, then it is best to take a side step, and stop in a side step state when you stop, because the side step state is relatively stable. This is not easy to slip, and you must pay attention to anti-skid, not to mention walking on loose rocks, it is easy to landslides, in addition, a walking stick is also necessary to help you walk more steadily.”

The lord in front listened carefully and couldn't help but admire: "I have traveled so many roads, but I have never thought of the truth and simple rules. It seems that your adventure is not a personal heroism, but a kind of wisdom. reflect."

Bi Fang scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

[Seriously teaching, I die of laughter, it is useless at all]

【The otaku who has never been out of the city】

[I also want to travel and climb snow-capped mountains, but my wallet does not allow it]

[What's not allowed is lazy! Xue Fang Shen, don't need anything, find a tricycle and pull it to the virgin forest, isn't it beautiful? 】

【It looks like an old fan】

At this moment, Rob's voice suddenly came from the front of the team: "It's time to cross the bridge, you should put the trekking poles away and don't insert them into the cracks of the bridge."

Bi Fang put away the trekking poles and looked ahead. It was still a narrow bridge. They had met many times along the way. The bridge deck was so narrow that they couldn't even walk side by side, and it was suspended in the sky. Going up will make people fight with each other, but after walking a lot, you will get used to it.

After crossing the bridge, Bi Fang pulled out the trekking pole again and continued: "In open terrain, we should advance in a single column, and keep the distance between each other within the reach of our hands and hands. The advantage is that in the event of a blizzard and visibility drops sharply, no one will be left behind.”

"Huh, ha, no, I can't learn it." Wang Yongbo in front suddenly gasped for breath, holding his breath for a long time, took a big mouthful, then held his chest to take a big breath.

"This is for your own good." Bi Fang raised his hand and looked at the electronic watch, only 20 minutes had passed, "It's not good to say, after here, President Wang's physical fitness is the worst, and it is very likely that he will even board the C1 camp. No, so you have to practice abdominal breathing now."

"Inhale to expand the belly, exhale to deflate the belly", smell the fragrance of flowers, "inhale" the breath into the dantian, breathe at a normal frequency for half a minute, the blood oxygen saturation will rise significantly, and the effect is immediate and repeated.

This is what I taught everyone when I set off this morning, especially Wang Yongbo.

According to Bi Fang's method, as long as you do it patiently, do it correctly, and do it continuously, the blood oxygen saturation will generally not drop below 95%, and it will be greatly relieved or not hypoxia in a few minutes.

However, as soon as abdominal breathing stops, the oxygen saturation of the blood will drop again within half a minute. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a habit to maintain no hypoxia.

Ordinary people generally need more than a month of practice to master it, and there will be a reverse period in the middle, and it is necessary to rely on a strong will to overcome irritability. Once the habit is formed and becomes subconscious, everything will be easy to handle.

"I have emphasized many times that breathing is very important, and breathing is very important. If the human body is an engine, then oxygen is the fuel, and the way you breathe represents the combustion efficiency. The difference between abdominal breathing and deep breathing is the difference between quality and quantity. We have to improve the quality as much as possible in order to adapt to the hypoxic environment.”

Wang Yongbo sighed: "That's what I said, but I'm really tired. I forget it when I relax, forget it when I walk, and forget it when I jump over a stone, but I can't remember it at all."

"Don't worry, I'll keep watching, and I'll remind you if you notice that your breathing has changed, and now is the best time. After waiting for 4000 meters, you can't even practice if you want to."

"Okay, okay." Wang Yongbo waved his hand and changed his breathing again.

Everyone crossed a river again, and there was the noise of the flow of people in front.

Several donkey carts were driven by their owners. Bi Fang and others all pulled aside and waited quietly for the donkey carts to pass by. The lord even took off his hat and saluted.

"When you are hiking in the countryside, pay attention to protecting the natural environment in the wild and respect other people you meet on the way. If you encounter other walkers, cyclists or horse riders, you must take the initiative to give way, and all **** is taken away. Take it with you, and don't trample or disturb you when passing crops or livestock herds. If there is a dog with you, tie it up with a leash to avoid the above situation. Finally, pay attention to vehicles and be sure to walk on the outside. for a timely response.”

After giving way to the donkey cart, everyone went on the road again. The fields and roads were intertwined. Although it was a plateau, it was a prosperous plain.

Nearly every flat and open field has been cultivated and planted with crops of all kinds, the hillsides are strewn with prayer flags, and Buddhist shrines and walls inscribed with sutras stand on the peaks.

