Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 86: Showing off one's power in public

The front yard of the martial arts hall.

When Jiang Ning and Cheng Ran appeared.

Someone immediately spotted the two of them.

"Brother Jiang is here!"

As soon as the words fell.

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of Jiang Ning.

Then they gathered around.

"Brother Jiang!"

"Hello, Brother Jiang!"

"Hello, Brother Jiang!"


Looking at the compliments from everyone in front of him, Jiang Ning said, "Brother Jiang, you are too polite!"

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

No wonder so many people like to show off in front of others. It's really nice to be complimented and admired!

At this moment, Jiang Ning felt that he seemed to have become a few years younger in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment.

Someone in the crowd spoke up: "Brother Jiang, you have cultivated all five animals, but you were able to become Master Wang's true disciple so quickly. You have a very high talent and understanding, and your boxing skills must be superb. Can you show us your boxing skills and give us some pointers!"

"Master Wang only teaches us once a day, and our understanding is average, so I really feel that it is not enough!"

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded and complained.

"Yes! Senior Brother Jiang! Master Wang only teaches us once a day! We are struggling to learn boxing and martial arts, but we are limited by our talents and don't know where to start."

"That's right! That's right! Those of us who can stay are people who are not afraid of hardship. We all want to learn boxing to change our lives, have power, and control our destiny."

"Senior Brother Jiang, we dare not ask for too much. We just hope that when Senior Brother Jiang practices boxing, we can watch by the side!"

When everyone heard this, someone immediately echoed: "This senior brother is right. It will be satisfying for us to watch!"

Cheng Ran also whispered at this time: "Senior Brother Jiang, some of the junior brothers are from the outer city. They have paid everything to learn boxing. It is not easy! Some people come to this inner city and have a good family background! If Senior Brother Jiang can, it will also help the future if you do a favor."

When Jiang Ning heard this, he pondered in his heart.

Cheng Ran's words made sense.

More friends always have more ways.

Even if I can't use it in the future, if I leave Luoshui County in the future

My eldest brother and his wife's family will finally live in Luoshui County.

If I leave some connections, it will be of some help to my eldest brother and his wife's family.

Thinking of this.

Jiang Ning immediately said: "All the junior brothers have said so, so if I don't agree, wouldn't it be too unkind."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

Most of them watched Jiang Ning join the martial arts hall, and also watched how Jiang Ning got to this point.

So they didn't doubt Jiang Ning's talent at all.

That was a genius who could cause the great figure of the owner of the Shen building to break the rules of the Wanhua Building and come down to help.

It was also the person that Master Wang was willing to tear his face with the Cao family to save.

From that day on, they knew that Jiang Ning's talent was far beyond their imagination.

So today, they took this opportunity to come forward to get closer to him.

In their opinion, if they could get Jiang Ning's permission to let them observe, they would definitely benefit a lot.

Five animals were cultivated together, and they could become a true disciple, which meant that the boxing skills might have been perfected in all five styles.

The Dacheng boxing method has both spirit and form, and is astonishingly powerful.

After more than a month of learning, he has achieved the mastery of the five styles of boxing. In their eyes, this is nothing short of amazing.

After all, as boxing learners, they have the most say in how difficult the Five Animals Boxing is.

At this time.

Jiang Ning said: "Watch out, fellow students!"

After the voice fell, Jiang Ning then began to practice boxing.

As soon as the fierce tiger fist came out, it was as powerful as a tiger.

The fist wind was raised, making a whistling sound, just like a tiger roaring in the mountains.

As soon as the wild bear fist came out, it was powerful and heavy. Every kick that fell made everyone feel as if there was a sign of a dragon turning over.

As soon as the white ape fist came out, the body was agile and the speed was as fast as the wind.

"What a fierce boxing method!"

"What a heavy boxing method!"

"What a fast speed!"


Everyone watched Jiang Ning practicing boxing, their eyes were full of wonders, and they were amazed.

Cheng Ran looked at this scene and also showed an expression of amazement.

Senior Brother Jiang is indeed a genius who is valued by such a big shot as Master Shen. His talent is really terrifying!

He cultivated all five animals at the same time, and it seems that they have all reached the state of great success.

In more than a month, all five styles of boxing have broken through from the entry level to the great success. He is really a monster! !

My father is really confused! !

If he could agree two days before Master Shen's death.

Then my Cheng family will be prosperous in the future with the favor of Senior Brother Jiang.

If my father said anything about investing in Jiang Ning, it would harm me!

