Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 559: Red blood and black waves

The huge dolphin sculpture points to the sea from afar. At this time, the sea is calm and the waves are calm, and only the whistle of the fishing boat is ready to move forward.

At sea, it takes a long time for a bird to fly away from your field of vision, and you can watch it for a long time without any obstruction.

The sun had just risen, and it was less than 5:30 in the morning. Bi Fang stood on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance. There were still nearly three hours before the live broadcast, and now he had enough time to observe and record.

There are more than a dozen fishing boats, big and small, all lined up in Dolphin Bay. Flags are hung on the sides and masts, and chickens, ducks and fish are sacrificed on the deck.

It is not only dedicated to the ocean, but also an alternative bait.

Bi Fang didn't have a watch, and the fishing boats in the port hadn't moved yet, but he felt it was fast, maybe it was five thirty-eight.

Fishermen tend to believe more in the myth of eccentricity than peasants.

The floating, unfathomable sea is far more erratic than the down-to-earth soil.

When people face uncertainty, they will have superstitious thinking.

In 1948, an English anthropologist studied a primitive tribe near Papua New Guinea that made a living by fishing. There is an inner lake on the island where they are located. The resources in the inner lake are very stable. As long as you go there, there are fish, but the quantity and quality are average.

The quality of the inner lake is not good, so fishermen sometimes have to go out to fish, but going out to sea is full of uncertainty - sometimes they can catch big and many fish, sometimes they will come back empty-handed, maybe there are more Danger.

The fishermen have a primitive religious ritual before going out to sea, and they are willing to believe in strange powers and chaos.

But anthropologists have noticed that fishermen are not always superstitious. The fishermen only engage in religious ceremonies before they go out to fish.

The question is, if you really believe in God, shouldn’t you be grateful for God’s gifts when you go fishing in Neihu?

It seems that the fishermen don't care much about God's feelings... They just want to do something to intervene in the uncertainty.

The same is true of athletes. A good score or goal is not successful every time. Why did the last one hit, but this one missed?

I must have done something wrong.

Then some small movements began, such as licking the bat, hitting the ground twice with the bat, or drawing a cross on the chest.

This phenomenon exists not only in humans, but also in the animal kingdom. The ugly country psychologist B.F. Skinner conducted an experiment with pigeons in 1948.

Put the pigeons in a cage first, and there is a small organ in the cage. In the beginning, the pigeons will get food when they touch the organs. The behavior of the pigeons is normal. If they want to eat, they will touch the organs.

Then Skinner changed the game. Whether the pigeons can get food by touching the trap has been changed to random. Sometimes there is a touch, and sometimes it is not after a few touches.

But the pigeon doesn't know what randomness is, and it just wonders, what did I do right last time, and it ended up with food?

Skinner found that pigeons' behavior patterns had changed.

Now every time the pigeon touches the trap, it will do some extra actions. Sometimes it shakes my head, sometimes it turns twice...

Pigeons became superstitious.

Fishermen hold sacrificial ceremonies, athletes pursue good luck, pigeons do superfluous actions, some rely on God, some rely on themselves, but they all embody the same kind of thinking in essence - that is, when faced with uncertainty, people always want to do Do something to intervene.

We know that doing it is not necessarily easy, but we still do it, because if we don't do it, we won't step on it - this is superstition.

As for what the ocean will think, these people don't care at all subconsciously.

7, 5, 3, and 8 are all Japanese favorite numbers. There is a festival called 753, which is a festival to bless children. Except for nine and thirteen, Japanese prefer odd numbers.

Although I can't see what those guys are doing, more than a dozen fishing boats are lined up in front of Dolphin Bay and should be leaving soon.

The mist on the sea gradually dissipated, and it was already past five-thirty, and it was only a few minutes away from five-thirty-eight.

Bi Fang stared hard, but unfortunately it was too far away, he couldn't see anything clearly, he could only observe it through a drone in the distance.

On the fishing boat, the captain knelt on the incense, and the gongs, drums, and firecrackers blared in unison.

One of the dozen or so fishing boats was a new boat. The deck was very clean and not covered with bird droppings. The air was filled with a strong smell of paint, which was a bit pungent.

Several crew members were standing at the bow of the ship. Some people kept sniffing their noses and felt a little uncomfortable. A young guy was wearing diving pants. It could be seen that it might have been taken from his father. It was old and spacious. Hunting that has been passed down from generation to generation.

