Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 179: Twist: Aria wavered seeing Alan

Aria turned to Abey and Saira who had a troubled expression, "Uncle, Aunty, shall I help you with something?"

Both shook their heads. "Which room are you two staying in? I will take you guys there."

Saira pointed at the ground floor room which Sophia had called Aria and asked before choosing the room. 

Abey had created a scene with Sophia for not letting them take the room on the above floors which were top-grade, fully modernized, and had a good view. 

But Sophia didn't allow them and they had ordered her to wait till Aria comes but they didn't expect Aria to treat Sophia as a family member.

Except for her father, Aria grew up under Sophia's care. So naturally, Aria was closer to Sophia who knew everything about her likes and dislikes of her than anybody. 

Probably Alan knew but does it matter anymore?

By the time Aria took a bath and went to bed, it was one at midnight. She wanted to sleep but she kept tossing on the bed because she was stopping herself from crying instead of trying to sleep. 

When her eyes fell on the bedside photo frame, she started crying.

She threw the frame out of the bay window before slumping on the floor.

She had clearly remembered how she had told Alan that she wouldn't be able to collect herself if anything happened between them but it happened to let her collect the pieces herself the whole day and she would eventually lose it when she was alone.


Next day news was all about Skyline industries and the Morgan industries. 

Aria wasn't surprised by Alan's quick reflexes and finding the investors. She knew he was too smart to be controlled so easily.

But Alan tore the business newspapers and threw away reading about Skyline Industries. 

When he was with her, nobody dared to hover around Aria. It was just two days, even companies from the capital went up to her. 

All the annoying flies of the city were trying to get her attention.

As soon as he got to know Aria was going for lunch with a chairman of the fashion industry, he dropped all his work to reach there.

Aria and Levi entered the Private room for lunch and greeted, "Chairman Baker." 

Aria shook his hand and sat down when Levi pulled a chair for her.

"President Cooper. It's a pleasure meeting you." He was a man in his mid-fifties.

He sat down and introduced the man next to him, "Let me introduce my son, Luke Baker. Designer and CEO of Aida fashion industries."

Aria hadn't noticed him thinking he might be an assistant but when Luke and Aria looked at each other, "It's you."

"Dad, she is Alia."

"And you are LAN," Aria said.

"So President Cooper, It's a pleasure meeting you." He extended his hand for a handshake with his charming smile.

Aria had just extended but somebody else held her hand.

When her eyes fell on the owner of the hand, unthinking her brows furrowed. She tried to pull her hand but it was held tighter.

"President Baker, it's a pleasure seeing you." It was a pawky tone of Alan Morgan who sat next to Aria holding her hand.

Aria wavered seeing him.

She really wished nothing happened between them. 

When he turned to her and smiled, she really wanted to smile back but Levi's nudge pulled her back to reality.

Aria pulled her hand back and faced ahead, "Chairman Baker, I didn't know unnecessary people were invited for lunch."

Alan's expression slightly changed, "Sweetheart, why do I need an invite to accompany my wife?"

"Alia, when did you marry?" Luke asked in surprise.

His father spoke, "President Morgan, you think I don't know you guys didn't marry."

"Oh, See."

Aria frowned seeing Alan raise her hand and realized he was showing their finger rings. Aria pulled it out and threw away.

Alan's face turned pitch black. His cold tone sounded and he pulled her out. "I have to placate my angered wife. Excuse us." 

Aria signaled Levi to tend to them as she tried to break free from Alan's grip but failed. 

He entered the next room and locked the door pinning her to the wall.

"Aria, did you think I will let you off and date somebody else?" 

Aria poked her thigh hard to avoid getting carried away by her emotions.

Alan who hugged her, rubbed his nose on her neck as he spoke in his deep voice, "Sweetheart, you can only live in my arms and die in mine. Or else you will die alone. Don't dare to dream about another man."

Alan couldn't help himself and kiss on her neck but he realized Aria was standing without a reaction. 

She just looked like a flawless doll that had no life and emotion looking at him. 

She didn't push him, she didn't struggle and she didn't react. It was like he was holding a lifeless beautiful marionette which was breathing.

Even though he didn't expect her to accept his behavior, he expected her to struggle, shout at him, push him away, chide him, throw her frustration out, cry out for being forced on her but...

"What's wrong with you? Aria..." Alan immediately tensed and shook her to get a reaction.

Aria asked emotionlessly, "Are you done? Shall I leave?"

Alan's eyes darkened. He again tried to scare her but Aria stood like a statue. 

When he stopped after biting her shoulder, Aria asked, "Done?"

Alan pushed her out of the room and closed the door before punching the wall. 

He had forgotten she never plays by opposition terms. He expected her to struggle so she didn't.

Aria who almost lost footing on her heels was held by Levi who passed her handkerchief. "Are you alright?"

Aria nodded, "I will use the restroom and come."

Aria washed her face and checked on her thigh where it had started drops of blood due to her nails. She used a paper towel on it and cleaned her pants before exiting like an elegant lady.

She finished her meeting with successful cooperation between two companies before returning to Skyline Industries.

She was working when Levi asked if she wanted to meet Isaac. Aria tried to be calm and nodded, "Send him in."

Aria who always excitedly wished him sat indifferently and pointed at the chair without raising her head. "Yes?"


"How can I help you Mr.Ross?"


Aria kept her files away and faced him, "What? You are sorry? Alright. Anything else?"

"Arrie." He had thought they could sit and talk but seeing her cold, he had nothing to say.

"I know Alan Morgan. You don't have to feel sorry for it. I'm not angry at you. If nothing, please leave. I have lots of work."

"Is it important for you two to do all these?"

"I didn't start"

"You can stop."

"I will stop one day."

"I didn't mean that way. Stop now."

Aria didn't reply and pointed the door for him. Isaac could only leave glancing at her.

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