All are trekkers.

The locals grow crops among the ridges, and the travelers rush towards the snow-capped mountains in their hearts.

Live in this moment.

"Take a break."

Climbing over a mountain again, Rob directed everyone to make a brief repair. Everyone came to a tea house to rest and ordered a pot of local Masala tea.

“Every time I see people living in harmony with nature, I think it’s the most beautiful moment in life. I’ve said before that there are about 4 million different species of plants and animals living in the world. There are 400 people who are Thousands of different answers. Now, seven billion people also have seven billion different answers about how to live."

The lord inserted the trekking pole into the soil and looked at the Sherpas among the fields with emotion.

Bi Fang raised his head, squinted his eyes, and asked in cooperation, "What about the answer from the lord?"

"Me?" Attenborough was stunned for a moment, then said after thinking for a moment, "For me, the natural world is the greatest pleasure, the greatest visual enjoyment and the greatest source of intellectual interest. The source of things. What about you? What is the reason for you to keep taking risks? You always set yourself one goal after another, I don’t think you can easily achieve it, right? That goal is meaningless, but since it is difficult , then there must be a day of failure, and then, will you be disappointed?"

[Ah, the reason, originated from an annual meeting in high school (funny)]

[Fangshen is impossible to fail! 】

[I feel that this time is really difficult. I didn't see Lao Fang climb the mountain without oxygen.]

[This thing has to be trained all the time, right? Fang Shen has been live streaming all the time. After taking a break, how can there be time to train for mountain climbing? 】

[Bold prophecy, the beginning of Waterloo! 】

Bi Fang loosened the straps of his backpack and changed his tone: "I am actually very inclined towards Adler's philosophy. Have you ever heard of a saying called 'live in the moment'?"


"Yes, Adler's philosophy very much agrees with this point of view. Some people's roadmap for pursuing happiness is to make progress first, and they think that they can only achieve happiness if they make progress. Some people's roadmap is to be free first."

Bi Fang took a sip of Masala tea to moisten his mouth, and was about to continue, but unexpectedly Saito Tomohiro, who had been silent, suddenly interjected: "Is there any problem with the roadmap for progress?"

Bi Fang glanced at Saito in surprise, but shook his head: "There is nothing wrong in essence, no one has the right to oppose other people's pursuit of happiness, but happiness is subjective after all, and I do not agree with the roadmap for progress. I don’t agree, because you are always on the road, just like climbing a mountain. Mr. Saito has challenged Mount Everest four times, but he has not been successful. He even considers the summit as a birthday gift, that’s because you think only the top of the mountain is happy, right? The process of climbing is the price of happiness?"

Saito was suddenly silent, and he was noncommittal.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Bi Fang drank the tea and quickly asked: "But what if I can't climb it? What if I find a higher mountain after I climbed it? This kind of life is like being targeted by a certain target. I don't think it's happy or free to walk by."

"The Adler philosophy believes that life is not a line leading to a certain destination. Life is a continuum of countless 'points'. Every moment and every moment should be cherished, experienced and enjoyed. This is like Travel does not mean that you have to reach a certain destination to be considered a travel. The moment you step out of the house, the travel has already begun, and every bit of the road is worth appreciating.

You want to be a pianist, you can. But it is not happiness to be a pianist. Adler is not forbidding you to work hard for your goals, he is for you to enjoy every moment of practicing the piano.

In other words, Adler wants you to live seriously. Being serious doesn't mean being profound. Life doesn't have to be profound - just be serious. If you can't live seriously, always on the road, and never like your current self, then you may never be happy in your life.

Seriousness is the most basic attitude. One is your attitude towards yourself. I have never regarded various goals as a burden, but a benchmark on the road of my pursuit of freedom and happiness. It represents that I have been here and appreciated it, not a turning point where suffering turns into happiness. It is not The burden is my motivation. Even if the challenge fails, I will not be too sad. Of course, the completion of the goal will be a peak of happiness, and this is the meaning of my pursuit. "

Yao Jun slapped Bi Fang on the shoulder and gasped, "Hey, it sounds so awesome."

"read more books."

Yao Jun: "..."

Withers on the side sniffed: "But if you don't reach the top, no one will remember you at all."

Bi Fang was very calm: "As I said, happiness is very subjective. You take fame and fame as your pursuit, and that's your business."

[Master, I understand]

[This is going to write novels. Even if I go to the street again and again and have no appetite, I will persevere, woo woo woo. 】

After drinking the tea, everyone went on the road again, perhaps because they were touched by Bi Fang's words. Throughout the afternoon, the team moved much faster and successfully reached Nanqi before evening.