He stretched out his arms, and he could really find the feeling of a petrel flying in the wind on the sea, but it seemed that one of the petrels was black, which seemed a little out of place, but before the young man could take a closer look, the black petrel disappeared.

Everything started with friendly greetings, and there were nothing more than a few topics. Occasionally, someone could be heard showing off the affair on the eve of departure.

Soon, 5:38 arrived, as expected.

The dozen or so fishing boats all honked their whistle, and the white foam swayed from the sides of the boats, pushing the waves forward.

The departure ceremony started on time, not even a minute earlier or later.

As soon as he set out to sea, the young man Feiyao didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he was very excited.

As a child, Asuka was used to watching dolphin shows in the aquarium. Those smart dolphins are really cute. His room is full of dolphin posters and small toys, but people can't always be the same.

With the growth of age, Asuka likes more and more things, the new version of the game console, VCD, the cute girl in the neighbor's house.

After going to college, I want more things, the best computer, a comfortable environment, food for pets, shelter, cool bicycles, an ergonomic chair...

And these all cost money.

But a qualified dolphin can be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even if you can't get all of them, you can still meet most of your needs.

It's summer vacation. The girl from the neighbor's house wants the latest cosmetics, but unfortunately it costs tens of thousands of yen. Asuka feels that she has to satisfy her.

Compared with money, cute dolphins are nothing.

The older crew members saw Fei Niao in a daze, and scolded: "Fei Niao, is this the time to be in a daze?"

Fei Niao was startled, and ran quickly: "Come here, senior, what do I need to do."

"Hold it!" The older crew member handed a long pole to Asuka.

The bird took it with both hands, and unexpectedly found that the pole was very heavy, and the length was almost close to the length of the entire fishing boat. There was a **** at the end of the long pole, which was very heavy. It bent against the whole pole. I don’t know what it was used for. of.

But soon, Asuka knew.

The older crew member bit the cigarette holder and handed a hammer to Asuka. Without even explaining, he leaned the long pole against the fence, inserted it into the sea water, and hit the head with the hammer.

The flying bird looked at it with a bewildered expression.

What is this doing?

Breathing out a puff of smoke, the old sailor scolded, "What's wrong with you? Can't you just do the same?"

Fei Niao, who has not yet started, has been scolded for a good chance. He is a little unconvinced when he is young and vigorous, but thinking of today's dividend, he still bears it, imitating the actions of the old crew, inserting the long pole into the water and hitting it with a hammer long pole.

At first, he thought it was a very easy job, but after a few minutes of tapping, he felt numb and painful in his left hand holding the pole. When he spread it out, it became red and swollen.

The long pole kept vibrating under the hammer's strike, and the subtle and dense vibration made his hand turn red.

The old sailor took two glances, spit the cigarette holder into the sea, and snorted coldly.

Only some experienced crew members know that working gloves are essential.

For this stunned young man who doesn't know how to respect his predecessors and is covered in thorns, it is very necessary to teach him a lesson.

Flying Bird heard the sneer clearly, gritted his teeth, took off his clothes, and held it in his hands. Not only did he not get discouraged, but he tapped harder.

But soon, the captain noticed Asuka. He and Asuka's father were good friends. He took off the upper glove on his right hand and threw it to Asuka.

Asuka looked back and said in surprise, "Captain!"

The captain patted Asuka on the shoulder and encouraged: "Do well, dolphins will always come to Taiji along the migration route, which has not changed for thousands of years, we just need to wait for their self-injection. already."


Bi Fang stood on the top of the mountain with his arms in his arms, watching all this happen, but he was indifferent.

To stop it now, I can only stop it this time, but there will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, next month, year after year.

Looking down at the Dolphin Bay, Bi Fang could clearly see that more than a dozen fishing boats were lined up in a row. The crew put some long rods into the water with flanges at the tail, and then hit the head with a hammer.

Due to the whiplash effect, only a small force needs to be applied to the head of the club, and the tail of the club can form a larger vibration and transmit sound, which forms a sound wall.

Dolphins are extremely sensitive to sound, so sensitive that many people find it incredible.

According to Richard, the center of all dolphinariums is a "fish house". No matter which "fish house" you go to, you will find boxes of Maalox and Tagamet, both of which are drugs that reduce gastric acid secretion.

It's here because all dolphins have stomach ulcers.

They are overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

This is almost the same as humans.

Only by seeing what they look like in the sea can you understand that this kind of captivity will not work.

Dolphins are auditory animals, and hearing is their main sense. Humans' most advanced sonar, if compared with dolphins, is also insignificant.

