Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 889: 2 worlds

The cheetah struggled to drag the young wildebeest, and followed Bi Fang, away from the dangerous herd of wildebeest little by little.

The vast and shocking sound of galloping hooves gradually faded away.

With tens of thousands of wildebeests, or even six figures, the time to cross the river is not just a few minutes, ten minutes or half an hour are basic exercises.

Few places in the world have such a high concentration of animal populations as here.

Millions of herbivores are migrating and stirring up dust, cheetahs and lions are waiting for prey in the grass, vultures are circling in the air looking for carrion, ferocious crocodiles and violent hippos are about to move in the river...

All kinds of wild behaviors of animals running, hunting, and preying on the strong for the survival of the population are happening every minute on the African grasslands.

There is no description in words and pictures that is more shocking than seeing it with your own eyes.

It was also seeing it with his own eyes that made Bi Fang more aware of the danger and horror. Facing the predators that were gradually gathering, he chose to take Harley around to avoid them, and retreated to a place 300 meters away. In dense shrubs.

When ferocious beasts launch surprise attacks, they are usually within a hundred meters, and it is rare to launch a charge beyond this distance. The miss rate is too high, and it is almost doomed to gain nothing. It has no effect except wasting energy.

Energy is an extremely precious thing in natural existence, and none of it can be wasted, and all of it must be used wisely.

Most of the ferocious beasts that found their prey chose to approach slowly, at least within 50 meters before launching a sprint. If they were discovered in advance, they would basically not make any big moves.

Bi Fang and Harley retreated 300 meters away, basically in a safe area, especially with the surrounding bushes covering half a person's height.

One person, one leopard and one wildebeest completely disappeared from the sight of all the beasts.

Many of the hyenas who aimed at the cheetahs, the lions withdrew their attention and continued to stare at the feast that was within reach.

The sense of crisis that was like a thorn on his back gradually dissipated, and Bi Fang took out his dagger, ready to strike.

A happy scene.

Just when all the audience in front of the screen thought that the point of the knife would point at the neck to bleed the little wildebeest, Bi Fang did not do so.

Anyone who has seen a pig butcher in the country knows that when a pig is slaughtered, the pig with its four legs is **** on a eucalyptus, then kneels on the pig with one leg, holds the chin of the pig with one hand, and straightens it backwards. The pig's throat is highlighted, and the other hand holds a sharp knife and stabs it straight in.

The specific location is about the right of the center of the throat of the first rib, about one centimeter into the direction of the heart, and then the side knife is held down to cut off the carotid arteries and veins without puncturing the heart.

Butchering pigs is to puncture the large blood vessels, and the heart contracts continuously to squeeze out the blood.

If the heart is broken, the blood will not be drained cleanly, and the blood will spread in the body, increasing the smell.

After doing this, turn the knife over and pull it out, and the blood will spurt out with the knife.

This is also the case with Bi Fang in the past.

Deer, cows, bears, and sheep all walk on four legs, and their internal organs are similar to those of pigs, and their methods are similar with minor differences.

But this time, Bi Fang did not bleed the animal. Instead, he pierced directly along the wildebeest's chest cavity, slid from the chest cavity to the bottom, and made a horizontal cut on both sides, which looked like a horizontal cut. type" cutout.

Fingers inserted along the incision, Bi Fang grasped the flesh on both sides and pulled them apart forcefully.

The blood-red chest cavity and abdomen were opened, and the weather wasn't very cold, but it was still possible to vaguely see heat rising.

Even through the screen, in a completely different time and space, everyone seemed to be able to smell the strong smell of blood and stench spreading in the air.

Why did this method suddenly change?]

The mosaic is still scary even after the lake]

Teacher Fang, don’t be like this, I’m still eating]

My nose seems to be hallucinating]

Huo, it’s still steaming]

Look at this large intestine, how fresh it is, it must be very delicious to make Jiuzhuan large intestine, aunt laughs]

As for the audience's incomprehension, before Bi Fang could explain, Harley directly gave the answer.

Facing the prey whose chest and abdomen were opened, Harley, who had exhausted a lot of energy, stood up hungry, stretched out his paws to claw at the viscera, and quickly found its most important part. Familiar and most commonly eaten liver.

After getting what it wanted, the cheetah lay down and feasted on the blood-stained and grass-clad food.

The unexpected scene is no different from the wild animals eating in the audience's impression.

This is the result Bi Fang wanted.

"I want Harley to know which piece of meat on the prey is the most fat and delicious, which can better supplement the body's nutrition, and let him learn how to obtain this piece of meat."

"Now I still have a lot of dried meat left in my bag, and there is no shortage of food, so there is no need to peel or bleed, and the ultimate goal is to bring Harley closer to the wild Squat Nibbling his liver on the ground, Bi Fang squatted on the grass and explained to the camera of the drone.

Another small detail]

It's not easy]

What is a child of nature? Tactical retreat]

An intact liver is large, essentially the second largest organ in the body for mammals, after the skin.

However, the wildebeest is not yet an adult, and the cheetah eats more. Harley licked his lips after eating the liver, but continued to paw and pull, obviously a little unfinished.

Bi Fang squatted and took a step, put a hunting knife on his heart, picked it out in front of Harley, and threw it in front of him.

Harley was taken aback by the sudden surprise, and quickly got up, only to lower his head to smell the smell when he saw that his heart was normal.

It was not until it was confirmed that it was safe that he gnawed on it with his heart in his arms.

And then there are the kidneys...

This little wildebeest was bigger than a cheetah, but not much bigger. It looked like half a circle, and the internal organs were eaten one by one, and Harley's appetite was almost filled.

The trembling ground returned to calm, but the lingering scarlet on the river surface and the lingering rust smell in the air proved that what happened just now was not an illusion.

Bi Fang expanded his lung cavity and took a deep breath, the air mixed with a little dust was poured in, bringing a different kind of tactile sensation.

Once again the skyline fell below the horizon.

A bunch of torches dispelled the darkness and illuminated the surroundings.

The whole environment went from noisy to silent, leaving only the sound of Mohu, the sound of ferocious beasts gnawing on the bones of their prey, as if from one world to another.

"It's time to rest."

After running around for a day, Bi Fang felt a little tired.

Now he needs to find a suitable place to sleep.

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