Because Jiang Ning and I are in an equal competitive relationship, there is only one place left for the martial arts hall to join the inspection office.

Xiao Peng already competes with me. If I invest in Jiang Ning, it will add another competitor to me.

Now it seems that this is not a competitive relationship!

Senior Brother Jiang is so talented, how can I compete with him.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Cheng Ran sighed in his heart.

After finishing the boxing, Jiang Ning put his fists away and stood.

[Five Animals Fist Experience +1]

[Skills]: Five Animals Fist (Great Mastery 552/1000)

Everyone was whispering at this moment.

"It is indeed the Great Mastery stage, Senior Brother Jiang's talent is really scary!"

"Yes! All five styles of boxing have reached the Great Mastery stage, too amazing!!"

"No wonder he is valued by such a great man as Shen Congyun!!!"

"You deserve the title of Senior Brother! If we talk about talent in our martial arts school, Senior Brother Jiang must be the number one person!"

"That's inevitable! After learning boxing for just one month, who can compare to this? It's the first time for us in Luoshui County to be valued by Mr. Shen in these years!"

"Yeah! There's no comparison!"


Jiang Ning's five senses were so strong at this time, no matter how low these people's voices were, he could still hear them clearly.

Then he smiled and said, "Junior brothers, can you see clearly? Do you have any insights?"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Jiang, for showing me your boxing skills! I've gained something from this!" someone said.

The rest of the people also spoke one after another: "There is a harvest, thank you Senior Brother Jiang!"

"The harvest has been great, no less than Master Wang's guidance to us. Thank you so much, Senior Brother Jiang!"

"Senior Brother Xie Jiang!!!"


the other side.

The two disciples guarding the door also looked back at the front yard of the martial arts hall.

"How perverted!"

"Yes! Senior Brother Jiang is so perverted!"

Another person said: "I still remember the day when Senior Brother Jiang joined the martial arts gym, his eldest brother personally sent him to the entrance of the martial arts gym."

"I remember it too, but we both dismissed Senior Brother Jiang's statement at that time."

"Yes! Now that I think about it, we are really ignorant!"

"It's not our fault actually! Who would have thought that Senior Brother Jiang's talent is so high!"

"That's right! Senior Brother Jiang's talent is really too high. After learning boxing for just one month, he has reached such a state of boxing skills. Even if we look at the whole county, there are not many people who can compare with him!"

"That's inevitable! There are only a handful of them!"


The front yard of the martial arts hall.

Then they exchanged a few simple greetings.

Jiang Ning continued to practice boxing without any distractions.

As for how much those who observe can comprehend, that is none of his business.

Being able to let them watch themselves practice boxing is already a great help to them.

After all, the spirit and form he displayed while practicing boxing at this time were no different from those shown to them by Wang Jin himself.

This help is huge.

It's like Wang Jin has been practicing boxing for them.

How much you can realize depends on fate.

In the process of Jiang Ning practicing boxing hard, his Wu Qin Quan experience value is also constantly growing.

Every time you perform a punch, you will gain a little experience value, and you will be one step closer to perfection.

At the same time, the power of the four strands of Qi and blood will be condensed, and the achievement of Qi and blood will be further improved.

In the process of repeated boxing practice, Jiang Ning's strength is steadily improving.

The body is getting stronger and stronger with the nourishment of Qi and blood, and the strength is also constantly improving.

These days, Jiang Ning has felt that his strength has increased greatly, far exceeding the previous 500 kilograms with one arm.

But he didn't know how much strength it had.

Because the heaviest stone lock in the martial arts hall is only five hundred kilograms.

A stone lock weighing five hundred kilograms is already very large.

Further up, with boulders as locks, the size alone is a big problem.

Only by using fine iron that has been repeatedly forged can we make test objects with higher strength.

But the value of fine iron is too high, and it is used to forge sharp weapons.

Who would be willing to waste six to seven hundred pounds of fine iron to forge a tool to test strength?

So at this time, Jiang Ning didn't know how many kilograms of his specific strength he had.

He only knows that his current strength far exceeds 500 kilograms, and is no longer on the same level as before.

The next day.

Jiang Ning continued to practice boxing in the front yard of the martial arts gym.

Yesterday Wang Jin announced that he was the sixth true disciple.

The attitude of all the disciples towards him changed drastically again.

Especially when they could see Jiang Ning practicing the truly accomplished Wu Qin Fist with their own eyes, they were all extremely excited.

One punch is completed.

