Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 436: first built

"Wow, this is Huaxia?"

On the plane, Etienne got off the plane with Bi Fang.

In the surging flow of people, there are faces with oriental colors everywhere, which is extremely rare in Etienne's life experience.

Etienne has been to many countries in Europe, but when he walks around, they all have similar faces, similar cultures, and nothing unusual. Such a stark contrast fills his eyes with curiosity, and he looks around.

"Let's go, don't walk around." Bi Fang beckoned and asked Etienne to follow.

Two days ago, after the four of them greeted Yanniao, Bi Fang received a notice from Yao Jun that the club was about to open, which was why he didn't follow along to see Yanniao.

Unlike Bi Fang, who is a shopkeeper, Yao Jun and Lin Chang put a lot of effort into it, in addition to money.

After learning this news, how could Etienne miss it, naturally clamoring to come, while Erwan and Lennon stayed in the Arctic tundra and continued to observe wild goose and birds.

So, Etienne followed Bi Fang to the magic capital.

"Hey, Bi Fang, this, I want this!" Etienne pointed to the pancake stall on the road. Although he had never seen it before, the wafting fragrance successfully attracted the foreign boy.

Bi Fang was taking a taxi, when he heard this, he turned his head and glanced, raised his hand to order some ingredients, and shouted, "Boss, add two more eggs."


A few minutes later, Etienne happily got into the car with pancakes and fruit.

Surprisingly, as soon as I got in the car, the taxi driver called out.

"I rely on! Fang Shen!"

"Hey, why is it you again?"

Bi Fang also recognized at a glance who the driver was. It was the taxi driver who had promised not to pay, but the phone was automatically debited!

It's a real life where we don't meet.

I didn't expect it to be so coincidental, and I ran into it again.

Speaking of this, the taxi driver scratched his head embarrassedly, and was a little embarrassed to meet the original owner: "Haha, isn't this unexpected? I was so happy at the time that I forgot that the charge was automatic, this time, it will be exempted this time. Order! You cancel the order, and I'll take a ride for free."

Bi Fang waved his hand: "I'm just joking, and I'll watch more videos when I'm really happy. That's the biggest support for me."

It was also a joke at the beginning, people earn hard money, how can Bi Fang still struggle with this?

The taxi driver nodded again and again: "That's for sure, every time I give you a coin, it's different from those who read things for free. I vote for novels and support the original!"

Bi Fang nodded amusedly: "Yes, support genuine!"

"My God, I heard that your club is going to open?" On the way, the driver asked curiously.

After two days of fermenting, the news that the club will open on Children's Day has spread all over the world. Today, Bi Fang's global fans are at least 50 million, and may even exceed 100 million.

Many people commented in the dynamic below that they must go back to Magic Capital on Children's Day to support, and even some foreigners said that they are already applying for visas and passports, and they will take off immediately as long as the days are together.

Although many of them may be jokes, it is also enough to prove the level of anticipation of fans around the world.

It has been more than half a year since the news of the club's preparations was released. Although it has been very fast in terms of engineering, for fans, it is really like a year.

I usually don't see Bi Fang, I don't participate in any activities, and I don't appear in any programs. The only thing I've ever been to is a talk show, far away on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Now I finally have the opportunity to get close to the big guy, how could I not be excited.

Hearing the master's question, Bi Fang nodded: "Yes, come and join us at that time."

"Definitely." The driver nodded and said with a little regret, "Unfortunately, my son is already in junior high school, and there will be no holiday on Children's Day, otherwise I will definitely take him there."

"This year's June 1st is a weekend. In junior high school... it should be released, right?" Bi Fang wanted to say that they could go together, but after a pause, thinking about the current education, junior high school students also roll out on Saturdays and Sundays. Very, really not necessarily free.

"Hey, is that so? That's just right, we can go together!" The driver was immediately happy, but then his face collapsed again, "Great God, the club you open won't be very expensive, right?"

