Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 622: An Neng breaks the eyebrows and bends the waist to serve the powerful (2 in 1)

A cave is a natural shelter, and Bi Fang feels that he is very lucky to have found such a place.

This means he can save a lot of effort.

Taking Bowes to clean up the gravel in the cave, Bi Fang told about his past experience.

"I always remember the first night I spent in the jungle, it was very unforgettable. Now I have slept many nights in the mountains and windy places, from snowy forests to deserts, from underground caves, but Remembering that first night in the jungle was so different."

"I didn't have any knowledge of jungle survival at the time, and all I could think about was snakes, spiders, ants, mosquitoes, and those wild reptiles that bite."

"For me, my nervous system was overworked that night, and I couldn't sleep in a simple hammock."

[Aha, why didn't I feel it? 】

[During the first live broadcast, I felt Fang Shen was sleeping soundly]

[It's definitely not the first live broadcast... The first live broadcast in the wilderness is not the same concept as the first wild survival, what are you thinking]

[Oh, I see, it's the experience before reaching full level! 】

[Open my notebook and write it down. 】

"But my outdoor instructor seemed so comfortable and didn't find it tiresome to stop an ant from crawling into his hammock, I asked him how he could be carefree in the jungle."

Bowes came out of the cave with a head-sized rock, still on the ground, curious: "What did he say?"

This cave is not big and can only accommodate one person in and out. After Bowes came out, Bi Fang went in and moved out the remaining stones, and continued to speak.

"He said: 'If you've been bitten by any venomous or large animal, you're actually pretty lucky! There's only a 10 percent chance of seeing something impressive here.'"

"Huh?" Bowes smiled, "So we're actually safe?"

"Wildlife and reptiles only act when threatened, or cornered, so a lot of the time we don't have to worry, as long as we don't walk around, enter the territory of large animals, or deliberately track them, the wilderness Usually only the environment itself can threaten life."

"In the jungle, there are far more eyes looking at us than we can see. The more nervous you are, the more difficult your surroundings will be."

No one can naturally adapt to the wild, especially ordinary people in the city. Bi Fang in his previous life also took a long time to adapt.

For nearly a week, I could only fall asleep in the middle of the night when I couldn't stay up, and then I woke up in the morning and shook off the ants in my hair.

"Of course, now I can sleep peacefully in the jungle."

Speaking of this, Bi Fang couldn't help but feel a little proud.

If you can do this, most people already have the possibility to live.

[I'll give you a little red flower]

Hearing Bi Fang's words, Bowes breathed a sigh of relief: "I was worried at first that there would be black bears living in the cave, it seems that we are unlikely to meet."

Bi Fang was taken aback and looked at Bowes in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Bowers was seen to be a little guilty.

"It's nothing." Bi Fang laughed, "However, I think it is necessary to remind that Yanguo belongs to a high latitude area, so theoretically huge bears can survive in the forests of Yanguo. The only regret is that, At present, there are no wild bear populations in Yanguo, and only brown bears can be seen in a few zoos."

"If it was the early 20th century, you might still be able to see English bears that didn't go extinct. Before that, bear hunting was a popular sport among nobles, and circuses often used 'Dancingbear' to attract people to see it."

Bowes was shocked by Bi Fang's erudition. You must know that he was also a generalist in the eyes of teachers at school, but compared to Bi Fang, this point seemed to be worthless.

The other party is not only a master of wilderness survival, but also knows this kind of folk customs?

"So far, there will be no large animals that can threaten human life on the land of Yanguo, unless it is from a zoo or a group of wild dogs."

"That's such a pity. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was only a hundred years." Bowes sighed, "The Paddington Bear can't exist either."

Bowes made a childish joke, then sighed.

"It seems that we won't be able to see big bears in the wild in the future."

However, Bi Fang's next words turned Bowes' emotion into embarrassment.

"I heard that the central government has launched a 'rewilding' project with non-governmental organizations. The content is that the central government will introduce wild brown bears from Canada to the forests of Gloucestershire starting next year. Don't you know, Mr. Prime Minister? ?"

