Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 198: Go to hell

Aria really doubted if she was mentally and emotionally strong or weak by her own behavior getting affected by Ford's words.

Curtis never stopped Aria from standing for herself even if the opposition was older. Seeing her quite as a mouse in deep thought, he realized Aria was blaming herself for what was happening.

"Did your old age affect your brain? I understand you don't know what is going on in business? Don't you know why Aria left her own wedding? Keep your tongue in check before spouting." Curtis didn't give a face to Ford who was an in-law.

Ford frowned harder thinking Aria brainwashed everyone and Alan was suffering. Jeremy wanted to rebuff but Ford stopped him.

Later Ford skipped the topic about Aria and spoke about Orla but Curtis wasn't in a mood to listen to anything. He had thought he could have a good time with Aria but he didn't expect she could get hurt by the unnecessary visitors and ruin her mood.

Ford came to a conclusion in his own blabber, "I will talk to Amelia and arrange both celebrations together. Curtis, rest well now. I'll see you soon."

Curtis grunted in response just like how Alan does which brought a smile on Aria's face.

Curtis was about to calm Aria but heard, "Grandfather, Alan is like you, isn't it? Pop and Mom aren't strong-headed as you and Alan."

Curtis smiled as he nodded, "But your husband is detached to the world unlike me."

Aria giggled hearing that. 

Well, she likes everything about Alan. 

Curse in disguise? She was prepared to make it to happiness.

Problems? Bring it on.

She spoke for some time with Curtis convincing him to discharge as such a long time acting wasn't required.

After completing the procedure of discharge she took Curtis and his caretaker to the Morgan mansion.


Alan soon received the news that Curtis was discharged by Aria and she was taking him home.

He quickly finished the meeting to go and see her.


Ford and Jeremy who left the hospital were still fuming. They didn't like how Curtis favored Aria over them who were in-laws.

"First Uncle, why are they blinded by that girl? Alan expected me to respect her even after she did so much."

Ford hopped on their car as he analyzed, "Probably, Alan really did all those things. Otherwise, why would Curtis be in Aria's favor?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes, "First Uncle, as a man, of course, I'm ambitious to stand tall above everyone. Alan is the same. Why is it wrong? That girl should feel happy about getting a skillful man. She is audacious to threaten me. I will teach her a lesson and show all how she is really like."

Ford didn't listen to him. If Alan did hurt Oliver and planned against Aria, he could understand the Morgan family getting angry but completely ignoring him, being good to Aria and Aria having such a good relationship with them raised a suspicion.

He dispersed his thoughts and reached the Morgan mansion soon.

Amelia happily welcomed her father and cousin. They merrily spoke with Rowan until Jeremy took Aria's topic.

"Amelia, I thought the whole family would be affected by that girl's blunder. Good that you are all fine."

Amelia and Rowan forced a smile. 

Why would they be sad when Alan and Aria were already married and love each other dearly?

Ford smacked Jeremy and changed the topic, "Amelia, We are planning to celebrate your mother's birthday. I heard you all celebrating Curtis's birthday too. Why don't we celebrate their birthday together? Two families together with guests."

Amelia liked it. "Sure. What do you think Rowan?"

"I have no problem." Rowan had just finished, a maid announced.

"Old master and Young Mad... Miss cooper is home." The maid knew she shouldn't call Young Madam to Aria in front of others.

Jeremy grounded his teeth knowing Aria was in the Morgan mansion.

Amelia and Rowan welcomed them and helped them to the living hall.

Seeing Jeremy and Ford, Aria didn't want to stay. "Grandfather, take lots of rest. Give me a call if you want to go around anywhere."

Then she turned to Amelia and Rowan who obviously didn't like seeing her leave so soon 

"Pop, Mum, I will take..."

Jeremy cut in, "You still have the audacity to call them Mother and father."

This time Aria didn't want to hold back but Amelia spoke first, "Jerry, mind your words. She is my little girl." Amelia was always protective of Aria.

Aria's eyes were narrowed at Jeremy and reminded, "I had warned you at the hospital. I didn't know you have such a poor memory. If I could hurt the Morgan Industries, how do you think you could stand against me?" 

Curtis lips tilted up hearing her and also noticed Alan striding inside looking livid which was obviously fake.

"Mom, Pop, I'll meet you some other... time."

Alan dragged her upstairs which put on a smile on Jeremy as Ford thought Alan was going to rebuke Aria for daring to enter the mansion.

"Alan" Amelia purposefully sounded dissatisfied with her tone.

Rowan wasn't good at acting so he remained quiet. 

Aria realized mother and son were into their characters so, "President Morgan, let me go..." 

Alan didn't care and scooped her up in his arms before taking stairs looking at her controlling her laughter.

Aria could say he was certainly dissatisfied with the presence of his grandfather Ford Gray and Uncle Jeremy Grayson.

Amelia went upstairs as if she was fuming and caught up with them before they could enter Alan's room. "My poor kids, wait."

Aria flushed in Alan's arms, "Put me down."


"Alan, how am I going to talk to Mum like this?" She wanted to hide from Amelia glancing at her who greatly liked Aria flushing in her son's arms.

Alan half-heartedly let her down seeing Amelia's grin.

"Dad wants to celebrate Mom and Dad's birthday together. Is that okay with you two?"

Alan had only one rule, 'I will attend if Aria attends.' so he was silent.

Aria held her hands, "Mum, you don't have to ask us this all. You are the lady of the house. We will do as you say."

Amelia smiled contently hearing her. Even if Aria and Alan objected due to circumstances, she wouldn't have minded but she really felt warm hearing Aria.

"My young lady, I will steal you in the next life." She adoringly caressed Aria's cheek, she left to give them time.

Aria chuckled and turned to see Alan hearing him say, "What did you say? Let me go? Okay, leave."

Aria went behind her husband and started pampering him for coming so far just to meet her for a little time. 

Alan was satisfied with her attention and efforts but he demanded a kiss like a tsundere, "Alright, I need a kiss."

Even though Aria knows she was a wife, she still flushed hearing him, "Fine, Be angry, I'm going."

Alan twirled her before pinning her on the bay window. He couldn't understand what she was still shy about but he loves it whenever she blushes. 

Aria couldn't resist like how she was in her teenage years whenever he teases her lips. Yearning for his kiss, she opened her eyes to see him.

Shyness? Go to hell.

Aria forcefully pressed on his lips seeing him backing off. By supporting her arms on his shoulder, she pulled him closer. 

Alan requited happily as he helped her to wrap her slender legs around his waist without noticing somebody witnessing it completely from outside.

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