Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 891: locust plague

Live Adventure in the Wilderness Chapter 891 Locust Plague

Dense black spots like screen windows appeared on the sky, and the whole was like an ever-expanding cloud ball, which was still moving slowly while expanding crazily, which frightened bystanders who didn't know why.

The style of painting is too weird.

Even Bi Fang was very puzzled after observing it, and then a word came out of his mouth that everyone did not expect.


Hearing this word, countless viewers played barrage one after another.

Locust, did I hear you right? This thing is a locust? 】

Damn, are there still locusts now? I always thought this thing was extinct]

The one in front of you is living in the next century, why are there no locusts?]

I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this before]

I must have seen it, but I may have regarded the locust as a grasshopper or a grasshopper]

I have never understood the difference between crickets, grasshoppers, grasshoppers, grasshoppers, and locusts.]

Hey, hey, is it time to discuss biology? This thing is so big, it's already a disaster, right? ? ? 】

It can be seen from the refresh rate of the barrage on the screen that the audience is very confused at this time and has a strong desire to express.

Besides, if it were really locusts, the scale in front of them would be too huge.

From the perspective of the audience, it can be called a plague of locusts.

Can't eat people?

In the eyes of many people, locusts and piranhas are the same type of creatures. Once they gather in swarms, they will leave nothing behind after crossing the border.

"The plague of locusts is not enough, it's just that the number is relatively large, and it looks scary."

Facing the swarm of locusts that terrified ordinary people, Bi Fangdong didn't even move, but pulled the animal skin aside, ready to block it when the time came.

Isn't that too much? 】

How terrifying is the real locust plague? 】

"The wave in front of us is relatively mild. If it is serious, it will not be like the screen window now."

"You will see a puff of black cloud, tens of thousands of times denser than it is now, which can almost cover the sun. That is the real locust plague. After passing through, there will be no grass left."

"When they fall to the ground, they don't even have a foothold of their own. They can only lie on their companions, forming a second or third layer of meat blanket."

Everyone fantasized about such a scene in their minds, and couldn't help shivering.

That's too scary, isn't it all green-brown lakes when you step down?

"However, even if you encounter a locust plague, you don't have to worry about the danger to yourself. The locust plague is only extremely destructive to plants and crops. They basically don't eat meat. Unless they are too hungry, they will eat some dying animals or Animal carcasses, otherwise you don’t have to worry about locusts crossing the border and gnawing you into a pile of bones, that’s impossible.”

"Wrap it in something when you encounter it, and be careful not to be bitten or hit your eyes. The rest is basically fine."

As Bi Fang spoke, he grabbed the animal skin beside him and put it on his body, covering his body and Harley.

The locust swarm seemed to be moving slowly, but that was an illusion caused by the large size of the target.

In fact, locusts move very fast, with an average of more than 100 kilometers per day. After deducting the eating time and rest time, the pure speed is amazing.

"Kenya has always been the hardest-hit area for locust plagues, or in other words, the entire East Africa is the hardest-hit area."

Bi Fang's voice became louder, and as the locusts approached, the friction sound was already very obvious.

"Kenya is close to the tropics and the climate is not cold, so locust plagues may appear at any time. I remember that since November last year, Kenya has monitored 75 swarms of locusts."

"The largest group even formed a locust belt 60 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide, covering an area of ​​about 2,000 square kilometers, with more than 100 million locusts per square kilometer!"

Fuck, this is too exaggerated]

Are you sure the unit is correct?]

This number is hundreds of billions! 】

Due to the large coverage area, it is difficult to eliminate all locusts at once.

They will spread everywhere. African desert locusts can not only wreak havoc among many countries in Africa, but also across Europe, Asia, and Africa, flying from East Africa to West Asia, South Asia, and Southern Europe, and sometimes even to South America. Run around half the world.

With such a large area, it is difficult to catch them all at the same time.

Moreover, locusts lay eggs in the soil, so when the locusts on the ground are wiped out, the eggs in the soil will hatch into locusts after a period of time, and a new batch of locust plagues will form, which will cause locust plagues to continue to appear.

Even in China, after decades of long-term, firm, and effective governance with high organizational strength, it can barely restrain it and prevent it from forming groups, and even this happens from time to time, let alone being completely backward. An underorganized Africa.

While thinking, the locust finally came to everyone.

The first to appear was a locust that fell to the ground.

Bi Fang lifted a corner of the animal hide and saw it landed on a green grass with his own eyes. He opened his mouth and began to eat it at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, one after another locusts fell like raindrops, gnawing the grass like their previous companions.

"In a real locust plague, the density of locusts is very high, up to 5,000 locusts per square meter, with a total weight of about 10 kilograms. With 3 million locusts per mu of land, the total weight can reach six tons."

"Under normal circumstances, in arid areas, only two to three acres of grain fields can produce one ton of straw, and only 40,000 to 50,000 locusts are needed, which can be eaten within an hour."

"If there is a plague of locusts, it will take less than a minute."

"The most important thing is that locusts eat more than twice their body weight every day. UU Reading can eat up the crops in an area in one day."

Bi Fang watched and explained.

He could still clearly feel that locusts had also fallen on his back, that is, on the animal skin, but since there was no food, he jumped away again.

Under careful close observation, Bi Fang and the audience also saw several locusts inserting their tails into the soil.

Apparently breeding.

"The locusts in the normal state are scattered, and they are severe 'social fear', and they will avoid physical contact with the same kind. However, under certain circumstances, such as suitable living conditions, more food, locusts reproduce happily, and the population density increases. I think It’s a little harder to keep a distance from other bugs.”

"In this case, if the hind legs are touched frequently, their insect brains will secrete serotonin and some other pheromones, and the locusts will become gregarious. The whole process only takes a few hours."

"Attention, only the hind legs can trigger the 'brainwashing' effect, not other parts. As for why, I don't know, it's still under research."

"The gregarious locust is a completely different thing. It will even change its own structure, becoming more edible and flying. Although it is not more fertile, the quality of the eggs has become higher and the color has also changed. It will change from green to green. Turned yellow or black."

"And the smell will always attract other locusts to join the team. The locust swarm will continue to expand and the food will not be enough to eat. It will start a big migration. Migrate all the way, breed all the way, attract new locusts to join all the way, and of course eat food all the way. "

"That's how the plague of locusts began."

"The number of waves we have encountered is not very large. It is conceivable that they may become what I call 'black clouds' in a short time."

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