Bowes: "..."

[Hahaha, Fang Shen's words]

[Let's save some face for our Mr. Prime Minister]

[Boweth: Is there such a thing? I do not know how? 】

Bi Fang was just joking, not meant to be mocking.

In fact, it is impossible for a prime minister of a country to know everything. He may know the importance of environmental protection and promote a series of measures, but he will not know in detail what kind of quantitative range a certain organism is in, whether it is endangered or not. no.

Bowes is also an old fritter, and he quickly recovered from the embarrassment and continued to clean up the cave.

Moving the last big rock out, Bowes wiped the sweat that was slightly seeping from his forehead and looked inside the cave that had been cleaned.

"Is this all right?"

"No, of course not." Bi Fang shook his head, "If you are a confident explorer who wants to cross the entire wilderness and just find a place to stay for one night, that's enough, but it's not safe, we have to let it go. Safer and more comfortable.”


Bowes looked at the cave, which was covered with green moss.

His first impression was only damp, hard, and cramped.

How can such a place be considered comfortable?

"Of course it depends on our brains and hands, let's go, let's go to the cliff over there to collect some materials."

Bi Fang led Bowes towards the cliff not far away.

"Cliffs are generally composed of metamorphic rocks or volcanic rocks. In the former case, slate can easily form on the cliffs. Let's go and find out if we can find some slates."


The audience was taken aback.

This word doesn't match the wilderness no matter how you look at it.

But when the two came to the bottom of the cliff, when Bi Fang inserted the dagger against a page-shaped rock, he pried it hard, and a slab of several square decimeters fell off.

It's actually a slate! ?

"Haha, it really is slate. This total stone basically has no recrystallized rock. It is a metamorphic rock. The original rock is argillaceous, silty or neutral tuff. It can be peeled into thin slices along the slab direction. We can Lay it in a cave and become a hard bed."

Bi Fang pulled out another dagger and handed it to Bowes, asking him to try peeling a few pieces too.

【It's hard enough...】

[Wait, Lao Fang has a new knife? 】

[Fuck, new knife, so handsome! 】

Only at this time did the audience keenly realize that what Bi Fang had just peeled off the rock was a new knife that they had never seen before.

Many viewers immediately asked what kind of knife it was, but some military fans immediately recognized it.

[Fuck, modmkvistinger! Nice knife! 】

[Envy, I want one too]

【So handsome】

[It's not something ordinary people can afford. 】

With Bi Fang's current number of fans, it is everyone who has it. Naturally, he does not need to popularize science by himself, but saves a lot of time.

By the time the two of them forgot the slate, Bowers was already sweating profusely. Although the slate was thin, it was really heavy, especially when he was holding a dozen pieces.

"Huh, I haven't exercised so much for a long time."

But looking at Bi Fang next to him, he didn't seem to be sweating, and he didn't even take a breath, which is really enviable.

"This is another key point in field activities. You must have an objective assessment of your body. A strong physique can allow you to challenge greater limits in distant places and for longer periods of time."

Bi Fang looked at the backpack and equipment behind Bowes, all of which are quite professional brands and configurations. Obviously, as the Prime Minister, even if he is not good at wilderness activities, someone will naturally prepare everything for him.

"Equipment is very important, but even if you are physically fit and experienced outdoors, don't blindly carry too much gear."

"I've seen friends like this who end up miserable because they carry too much gear and go too fast."

[Without Inner Ghost, this friend, I guess...]

【Dog's Head Saves Your Life】

Bi Fang just smiled: "If you make such a mistake in the Arctic, you will sweat. Sweating too much in a cold environment will quickly take away the heat from your body, and in severe cases will lead to hypothermia."

"Our ancestors survived in extremely harsh environments, not on the equipment we have now, but on natural materials obtained from crops or hunting."

“Today, the design of outdoor gear is very diverse to suit a variety of specific and special circumstances. Few all-natural fibres are used nowadays, and more man-made fibres are used, so that the gear has more functions and less weight. lighter."

