Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 665: snow bath

In order to pass the later stage smoothly, 20 kilograms of prey per day is the goal set by Bi Fang.

It is less than half a month before the arrival of Yongye, which is barely fifteen days. During this period, it is possible to encounter a blizzard again. Combine all other unexpected factors, and build a shelter, so that you can really go out for hunting and have harvest days. Maybe only a week.

A healthy adult male eats about three kilograms of food a day, which is forty-five kilograms in one month, and at least one hundred and thirty-five kilograms in three months.

In the Arctic, the demand is even greater.

A reserve of about 150 kilograms of food is relatively safe.

The two puffins plucked their feathers, and the combined weight may be less than eight catties, that is, four kilograms. Today's task is less than a quarter completed.

[Is this too difficult? Twenty kilograms, the amount of meat I can't eat in a month]

【You didn't eat meat as food】

[Not everything can be eaten, such as flesh, and lean meat. Eating lean meat in the Arctic is a business at a loss, right? 】

[I finally understand why when Fang Shen Hai was surviving, he was not bitten by a shark. He had too much emotional leanness, and if he ate too much, he would starve to death (funny)]

Continuing to walk along the river bank, Bi Fang often digs up the snow on the way to see what happens under the snow.

When the frequency of moss on the ground increased significantly, Bi Fang knew that he had not gone in the wrong direction.

"There is a prevailing wind trend across the world under the influence of the Earth's rotation, which means that most of the time, the wind blows in one direction."

"In Greenland, under the influence of the air pressure belt and the prevailing wind belt, the wind direction blows from west to east. Isn't someone reading the weather forecast? You can look at the weather forecast for the last week to see if all It's a west wind, and if not, it's a southwest, northwest wind."

Several curious water friends immediately quit the live broadcast, searched for the weather forecast on Greenland, and found that it was indeed the case.

In the past week and the coming week, more than half of the winds were westerly winds, and the rest were southwesterly winds and a small part of northwesterly winds. The main wind direction was westerly winds.



[What should I do if I don't know the direction of the wind? 】

"It's okay if you can't judge the wind direction of your location based on geography and climate, just look at the snow ridges." Bi Fang pointed to the high snow ridges on the snow field in the distance.

Snow is more viscous than sand, but under the action of wind, it will also form dune-like snow dunes.

Under the influence of the prevailing wind, the snow ridges on the snow hill, without exception, were neatly facing Bi Fang, which also meant that Bi Fang was at the downwind at this time.

"The direction I walk is not random. On the one hand, I have to follow the river, and on the other hand, I have to follow the direction of the wind."

Downwind vents are naturally unfavorable for catching animals, but they are of great help in finding forests.

"Do you still remember what I said before, it is difficult to grow trees on small islands smaller than a certain area in the sea, and most of them are shrubs, because the wind is too strong at sea, and the small saplings will be caught by the wind before they can grow up. Blow it off."

"The same is true in the Arctic. If a place wants to grow a forest, it must be a valley. With mountains to cut off the airflow, trees can grow normally."

"We follow the direction of the wind. If there is even a short ridge to block the wind, plus running water, and turn over, it is very likely to be a forest."

[It is theoretically possible to go up against the wind, right? 】

[In the opposite direction, the river and the wind are not in the same direction, so one of the two conditions is missing]

[Oh, I remembered]

"Actually, before I set off in the morning, I saw a raised hill here, and now we're walking in its direction. I don't know if we can get there before dark."

Half an hour later, a low mountain appeared, confirming that Bi Fang's choice was very correct, and the distance was closer than he had guessed before.

Bi Fang was ready to climb over this low mountain with excitement. There must be a forest behind the mountain, he thought.

Greenland's wildlife management system is very good. Every year, people who have obtained hunting licenses come here to hunt reindeer and Arctic musk ox through various channels. This is also the main target of hunters who come here to hunt.

Everything is enough to prove that there are not many large animals in the Arctic, and if there are less, it will not be able to support giant carnivores like polar bears.

"But before we turn over, we have one more thing to do."

Bi Fang looked at the slanting sun in the distance. At this time, it was not the highest time when the sun rose today, but moved a little further, but it happened to be the highest point of temperature. It was warmer than yesterday, maybe below zero. Twenty degrees or more.

He began to undress, taking off his coats one by one, and then he was still in the snow.

"Because it is against the wind, if I turn over, the smell on my body is likely to arouse the animal's alertness, so I have to take a shower and take a snow bath before that."

"Trust me, the effect of the snow bath is quite good. The porous structure of snowflakes makes it a very absorbent material that can effectively remove odors."

After saying this, Bi Fang took off his shirt and started to unbutton his pants.

The skin was completely exposed to the cold air, and under the severe stimulation, the capillaries began to flow faster, and soon Bi Fang's upper body became slightly red, like the blush after being drunk.

[Hey, take a shower? 】

[Speaking of which, Lao Fang did not take a bath for a week (dog head)]

【The body is marinated and flavorful belongs to yes】

[Washing once a week in winter is a normal frequency, right? Not to mention the Arctic (sweat)]

"Treasure this time. UU Reading When the polar night is over, the temperature will be lower, and it will be difficult to find a suitable temperature to take a bath."

"Although it's in the North Pole, when the temperature and weather allow it, take a bath and then bask in the sun. Ultraviolet rays and clean air have miraculous effects on the skin, body and spirit."

Bi Fang took off the last piece of clothing, buried it in the snow, and with only a pair of shorts left, he threw himself into the snow while crawling and rolling.

In the face of a cold environment, the human body will process in a short period of time, by consuming glycogen in the body, and supplying a large amount of heat through the dilated capillaries.

During this process, being exposed to a cold environment for a short period of time will not only not feel cold, but will have a hearty feeling.

Bi Fang grabbed a puff of snow, carefully wiped his body, and rubbed his skin red, a refreshing feeling no less than after a shower appeared.

At this moment, when exposed to the sun, there is only no wind, and Bi Fang can even feel a trace of warmth.

Ten minutes later, the body finally began to feel the cold. Bi Fang immediately climbed out of the snow, patted off the snowflakes stuck to his body, dug out the clothes that had just been buried in the snow, and re-applied them one by one from the inside out. put on.

"It's as easy as washing away exhaustion." Bi Fang's eyebrows flew up.

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