"Hahaha, don't worry, there's no need to worry about this. If you visit, it's completely free, you can also listen to the teaching, and you can also watch the hunt, but if you want to actually go to class and receive training, you still have to pay."

"Hunting, still hunting?" The driver pricked up his ears.

"Of course......"

Bi Fang chatted with the driver all the way. Although Etienne learned a little Chinese, she still couldn't communicate smoothly and just looked out the window silently.

Soon the car arrived at the door of the club, and through the window, the driver opened his mouth in surprise.


Entering the street, the surrounding greenery has risen by more than one level. There is a large square at the entrance, a huge fountain stands in the middle, and there is a huge round platform on it. Maybe something needs to be placed, but it has not yet been placed.

It is surrounded by various sports equipment, as well as many bowls and terrains, and sports venues.

In the square shot, the huge domed building is located like a hall, and each venue is divided into them. Behind it, you can clearly see a large area of ​​ground that is almost a plain, and horses are running on it.

The driver and Etienne swallowed and were shocked by this huge handwriting.

Even in an urban area, such a large area must be an astronomical figure!

The driver was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously, "Weird, how much does this cost?"

Bi Fang didn't answer, he only knew that because of this club, he has been a "rich poor man" until now.

Fortunately, the location is remote, and the main hunting grounds are basically primitive, so don’t worry too much, and as a visible tourism project, the government has also come forward with special subsidies, and there are many preferential policies for land prices and construction. this huge venue.

Farewell to the driver, Bi Fang and Etienne entered the venue under the guidance of security.

As soon as she entered, Etienne opened her mouth in surprise.

As soon as I entered the hall, the first thing I saw was not the interior furnishings, but the surrounding walls, which were more than ten meters high, and there were a pair of super-giant oil paintings that were unimaginably huge.

The oil painting wrapped Etienne, making him feel like an ant walking into a classical and huge European church in the middle of the night.

Etienne looked around, and the shock in her eyes became more and more intense.

In the first picture, in the vast virgin forest, Bi Fang holds a spear and stretches his muscles with tension, stabbing at the huge black bear flying towards him like a gladiator in ancient Rome.

In the second picture, on the snowy plains of Nuoda, Bi Fang held a torch high, and led people as small as ants in the wind and snow, and behind him were a huge pack of ferocious wolves.

In the third picture, in the dark cave, Bi Fang was holding a torch and cautiously exploring the road ahead. At the corner, a huge crocodile-shaped monster lit up half of its hideous face in the darkness.

The fourth picture, above the golden sea of ​​clouds, the drone is facing and admiring the dark abyss full of purple lightning, the two rows are tired geese, Bi Fang's face is full of determination, Etienne was full of joy.

"And me! And me!" Etienne jumped and jumped excitedly when she saw that there was actually herself on the huge oil painting.

Bi Fang continued to walk forward.

In the fifth picture, the picture shrinks rapidly, overlooking the entire boundless ocean. Above the blue ocean, Bi Fang is standing on a small raft. On the raft is a shark skeleton, covered with blood. The blue whale showed most of its body shape, like a giant beast in myth.

In the sixth picture, UU reading Bi Fang stands on the abandoned top floor, looking at the flaming city, surrounded by ragged victims.

The seventh pair, that is a towering snow-capped mountain, Bi Fang stands on the top of the snow-capped mountain, holding a five-star red flag, and in front of him is a boundless sea of ​​clouds of golden light.

Eighth, blank.

The ninth, still blank.

"It should be reserved for the wonderful pictures in the future." Bi Fang thought to himself.

Did you create so many wonderful moments without knowing it?

Etienne also ran over. He saw that there were still many places to hang in the back, but they were all empty, but in the very center, there was a huge black screen, the size of a huge oil painting, and asked curiously: " What's that for?"

"That's for live broadcasts!"

Yao Jun came in from the exit of the hall with a smile on his face.

"In the future, this screen will be dedicated to broadcast live broadcasts during Bi Fang's live broadcast. That's the best oil painting, isn't it?"

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