Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 181: Twist: My vengeful wife

Aria woke up after two hours in the hospital. She was shocked to see an unknown ceiling.

She remembered she was taking water and walking towards her desk but felt dizzy. 

She tried to pull her hand back and realized somebody was holding her hand and he reacted instantly.

"Aria, are you fine? Are you feeling pain anywhere? How many times have I told you to eat well and drink lots of water during your cycle? Can't you do that?..." 

Alan continued without caring about anything.

Aria had the urge to hug him and say she was fine, it was because of stress and long meeting her body couldn't take it.

Rian who was glaring at his brother scorned, "Enough of your fake concern. Get out..."

Aria wanted to stop Rian but words stuck in her throat and eyes filled up. Eva hugged her thinking she might break down.

Anyhow, Aria controlled herself and realized there were many people and she was in the hospital ward.


Aria flushed and went under the duvet cursing Levi in mind. 

'Dumb man, do you have to announce to the whole world that I'm on menstruation?'

There were Alan, Eva, Noah, Rian, Finn, Harold, Roxy, Levi, Isaac.

Levi had called Aria's doctor and Finn who was with Harold. 

Finn thought he should inform Roxy who was Aria's sister. 

Roxy informed Rian, Eva, and Noah. 

Eva was with Isaac. 

Alan had got a call from Aria's doctor.

After knowing she was just weak on her cycle, they had breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Aria's reaction, they realized how embarrassing it was for her.

Rian pushed Roxy inside and said, "I have some work, go to go."

Noah, "Me too."

"I have to check on upcoming interview schedules."

"Old bones need rest."

"I will go back home." Isaac waved at Eva.

Eva and Roxy looked at Alan who didn't budge.

Aria thought her image was all spoiled. "Evvie, I'm dying of embarrassment. I don't want to come out. How can Levi be so dumb to announce to everyone? Ahhh..."

Aria who was under duvet had no idea Alan was still present. She had thought he must have left when Rian scolded.

Alan controlled his curling lips hearing her whine like a little girl. 

He realized he misses everything about her very badly. 

He desperately wanted to subside her anger and take her back to him. Upon that hearing she fainted, he decided to make it by hook or by crook.

Aria who thought for a few seconds spoke as she opened the duvet, "Now I'm hungry. Eva, let's go barbeque and let the company go to he...ll."

Aria's eyes were wide open looking at Alan still standing.

"No barbeque. It's not good in this condition." Alan coldly ordered.

"None of your business."

She stepped out of the bed and walked out. She saw Rian lazing with Noah, "Beauty, I want Barbeque."

"Alright. Don't drive. I will go and order first."

Alan knew if he try to stop her, she would want to do it more so he didn't comment and they all left one after the other.

As Alan had told, the same night, Aria had heavy cramps and lost her sleep. 

Sleeping for little time, Aria got ready and left early to the venue of her first fashion show in the country A with joint cooperation with the Aida fashion industry.

Levi was asking her to sit repeatedly whenever she ran around checking arrangements and dresses.

Aria wanted to make him understand that she was fine but remembered the previous day , she just flushed in awkwardness and remained quiet.

It was also Luke's first fashion show in country A hence he was also running around checking everything.

When everything was done, She sat with Luke and Levi as she relaxed and had lunch.

When it was time, All models started to get ready with their previously appointed dress. 

They had waited for more than half an hour but the show beginner and the showstopper who was the brand ambassador of the Skyline Industries was nowhere in sight.

Her manager's number was off, her number wasn't answered. 

Aria suddenly realized that the supermodel was under Morgan Industries and Alan could be behind it.

She called him directly and heard, "Sweetheart, I thought, I would have to wait a lifetime for your call."

"Alan Morgan, Bring it head-on instead of choosing low-class sneaky attack."

"My little wife! It needs talent for sneak attacks. Everybody can't do it. For example, You... Now agree with me I'll send your brand ambassador."

Aria smirked and signaled Levi to reach her as she asked Alan, "Agree for what?"

"Come back to me." Even though he spoke like ordering, there was a hint of request.

When her heart said yes, Aria's mind said, "My love, get your company to pay for the losses…"

She turned to Levi without hanging up the call, "Levi, contract breach, I want each penny deposited by three days and blacklist her from every possible way... I forgot, Call my teacher and ask him to black her out. Let me see how long she could say she is an international supermodel."

Then she told Alan, "Have a good day President Morgan."

Alan was looking at his mobile in astonishment. "My vengeful wife, aren't you ruthless? You just made a model useless in just mere a few seconds. No problem, tomorrow, you will be back to me."

His face had a hint of happiness thinking Aria would return to him.

There were only fifteen minutes to start but there was no model so Levi boldly suggested, "President Cooper, why don't you try?"

Aria had a better physique than the many models out there.

Aria thought it was the best way to provoke Alan. She stood up to get ready but paused.

"I don't look gullible anymore, right?"

Levi promptly responded, "You do and also helpless."

Aria pouted at him and quickly got ready with the help of makeup artist.

None in the audience knew Aria was stepping on in her own creation. 

The show beginner dress was corset tie up hence it fitted her perfectly. Other models looked at Aria in amusement.

Since she wasn't a competitor in their field, they lavishly complimented her and how she had maintained her body.

Aria raised her brows at Levi, "Am I beautiful?"

Aria who never heard him say what she wanted so she added a line again, "At least to piss President Morgan."

Levi smiled seeing her pout, "He will have to control himself from kidnapping you away."

Aria grinned and asked, "Where is he?"

"Hiding out, fourth line, last one in the dark."

'Alan Morgan, do you want to ruin my show? I'll ruin your heart and mind.'

Luke left his show beginner and circled Aria, "Alia, can you be my model? Only once."

Aria wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry seeing his puppy eyes eagerly waiting for her response raising his forefinger at her.

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