Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 669: hunt down

In the arctic summer, there is 24 hours of sky, and in the arctic winter, it is 24 hours of darkness.

Any perception of time here is incorrect, and the circadian rhythms of day and night are distorted by the aurora at night.

Spring and fall usually mean more volatile weather, with storms and various cloud conditions.

Fortunately, in the past ten days, Bi Fang only encountered a four-day blizzard.

At seven o'clock in the morning, it was already daylight in most areas, and the Arctic sky was still starry.

There was no aurora in the starry sky today. In the deep woods, Bi Fang gathered the dry firewood into a pyramid shape, and stuffed a mass of smoking hay in the middle. He blew, and soon the sparks floated out of the hay. A small flame emerges.

The thin flames climbed along the fibers, spreading and growing, and the whole pyramid of dead wood burned.

Simply raising a bonfire, Bi Fang set up a pot of ice water on top of the bonfire, tore the lichen collected yesterday into small pieces, soaked it in it, and waited for it to boil.

"This kind of lichen is called deer core. Because it is an important food for reindeer, it is also called reindeer lichen. It can be seen mainly in the alpine tundra and is extremely cold-resistant."

“Deer core is an ancestral recipe for removing kidney stones by the Moemba people in the high mountains of the Eastern Himalayas. Inland Tanana people mash the dried deer core and boil it in hot water to soften it for food. They also use it to make soup. for anti-diarrheal medicine."

[This thing can also treat kidney stones? 】

[Damn it, I seem to have caught it when I went to get medicine last time]

[There is this in Chinese medicine]

"However, because it contains acidic substances, it may cause stomach discomfort, especially when it is undercooked, so it must be patiently waited for it to be cooked before eating."

Immerse the deer core with a tassel, wait until it is wet and sink to the bottom, and then cover it with a wooden cover.

"Deer core grows very slowly, and when it's over-gnawed, burned, trampled or consumed, it usually takes decades to recover, so if you find it, don't dig it up by the roots, just cut a portion of it. "

Bi Fang got up and stuffed a thick wooden stick into the bonfire. One end of the torch was tied with hemp rope made from trees. The loose structure allowed the torch to burn longer.

If it can be coated with animal fat, the continuous burning effect will be better, but it is still too extravagant for Bi Fang, who is still in a state of food and clothing.

Waiting for the torch to burn successfully, raise the torch and walk towards the forest.

Before preparing for hunting, Bi Fang still has a lot of preparations to do, such as making weapons, ropes, sleds, etc.

[Sled, Wuhu, are you ready to ski? 】

【Can you ski on this snowfield? 】

Bi Fang shook his head: "Preparing the sled is not for skiing, but to facilitate dragging the prey at that time."

Finding such a good valley, it must be used as a base, and the most important thing is to have combustibles.

After hunting a bison, it is natural to bring it back here, but an average 300kg big bison, even if the bones, lean meat and other unnecessary things are removed, at least 200kg.

Two hundred kilograms, the weight of three adults, can't carry Bi Fang even if he is exhausted, so he can only drag it. Using a sled can save some effort.

Holding the torches in the forest for a while, Bi Fang finally collected enough materials, brought them back to the campfire, and started cutting them with a knife.

Soon, darts, short spears, Bi Fang installed sharpened stones on his most comfortable weapons, and finally three long sled boards.

"We don't need to make the snowboard too well, as long as there is a rough prototype, it is enough to use."

Although there is no planer, Bi Fang also has a lot of experience on how to cut hardwood with a dagger, and completed all the preparations before the sun rises.

At this time, the reindeer moss in the pot was also fully cooked, and Bi Fang simply filled his stomach with fish meat, and wiped away the traces of the fire.

Bi Fang wrapped all the short spears around his shoulders with a rope a few times, tied them to his back, then put on a backpack, brought less supplies, managed a pot of boiling water, and set out along the traces of the musk ox at first.

The sun has just risen, and the temperature of the earth has not yet risen. The scalding boiling water brings a little warmth through the kettle and clothes, dispelling a little chill.

Following the traces and smells left on the ground, Bi Fang gradually moved away from the forest.

Those deep marks on the tree also made the audience who have not seen the musk ox form its huge and terrifying appearance in their minds.


Almost all traces do not seem to exceed the position of Bi Fang's waist, and the highest point is only to the chest. Compared with its weight, it seems to be unexpectedly short?

[This cow seems to have some short legs]

[Three hundred kilograms of short legs, isn't this a potato? 】

【Forklift! 】

"Musk ox is a little short-legged. As far as the form of warm-blooded animals is concerned, there is an Allen's law in zoology, which holds that between individuals of the same species or closely related heterogeneous species, those living in cold regions are compared with those living in warm regions. Protruding parts such as limbs have a tendency to shorten, thereby reducing heat dissipation."

"Compared with serows of the same family, the short tail, short legs and small ears of the musk ox are indeed a testament to Allen's rule."

"In addition, there is a Bergman's that among individuals of the same species or closely related heterospecies, those living in cold environments have relatively larger body sizes, and the size of musk oxen is indeed larger than that of hyenas. Antelope is bigger."

Bi Fang looked at the barrage and explained it in detail.

【Take notes and take notes】

【Learn something new every time】

[The hardest core and the one who knows the most in Wilderness Survival]

[I remember Lao Fang also said before that the higher the latitude, the larger the size of the wolf. Are the wolves in the Arctic particularly large? 】

Bi Fang nodded: "Yes, the Arctic wolf is the largest member of the wild canid family in the world. Adult wolves weigh more than 40 kilograms. There was an example of an adult male wolf specimen weighing 68 kilograms, which is more than I have ever encountered before. All wolf species that arrive will be bigger."

Only in the Discovery Channel program did Bi Fang face the wolves alone, but it was only a forest wolf, and the latitude was only medium. The size of the wild wolf was much smaller than that of the Arctic wolf.

With a body close to human body weight, it is more dangerous for Bi Fang to encounter the Arctic wolves alone, because Arctic wolves usually form a group of 5 to 10, and each family has about 20 to 30 members.

If the wolf pack encounters a famine, it is possible for the entire clan to be dispatched, just like what Mohe encountered.

[Hi, the number is a bit scary]

【Is there so much? 】

【A person shall not be divided into food? 】

"But don't be afraid, it's not a wise choice to stop before you encounter it, let's think about how to deal with the musk ox."

Bi Fang stepped on the brand new snowshoes and walked towards the flying snow.


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