Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 160: My muddled fianceé

"In. Your. Dreams." Aria shouted each word clearly then continued, "Shall I come to the office? We can go together back to the villa."

Alan sounded normal, "No, stay over there. I will see you there."

"Alright... Come soon."

Alan hung up the call but he knew well she would call back in fifty to sixty minutes again.

He hadn't missed noticing her behavior from the time she finished her exams and she realized she would be soon leaving the country for five whole years.

Initially, she spoke like she was taking him with her. She followed him all around even though he asked her to rest.

If he goes offsite work for just some hours, she was calling him once every hour for silly things.

He wasn't least bit annoyed by that. But he was sure she would start crying as the day of her departure arrives soon.

He had purposefully sent Aria to the Morgan mansion so that he could go over Harold's training base. After hearing Finn, now he had to make a quick trip to country S to pull some strings to get a seat for him.

Importantly, he didn't want Aria to notice even single bruises on him. So he was reaching home at dinner time and leave quickly.

After swiftly finishing his work, he had dinner with all. Aria tortured him to take her with him as she was free but he didn't agree.

"I'll come back in two days. Be obedient and stay at home."

Seeing her pout in displease, he pecked on her lips and threatened, "If you cry now, I'll toss you out."

"Fine... Go bye." She went on his bed, snuggled under the blanket to fall asleep.

He just loves how she was comfortable in his room. He checked the time and sat on the bed. He spoke to her in a low tone for some time caressing her head so that she could fall asleep faster.

He wanted to cuddle but he knew Aria could identify the medicine smell on him if he goes near her.

After making sure she slept, he left for the airport.


Eva and Isaac weren't an intimate couple yet. They were still understanding each other and their preferences.

After dinner in a restaurant, both were strolling as Eva mentioned how and when they would be meeting.

"If you come to nearby country U for shooting, then you can drop by there without worrying about Visa. You will get an arrival on Visa for thirty days... Whenever you want to take a break from your work, you can come there itself. I'll come home twice or thrice a year so you better don't keep any work during those days... Don't meet my parents regularly, they will only diss me if I'm not present..."

Isaac was nodding like an obedient puppet of Eva who was ordering him.

Eva's parents were very fond of Isaac after spending little time with him. They even offered him to stay with them as Eva was leaving but he turned down without finding it appropriate.

Eva was green in envy seeing how well her parents were treating Isaac. She couldn't believe they were the ones who didn't want her to date him in the beginning.

They were so close that they were deciding about everything and inform her later if they planned anything.

Isaac who heard her for a very long time stopped her to face her. He removed his mask and spoke cupping her face.

"What are you so worried about? I'm not going to have an affair with anybody. Relax."

Eva flung his hands away and snorted, "I thought you were going to kiss me and you are talking about an affair."

Isaac pursed his lips hearing her. He just loves how boldly she speaks about it.

He didn't want her to think too much hence he never tried anything for more than a month which had already made her ask 'Don't you know to kiss?'

Seeing her turn around, he pulled her back and went for her pink soft lips. Instead of getting shy, Eva was excited about getting her first kiss near the wishing pond.

Eva didn't want anybody to notice Isaac as they would be attracting too much attention kissing in the public place so she covered his side face with her palms and requited...

Even though they attracted too much attention, it was very common near the wishing pond so nobody cared who they were.

Isaac broke the kiss and pecked on her forehead before asking, "So do I know?"

Eva who was blushing smacked her lips and said, "One more..."

Isaac wanted to chuckle but Eva pulled his hoodie down and initiated making him continue pulling her to his arms.

Isaac knew Eva was dating the first time and her all first was him. Since she was the author of two bestseller romance books and had a wild imagination, he didn't hold back and melted her in his arms...

Well, he couldn't believe he was also liking her shy side when she hid her face on his chest.

Eva suddenly remembered something and put on his mask before going back to hug her Hottie.

Isaac chuckled rubbing her head. So he was actually the type who like hyperactive and a little shy girl.

Both strolled around for a long time before he dropped her home.


Noah was busy with his family members who were heartbroken to send him for three years away from them.

Rian and Roxy were on their boring date visiting an art festival talking about arts and paintings.

Aria and Eva would have told it as boring but they didn't feel that way and met quite a few famous artists.

Aria visited the Cooper mansion and met all maids, the housekeeper, and others before returning to the Morgan mansion after dinner.


The next day she spent time with Amelia and Rowan other than rolling on the bed bored as hell.

When she was pulled to the arms in the dawn, Aria punched and slept on top of him asking for a hug.

The day and night between the two countries were opposite hence they had hardly spoken which had made the little one angered on the big one.

When Aria woke up, Alan who was awake flipped her down. "Two days and you didn't like it. What will you do for five years?"

He didn't expect his question to trigger her and start crying.

"Alan, I don't want to go anywhere..."

'Can somebody please explain what to do with my muddled fianceé?'

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