[Five-animal fist experience value +1]

[Skill]: Five-animal Fist (Dacheng 583/1000)

The experience value increases a little, and the qi and blood condense again.

Jiang Ning then took out half of the wild ginseng from his arms and threw it into his mouth. As he slowly chewed it, the wild ginseng residue mixed with his saliva entered his belly.

Under the strong digestive power of his stomach, the medicinal effect of wild ginseng quickly began to take effect, and warm currents emerged from his stomach and rushed towards his internal organs, limbs and bones.

"Senior Brother Jiang, this is some medicinal wine that my father prepared for me. It tastes very good. You might as well try it, Senior Brother Jiang." A disciple took advantage of Jiang Ning's break in practicing boxing and hurriedly stepped forward.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning opened his eyes and scanned it, then shook his head: "Since your father prepared it for you and it is useful for your martial arts training, then forget it!"

The martial arts disciple quickly said: "Senior Brother Jiang, you can't say that! Senior Brother Jiang is willing to let me observe the boxing skills, which is equivalent to Master Wang practicing the boxing skills for us day and night. What kind of kindness is this?"

"This is no less than Master Wang's gift of teaching me skills!"

"I, Zheng Yongtao, am not a ungrateful person!"

"Please accept this offer from Senior Brother Jiang, otherwise I won't be able to observe the essence of Senior Brother Jiang's boxing skills with peace of mind."

Hearing these words, someone stepped forward again.

"Junior Brother Zheng is right! Senior Brother Jiang not only has no grudge against us for his previous contempt and neglect, but now he is so generous and allows us to observe the subtleties of Dacheng Boxing."

"Such a big heart really makes us ashamed!"

"Furthermore, the help that Senior Brother Jiang has given us, even if we paid a hundred taels of silver a month for a personal trainer, it would be difficult for us to have such an effect. How can we use it with peace of mind."

As soon as these words came out, everyone spoke one after another.

"The two senior brothers are right!"

"Yes! Senior Brother Jiang is so broad-minded and generous, how can we enjoy such benefits with peace of mind!"

"That's right! This junior brother is right!!"


For a while, there were many different opinions.

After they saw it for half a day yesterday, they knew that this was an extremely rare opportunity.

As long as Jiang Ning is always willing to practice boxing in front of them and show the exquisiteness of Dacheng boxing, it will be of great help to them.

As Zheng Yongtao just said, it is no less than Master Wang personally practicing boxing for them.

And it is practicing boxing dozens of times a day.

Therefore, they discussed with each other for a while, and then what happened today happened.

After all, there is a saying.

It is short to take from others!

They paid some external things to get closer to Jiang Ning, and it is a sure win to repair the previous grudge.

And paying is equivalent to paying money to learn skills, which can make this situation more stable.

Looking at the compliments of the people in front of him, watching them take out gifts as expressions.

Jiang Ning couldn't help but smile, his heart was like a mirror.

He could naturally see some of these people's thoughts.

Let alone other things, he heard clearly when several people were talking in a low voice in the distance just now.

After all, his hearing is now powerful and frightening. As long as he wants to eavesdrop, the so-called whispers are no different from those in his ear.

"But this is also a good thing! For me, I don't have to pay anything, and I can get some benefits for nothing!"

Jiang Ning thought about it and said in his heart.


He said: "Well! Since all the junior brothers say so, I will accept it!"

After that, everyone looked very happy and handed over the gifts they had prepared in advance. Among them were wild tonic medicines, carefully prepared medicinal wines, and pills for strengthening the body and strengthening the blood.

At this time, everyone saw Jiang Ning accepting them one by one.

A person who seemed to be the leader of this event stepped forward and bowed to Jiang Ning, saying: "Brother Jiang, I have customized a box in Baihua Tower in advance, and I want to invite you to a banquet tonight!"

Jiang Ning Baihua Tower, these three words, made it clear that this was a romantic place in Luoshui County.

He immediately shook his head: "Forget about the banquet! I still have to practice boxing, and I can't let Master Wang down!"

He knew that he was not qualified to enjoy it now.

Let alone entering the ninth level of martial arts, his qi and blood are not yet perfect, so how can he be qualified to enjoy it.

After hearing Jiang Ning's words, the man showed admiration.

"Brother Jiang, it's no wonder that you have achieved such success today after learning martial arts for more than a month."

"I admire this spirit of self-discipline."

Afterwards, after a few greetings.

Everyone stopped disturbing him.

Jiang Ning drank two more sips of medicinal wine and continued to practice boxing.

He could feel that he was very close to the perfection of qi and blood.

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