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On the snowy continent, a small snow bag that was slightly arched was wriggling in a strange way.

After a while, puddles of white snow slowly swelled, and finally, under the action of the strong wind, they were chased away without a trace, leaving a narrow black hole.

In the heavy snow, an extremely small figure climbed out of the hole.

Bi Fang was covered with scattered snowflakes. These snowflakes were swept away by the cold wind like steel knives, but new snowflakes flew in one after another.

Even if it fell on the bare eyebrows, there was no sign of melting, and it was surprisingly cold.

Bi Fang couldn't help shrinking into a ball. The current temperature, conservatively estimated to be minus 50 degrees, is a terrible temperature that can freeze together on the spot when urinating, which is terrifying.

Looking at the heavy snow around, everyone in the live broadcast room was a little at a loss, and subconsciously shrank their hands and feet, as if the white cold wind froze them through the screen.

Checking again for any looseness in the rope on the ankle, Bi Fang began to move forward with difficulty.

At this time, the arctic wind was cold, and the blizzard made it extremely difficult for people to advance in the snow and ice wilderness. Especially for Bi Fang, who had only eaten some moss for nearly four days, he could clearly feel the state of his body was declining.

Moss can provide too little heat.

"In 1902, after the 'Three Kingdoms Interference in Returning Liaoning' incident, Japan hated Russia to the core and prepared for ten years with hard work and courage, gearing up to fight the Russian army in the northeast of China."

"However, the weather in Northeast China is cold, and the Japanese army seriously lacked combat experience in cold areas, so they chose Aomori Prefecture, which has a climate close to the northeast, as a training ground. As a result, one of the world's largest mountain deaths occurred: the Hakkoda Mountain Snow Marching Death Incident."

Although shivering from the cold, Bi Fang began to explain a famous snowstorm event with a slight vibrato when he was rummaging through the snow.

Hakkoda Mountain is composed of continuous volcanic groups in the central part of Aomori Prefecture, with forests, swamps and wetlands all over the place. In the icy winter, no one dares to cross except for experienced local hunters.

Lack of experience and lack of cold protection equipment, but the Japanese army at that time was honeyed with confidence.

Coincidentally, the day of departure was January 23, 1902, the coldest day in Japan.

On the first day, the team strode up the mountain singing military songs, and also camped as scheduled.

The problem arose the next day.

Early in the morning, the weather suddenly changed, with violent storms and snow, and the temperature dropped sharply below -20°C. Shortly after departure, the officers and soldiers were frostbitten one after another, and the march was extremely slow. The officers wanted to return, but sadly, the heavy snow blocked the way back. , can't find the way at all.

In the snow-capped mountains in the harsh winter, this group of Japanese lost their way.

But he was so confident when he set off, how could this little wind and snow overwhelm the fearless Japanese samurai?

Keep marching! Not only that, the leader also ordered an overnight march to recover the lost time.

During the difficult march, a lieutenant collapsed and froze to death, becoming the first victim.

That night, the team found a leeward place and dug Xuehuo to camp.

At this time, all the food was frozen and could not be eaten. The clothes were frozen and the bowels could only be sprinkled on the body. On the third morning, many people never got up again.

Along the way, people kept falling down, and they froze to death when they fell.

The severe cold is deranged, and some people keep shouting "Let's jump off the cliff", some people shout "Let's do rafting", and then frantically chop down trees with bayonets.

By the fourth day, only 40 people were still alive.

On the fifth day, the officer who led the team finally came to his senses and issued the last order to let the capable people escape, seek rescue, and then freeze to death.

"A shogun named Goto Fangnosuke was frozen to death on the way to escape, struggling to stand on the verge of death. Luckily, he was found by the rescue team and saved his life. Later, he sawed off his hands and feet and lived 22 more times. year."

"In the following week, the rescue team successively found a large number of bodies of the marching troops, but there were only a dozen survivors."

"A team of 210 people spent a total of 11 days on the mountain, and in the end only 11 people survived and 199 people died."

"And the temperature at that time was actually not even minus 25 degrees."

Many foreign audiences were shocked when they heard this.

Honshu Island?

Bi Fang's last live broadcast was there, and many people are still impressed.

A snowstorm of less than minus 30 degrees caused more than 95% of the death rate?

So now it's minus fifty degrees, can you still survive?

Just as many people from the other side of the ocean were about to release a sympathetic barrage, they were surprised to find that China's netizens seemed to be celebrating something, and they couldn't understand the strange barrage.

Although there is a barrage translation that comes with the system, it is still not quite right in many cases, and it is difficult to understand without relevant understanding.

The lyrics of Good Luck are very strange to many netizens who don't know it, it seems... very festive.

Bi Fang coughed twice. The example he gave was indeed famous in the world. He happened to be in Japan not long ago, so I just remembered it.

With the Mind Palace, a lot of memory retrieval is too convenient, and there is no other meaning in it~www.readwn.com~ Bi Fang used a small homemade shovel to dig up the dry and hard snow, trying to find some residual dead branches or other Something, unfortunately not.

The heavy snow reduced the distance to the lake, and Bi Fang couldn't see the end of the rope when he turned around.

The length of the rope is more than forty meters, which means that Bi Fang's activity radius is only forty meters. This size seems small, but it is more than 5,000 square meters.

According to the dead bushes that Bi Fang saw last night, this is what he was looking for.

Greenland is not a barren...

Standing up, Bi Fang recalled the memory of last night. According to the location of Mohu, he dug up a thick layer of snow like ice crystals.

After digging half a meter deep, just when Bi Fang began to wonder if he remembered it wrong, finally, some brown things squeezed out the pure white dry snow, revealing their true appearance.

At first, the audience thought that they had dug into the soil layer, but after a closer look, they found that it was actually a thick shrub, but it was completely withered.

【Can you eat this? 】

"Of course not." Bi Fang dug out all the bushes and stuffed them into his backpack. "But not being able to eat it doesn't mean it's useless. We can use it to make a fire."

The more the audience talked, the more confused the lake became.

Make a fire?


Looking at the vast snow all around, under such a big storm, can the flames be ignited?

Of course it is impossible. The wind is so strong that the alcohol can burn out. Bi Fang wants to take it back and burn it in the cave.

Fire is the most primitive way of heating humans.

[F*ck, lighting a fire in the snow cave will not bake the house? !


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