Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 645: Vikings and Inuit

In the endless flat snow field, a puff of dry snow was suddenly thrown into the air, and finally fell on the ground.

Having not been to the north in winter, it is difficult to understand what dry snow is.

I grabbed a piece of snow and squeezed it hard, but I couldn't knead it into a ball at all. It was like dry flour. The snowflakes fell one after another, and a little white dust floated up.

The drone flew up, and when I looked down, I found that someone had dug a shallow line on the flat ice field at some point. Bi Fang crouched inside and shoveled out the crushed ice.

He tied the two knives together at a 90-degree angle to form a standing shovel, with another knife in the middle to prevent the two from coming together, and wrapped the third knife with ropes to use it as a shovel. grip.

This is much more convenient than chiseling with a knife.

This is the snow trench, the main purpose is to protect against the cold wind.

It is still on the way, and the demand for shelters does not need to be too high, which will only result in a waste of costs.

Bi Fang Zuo rested inside for a while, and continued: "It is easy to understand that there is a lot of snowfall. The extremely high frequency of snowfall has resulted in a lot of snow on the land, and the snow here will not melt, so there will be It will disappear in the next spring."

"Snow cannot be retained on the sea. Snowflakes float into the sea and dissolve quickly. As the sea ice gradually expands, the snow on the new sea ice must be thinner than the old ice."

"This is a way to judge whether you are moving forward correctly, but it is not very useful in other places. First, it has to be cold areas, secondly, offshore, seasonal land such as ice sheets will be formed, and finally, it will often snow. It’s a way of adapting to local conditions.”

[I can't use it anywhere except Greenland (covering face)]

【Learning is abolished and learning is abolished】

【What if you don't know where you are? 】

[Catch an honest man who really wants to learn his skills! 】

[Lao Fang actually taught before, a sun, a piece of paper, a pen, a miracle]

[Longitude and latitude are all calculated for you, buddy, have you ever seen pen-calculated inverse trigonometric functions? 】

Many new viewers who haven't watched the old video are stunned. Without a calculator, they can still calculate inverse trigonometric functions! ?

Every video has old audiences, and inevitably new audiences will come in, but it doesn't matter, there will always be enthusiastic fans to help popularize science.

The importance of class representation is highlighted.

At present, there are quite a few professional class representatives in Bi Fang's live broadcast room who are quite famous. As long as there are water friends who ask, they can even give an accurate answer for the number of sessions and minutes.

[Can inverse trigonometric functions be calculated by pen? 】

[Theoretically, all mathematical formulas can be calculated by writing. . . 】

[Actually, I want to say that those who understand will understand naturally, those who don’t understand will understand nothing]

[Learn, before becoming an adventurer, Fang Shen was also a brilliant mathematician, geographer, biologist, meteorologist, physicist, chemist, historian, naturalist, etc. Two brushes coming to the North Pole to feed polar bears? 】

[Polar bear (pushing away with disgust): This meat is too thin, we won't eat it]

[The words are very smooth]

[I am fat enough, will it eat me? 】

The snow trench doesn't need to be built too much. After the depth is more than 60 cm, Bi Fang stopped moving. The snow was 300 thick, and the remaining 30 were on the ice layer. Bi Fang's hands were sore when he dug. Also dark.

He didn't know how thick the ice was, but conservatively estimated it in meters. It was impossible to dig a hole and fish. The deeper the ice, the harder it was. Today, you can only starve.

In less than seven hours, it was dark in about six hours. It was true that everyone was stunned. I had never seen such a short day.

Bi Fang walked out of the pothole and piled up the snow just dug up on both sides of the trench, building high.

The nearby snow was compacted with great force, but as dry snow, it couldn't be made into snow bricks at all.

Bi Fang took out all his ropes and pulled the rope from side to side like weaving, and then dripped warm water on the folds on both sides. The liquid quickly condensed into ice at low temperature, freezing the rope firmly.

"There are no branches and other objects as the roof, we can use ropes, leaving two three centimeters between each one, which is enough."

After they were all pulled, a relatively sparse net appeared in front of them, leaving only a space for one person to enter at the end.

Bi Fang piled all the snow on the net, which also formed an airtight roof.

Entering from the gap, Bi Fang breathed in the heat, blocking the cold wind, and he felt his body warm up quickly.

"Igloos and igloos can trap heat, but it is different from a house. It changes from minus 40 degrees to minus ten degrees and five degrees. At this temperature, the ice and snow will not melt, but we can clearly feel the warmth. ."

"Minus five degrees is not cold at all, it is a normal temperature for human activities."

Bi Fang huddled in the corner and chatted with the audience. It was too early to go to bed, so he told the story of the previous Vikings again.

The audience is also very curious, what is the ending of the Vikings?

"The Vikings were in Greenland for a long time, from the 10th to the 14th century, during which time Greenland had a relatively mild climate that allowed for farming and grazing, and the settled Vikings could rely on reserves for the winter."

"Then the climate changed, production couldn't be maintained, and the Vikings couldn't make a living like the Inuit, so they couldn't survive."

"It happened to be the Little Ice Age at that time, and the shipping route from Iceland to Greenland was blocked by floes. Greenland had no wood to build ships, and even if the sea route was clear, I might not be able to walk."

"In 1408 there was a wedding in Hvalsey church, the last record of a Norwegian in Greenland. Since then, Greenland's contacts with Europe have been interrupted, and no news has come. It can be considered that the Vikings were in Greenland. 'Extinction' on."

"Suffice to say, it was a joke of nature for Eric the redhead, who just happened to be on the most beautiful date in Greenland."

"When the Vikings first arrived in Greenland during the brief Medieval Warm Period, they were arguably deceived by nature."

"Since ancient times, Greenland, like other polar regions, has experienced many climate changes, affecting the growth of local flora and fauna, and the survival of the indigenous people. During this period, in addition to Vikings, there were also Inuit people who settled in Greenland. The former went extinct and the latter successfully overcame the challenges of the Little Ice Age."

There are a lot of people who have been to Only the Vikings and Inuit have survived for a long time.

After the ice age, the Vikings declared their defeat, but the Inuit were prosperous.

This is the race in the snow.

Bi Fang used the example of the Vikings to warn himself of the cruelty of nature, but he had to pick up the experience of the Inuit to arm himself.

"The lesson of the former is what we need to avoid, and the latter is the key to my success in this challenge."

------off topic-----

The hottest place in the world is not in the African desert, but in Death Valley in California.

On July 10, 1913, the desert valley of Death Valley reached 56.7 degrees, the current Guinness World Record holder.


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