They can easily "listen through" humans in the ocean, hear your nervous heartbeat because of falling into the water, your bones, whether you are pregnant or not. Dolphins can get a lot of information just by sound.

After the dolphins were arrested, they were thrown into a concrete pool, surrounded by circles of screaming spectators, and after retreating every night, there were all kinds of machinery that tolerated non-stop operation.

Like a human being stretched his eyelids open, a headlight that does not turn off for 24 hours is placed in front of his eyes.

When the Baltimore National Aquarium first started operating, dolphins died one after another, and the staff tried their best to keep them alive.

In the end, they found out that the filter system was too noisy, and the constant noise pressure was killing the dolphins.

Hearing is the main trachea of ​​dolphins, and it has also become their most fatal weakness in Taiji Town.

Taking advantage of dolphins' sensitivity to sound, fishermen drove more than a dozen small boats to the seaport where dolphins gathered, artificially making noise in the sea, placing a long pole from the boat into the sea, and constantly beating and creating a row of sound waves to form sound. The wall was designed to frighten dolphins, animals that rely mainly on keen hearing, and drive hundreds of dolphins to shore.

The dolphins are running for their lives, escaping the sound wall.

Finally, the fishermen will drive the dolphins into the lagoons blocked by fishing nets, and start to raise the butcher knives and kill the terrified dolphins.

With a little tap, Asuka soon noticed the difference, and the originally calm sea seemed to become restless.

As the fishing boats lined up to form a semi-encirclement towards the Dolphin Bay, suddenly some dolphins jumped out of the sea, but these dolphins did not jump into the ocean dexterously like the birds usually see on the beach, but hit them heavily on the beach. Above the sea, the waves are set off.

For some reason, Asuka was frightened, and the movements of his hands slowed down.

"Hey! Boy, don't stop!" Seeing this, the old sailor next to him directly kicked Fei Niao's crotch and kicked him to the ground. He shouted loudly, "Now is a critical period, don't let any A dolphin escaped! They'll tip off!"

Asuka's kneecap collided with the deck, and the severe pain made him wake up quickly. Thinking of the banknotes he was about to get, he stood up with difficulty and continued to tap.

With the first one, soon, more and more dolphins jumped out of the water, broke through the sea, and fell into the water.

They were originally elves in the ocean, but now, they seem to have forgotten how to swim.

The blue sea was quickly filled with white waves, and when you looked around, it was all white foam.

Soon, the encirclement was shrunk by half, slowly approaching Dolphin Bay.

The sound wall is like a big net that catches all the dolphins and drags them to the narrow dolphin bay.

Some dolphins have already entered the Dolphin Bay, and the fishermen on the shore shouted loudly. Some people even couldn't wait to slide their boats into the sea, raising the long hook knife in their hands, and approached the dolphins who were swimming towards the talk.

The long hook knife gleamed fiercely in the sun. It was a hook and cutting tool specially used to destroy the equipment of enemy ships in ancient naval battles.

The shape is a very long pole with a loop attached to a sharp hook-shaped knife. When approaching the enemy ship, the hook knife is stretched out, hooking and cutting the rope of the enemy's mast, causing the canvas to fall and lose its wind power~www. ~ easy to pick up ships for combat.

The fishermen who jumped into the sea did not stab at random, but specifically searched for dolphins in poor condition. These dolphins have no value and are only feed.

A fisherman suddenly found an injured dolphin swimming towards him, as if he wanted to ask for help. Seeing this scene, the fisherman held a long hook knife and suddenly stabbed the dolphin's spine, hooking the spine like a rope. , even before the blood was scattered, the dolphin was pulled into the boat by the fishermen and their companions.

The dolphin's spinal nerves rubbed against the metal, causing severe pain.

The harsh screams resounded throughout the Dolphin Bay.

The screams of the companions, the harsh walls of sound in all directions.

The frightened dolphins were swimming around in the bay, and the surrounding waters had been dyed red by the blood of their companions.

The mother dolphin tries to warn the young dolphins of danger and utters a cry of excruciating pain to protect them.

The massive blood loss, coupled with the unbearable pain, made the injured dolphin unable to resist.

More and more fishermen joined, and the blood spread.

The faces of the fishermen were full of smiles of harvest. The first wave was so rich. It is conceivable that this year must be a harvest year.

They pulled the dolphin onto a fishing boat, slit its throat, severed its spinal cord, left it on the boat, and left it to die naturally.

One after another.

The sea was surging with red blood and black waves.


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