Another night off.


Day 3: Nanqi 3440m - Yuboqi 3860m

Departing at 7:15, I saw Mount Everest for the first time. Mount Everest was covered by clouds, and on the right was Lhotse.

Yubozaki is a local religious center and this temple is where we first got our Hada.

Rob took us to a nearby temple and hoped that the lama of the temple would pray for our journey. When we got the hada given by the lama, the leader also reminded us not to forget to give back some sesame oil money. I paid 5 bucks gold.

The mountain house that night did not provide hot water, nor did it provide free charging. The price for a full charge was 300 rupees. Whether it was a mobile power supply or a mobile phone, there was no toilet in the room, and the public toilet was shared. I took time to shave tonight.

Day 4: Tangboqi 3860M - Dingboqi 4410M

Here you can clearly see the famous mountain of the journey, Amada Brown Peak. In this high-altitude area, as long as the sun goes down the mountain, the temperature drops faster than diving, and the temperature is very cold in the morning and evening.

Since most of the team members have never reached this height, I plan to let them adapt to the height tomorrow, and will stay in Dingboqi for 2 nights to improve everyone's adaptability. Yao Jun has not been able to sleep well in recent nights. He always gets up 3 or 4 times a night.

Rob is very qualified as a guide, but the basic skills need to be polished, and he doesn't seem to be able to observe everyone's physical state very well, so I need to pay more attention.

The mountain house does not provide free charging, and there is no toilet in the room, and the rest of the public toilets are shared; since the mountain house is made of wood, but it has reached this height, it is good to have these.

Day 5: Dingboqi 4410M-Nakashan 5616M-Dingboqi 4410M

Today is an altitude acclimatization day. Climbing to a higher altitude during the day and returning to a lower altitude for a rest at night will help speed up acclimatization to the hypoxic environment.

Trying to climb Nakashan for a bird's-eye view of Dingboqi, the suburban mountains are more than 5000M.

But because of the weather, the more you climbed the clouds, the thicker you were, and there was almost no vision. In the end, it only climbed to about 4820M and then turned back. It didn't feel difficult, it was a bit simple, but the real difficulty was still to come.

No matter how good the photos are, you can't capture the spaciousness of the scene, and you can't be moved without being there in person.

At the beginning of 4000 meters, some people's bodies gradually began to develop problems. It was not due to insufficient blood oxygen, but also flatulence and loss of appetite. A small number of people started to have runny noses, but fortunately there were no other particularly uncomfortable places.

But there is good news, and there is also bad news. The good news is that the feeling of Wang Yongbo's heart grabbing has completely disappeared today (blood oxygen is still falling, maybe C1 is his end point), one factor that may cause altitude sickness has been ruled out, and Sir Sir's physical response was better than I imagined, very powerful.

The bad news is that Gehrman...smears...Bellman...well, to be honest, I admit I don't really remember the man's name, and his only hiking boot was cracked.

It may be that it was too steep to climb Nakashan down the mountain today. When I came back, I found that I had opened my mouth. Faced with nearly 10 days of travel, I buried a hidden worry.

But the spare boots we prepared didn't fit him. This guy's feet are at least a size bigger than all of us. Asians have only 2 knuckles on their fifth phalanges, but Ouchou's feet have 5 phalanges. In the third section, only 2 bones are missing from both feet. Are Ouchou people's feet really bigger in general?

Luckily we'll be separated when we reach base camp.

Rob helped him put on the stickers and straps, hoping everyone was okay.

I have no discomfort, all physical indicators are normal.

The air is very fresh.

Day 6: Dingboqi 4410M - Luobuqi 4910M

In the remains of a slate hut surrounded by mountains, UU reading www.uukanshu. If you don't look at the five-color flag, it's a little Nordic style.

Resting in the mountaineering hero monument area under Mount Everest, there are stone inscriptions everywhere.

It was only 1 degree outside at 4 pm. I started wearing a down vest to sleep tonight, and I will go to EBC tomorrow. The progress is a little slow, and the training time left for me may be less than 20 days.

Day 7: Luobuqi 4910M - Gao Lexue 5140M - EverestBaseCamp5364M

On April 28, we arrived at the base camp.


Bifang closed the cap and tucked the notes into the liner.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Bi Fang took a deep breath, the cold air rushed into his lungs, and he stepped on the snow line, leaving a deep footprint.


5364 meters!

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