Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 134: Responsible for his heartache

Aria who woke up at the usual time with Alan was surprised to see no breakfast. Isaac and Eva weren't out of the room either.

Alan went to the kitchen to prepare for them so that they could eat and board the jet back home.

Aria asked Noah and Rian to help Alan before knocking on Eva's room door.

"Eva, why do you have dark circles?... What's wrong?"

Aria who concernedly asked Eva checking her sleepless face was worried seeing her hug without a word.

Aria silently stood patting her back. Eva had left saying she was sleepy so Aria couldn't understand what was going on.

Aria made her sit and helped her to drink water before sitting with her.

"What's wrong? Did anything happen?... Eva, don't hide from me else I can't help you out."

Eva faintly smiled and moved Aria to lay on her lap, "I'm sleepy."

Aria again tried, "Eva?"

Eva pursed her lips before she could manage to say emotionlessly, "Wifey, I'm fine. I'll talk to you some other time. Let me nap, please..."

Aria could only nod and caressed her head gently. Eva soon dozed off letting Aria think of all the possibilities.

After cooking, Rian went upstairs to call them who was shushed by Aria and she whispered to him, "We two will eat in the car on the way to the airport. You guys carry on."

Rian nodded in confusion and asked, "What happened to Our flirty?"

Aria shook her head indicating she doesn't know. Rian was leaving but Aria held his hand, "Observe Isaac and let me know."

Rian gave thumbs up in agreement and left that room. He knocked on Isaac's room door before entering to see filled ashtray which made his brows furrowed instantly.

"Brother Isaac, you don't really smoke. Why did you smoke so much?"

Isaac was leaning on the headrest of the bed using his tab when Rian entered.

Isaac didn't reply and Rian continued, "Brother Isaac, don't smoke." He threw ashes to the bin with the other two unopened imported cigarette packs.

Isaac didn't comment about it. "Why are you behaving like an elder brother?"

Rian sat next to him and played a video that Aria had sent him and Noah when she had got to know Rian and Noah were planning to try smoking.

Isaac chuckled humorlessly seeing the medical condition of lungs of a man who was smoking from five years.

"You don't smoke because of this video?"

Rian then explained. "No, Little devil and Eva had created artificial lunges and gave us demo how a single cigarette can affect us and the people around us. The smoke has a very minute particulate which affects the blood purification process. Oxygen content..."

Isaac never in his dream thought one day he would hear Rian talk about the blood purification process through respiration and follow up functions of purified blood.

After that Rian explained how the impure blood which absorbs smoke would affect the cells in the body leaving Isaac at loss.

Isaac spoke after fifteen minutes when Rian finished, "You are so smart. After hearing from you, I'm feeling like I'm completely polluted."

Rian responded seriously, "No, it's been a long time you stopped smoking so the oxygen rate in the blood..."

Isaac cut in, "Stop stop stop. Fine, I'll not smoke again. Stop chivvying me. Stay away from those girls, they are teaching you nonsense."

Rian rolled his eyes. "Brother Isaac, come downstairs for breakfast."

Isaac nodded in response, got fresh, and reached the dining hall. He saw both girls weren't present and the rest were eating.

Alan noticed his weird behavior but didn't comment in front of Noah and Rian.

Alan sent Rian and Noah to pack thinking to talk to Isaac but the latter spoke first, "I'm not coming with you guys." Then he left promptly.

Alan wanted to help but he wasn't the one to poke in unnecessarily to other's private matters. Seeing him leave, Alan didn't follow.

Alan packed his and Aria's clothes before checking on them. Aria had to wake up Eva to get fresh so that they could leave on time.

Aria was perplexed knowing Isaac wasn't going with them and he wasn't even seeing them off.

Aria looked at Eva who was smiling unnecessarily to herself to make it seem she was fine. Then she looked at Rian raising her brows.

Rian pulled her aside, "Brother Isaac had smoked too much and I don't think he had rested properly last night. He was quiet as a mouse at the dining table too and didn't even ask about you or Eva once."

Aria nodded and went inside to meet Isaac. She sounded normal, "How dare you ignore your investor and stay in your room?"

Isaac acted well, "So my investor came in search of me."

"Sh*t" Isaac held his stomach where Aria punched and saw her grim face.

"I don't care if you think of me as nosy or busybody. What's going on with you?"

Aria who asked saw Isaac contemplating, "If you showcase your acting skills then forget you have somebody to call as little sister too."

Aria waited for nearly a minute looking at his poker face then sighed. "Alright. I'll not ask. Take care."

Even though she wouldn't mind being called a busybody, she never liked to force them.

She left and almost reached the door, Isaac spoke, "Eva likes somebody in your school."

Aria froze.

Does Eva like somebody in our school?

Eva doesn't like Isaac?

Isaac is down because of that?

She turned to face Isaac whose face was indecipherable.

Then why is Eva depressed?

Aria wanted to ask how he got to know but heard, "Who is a popular boy in your school?"

Aria was confused but still answered promptly, "Rian and Noah. Why..."

Isaac clenched his fist and forced a smile. He cut in, "Don't tell anything to your friend... Stop running around and be safe. Take Alan if you want to go anywhere..."

He rubbed her head led her out of the villa as he nagged her. Aria held his shirt and asked, "You mean Eva likes Noah or Rian?"

Isaac didn't reply. He waved his hand and left.

Rian, Noah, and Eva were in the first car that left. Alan saw Aria distracted looking outside.

"What's wrong?"

Aria shook her head and rested her head on his shoulder. She really felt bad for Isaac. She felt responsible for his heartache.

Alan who had continued to work couldn't help but hug her. "Will you tell me what's going on?"

She thought for long before being able to ask him, "Did I make mistake about Eva and Isaac?"

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