"But that's not to say that when preparing your outdoor gear, ignore gear that isn't the latest material. It's fair to say that modern gear doesn't always work, and sometimes something from our ancestors comes in handy."

In the live broadcast room, some people deeply agreed.

[I once spent three months in Antarctica. At that time, our team wore the costumes of Captain Scott's era, slept in tents from that era, and ate food from that era. The boots, sleeping bags and gloves we use are made from reindeer fur. 】

[We wore tweed trousers, slept in tents made of canvas, and used bamboo poles to support the tents, so we resisted months of severe cold and blizzards. 】

[The documentary film crew has modern and up-to-date equipment and food. We were trapped in a Greenland storm that lasted 3 days and almost forced to leave the canvas tent. 】

[But when the storm subsided, we found that the green canvas tent had only a small crack, and the modern tent of our film crew had become a pile of waste. In this way, even in the freezing cold of minus 50 degrees Celsius, we did not get frostbite. 】

[Ah, it's your lord! ! 】

【Catch the big guy alive】

[Your Majesty is lazy, he still has time to watch the live broadcast]

Bi Fang took a closer look at the speaker of the barrage, and sure enough it was Attenborough.

It can only be said that this historical figure has set foot in almost every corner of the world.

Putting the slate in front of the cave, Bi Fang took Bowes to make two stone axes, and went to chop down a tree, mainly branches and some bark.

Although there are many shrubs on this land, there are sparse trees.

When the materials are ready, the work begins.

Bi Fang made a stone shovel, dug a hole at the entrance of the cave, took out a lot of soil, then built a bowstring and dead wood, dug a small hole in the dead wood, and pointed the drill shaft at the hole.

After putting a lot of dry grass in the cave, Bi Fang invited Bowes to make a fire.

For beginners, the bow drill method is a bit difficult to make, but after the production is completed, the moment of drilling the fire is the easiest.

Bowes took over with enthusiasm, looking very excited.

After a few simple attempts, he became familiar with the bow drill method, pressed the drill shaft, and began to twitch non-stop. Soon, white smoke appeared from the dry trunk.

Seeing this, Bowes was even more excited and increased the speed in his hands. Bi Fang also quickly squatted down and piled tinder near the hole.

Unfortunately, after ten minutes, there was only white smoke.

Bowes was stunned: "Failed?"

"It's and try again." Bi Fang was not discouraged, he dug a small hole on the side, and then pressed the drill shaft himself, letting Bowes just twitch the bowstring.

Sure enough, this time it went much smoother. After the white smoke came out, black sawdust quickly appeared in the borehole.

Seeing this, Bi Fang quickly piled up the tinder, and then told Bowes to stop pulling the bowstring and let him blow on the tinder.

"Blow slowly, take a full breath, and then exhale, somewhere between exhaling and exhaling." Bi Fang patiently taught Bowes.

Soon, more and more white smoke emerged from the tinder, and a little spark was still drifting away.

A minute later, the tiny flames licked the tinder, turning it into black ashes.

It worked!

Bowes couldn't contain the joy in his heart, and it almost showed on his face.

Although the tools are all made by Bi Fang, and even the pressure of the rotating shaft is controlled by him, the fire was indeed blown by Bowers himself in the end!

Looking at Bowes, who was about to dance, Bi Fang smiled.

It seems that even the prime minister of a country cannot refuse the sense of accomplishment of using primitive tools to create fire in the wild.

[Fang Shen, you have changed, I still hope you used to be rebellious]

[An Neng breaks his eyebrows and bends his waist to serve the powerful! 】

[When I develop in the future, I will also ask Fangshen to prepare tools for me, and then hold down the drill shaft! 】

Bi Fang was unable to complain, but threw the burning tinder into the cave full of withered grass.

"The Yanguo is humid, especially now is September, which is the hottest season. Mosquitoes gather together, and burning the cave with fire can not only disinfect and sterilize, but also kill all the mosquitoes inside."

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