Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 258: Want me to strip you now?

In the Cooper mansion, Calvin noticed Aria ignoring him hence he didn't disturb her either. Alan gave a meaningful look to Calvin before taking her to the office.

Just by thinking how Aria would react, Calvin felt it hard to make his mind to confess the truth.

Alan asked her to stop overthinking and have patience while she assured him before going to her office.

Alan informed his men to keep an eye on Calvin if in case he was arranging fake proofs for anything to lie again.

Aria had finished meetings and entered the office when she overheard Levi talking about Finn getting hurt.

"What happened to Finn?"

Levi was facing a coffee maker when he heard Aria. Hanging up the call, he turned around to respond.

"President Cooper, President Stanley was wounded yesterday. I heard he didn't visit a doctor. President Stanley's assistant said it happened yesterday and he isn't allowing anyone to check on it."

Levi and Finn's assistant were fellow comrades of the same team.

Aria checked the time and nodded, "Let's drop a visit and knock some sense."

Levi knew probably only Aria was capable of doing it for real too. "Alright, President Cooper."

She had called Finn before leaving for Ziro but he had declined to join them giving work as a reason.


Aria and Levi reached Starlight headquarters after confirming that Finn was in the office.

Most of the employees there knew Aria was Finn's friend and he had ordered them, never to stop her from entering inside so all greeted her while she went in.

His company's female celebrities never really liked her due to her closeness with their President so the matter quickly spread in the company about her arrival.

Aria had the same freedom in Woods' company and Morgan Industries so it didn't really matter to her.

Aria asked while in the elevator, "Shall I call doc here or drag him out to hospital?"

Levi almost chuckled, "President Cooper, If managers hear your hooligan side, they might never dare to speak up in front of you."

Aria rolled her eyes, "I don't understand how you guys put on a long face and get engrossed in work that you forget your own self."

Levi didn't comment. He had seen her forget her lunch and get off time many days until she was notified. It's just that she looks lively and they look serious.

Secretaries greeted Aria as she went towards Finn's office, "Is Finn inside?"

"Yes, President Cooper."

Aria nodded and told Levi, "Catch up with your fellows."

Levi saw her enter before going to get something for them to drink.

Aria knocked on the door and peeked in to see Finn's surprised expression sitting on the head sea of the meeting table with a file.

Finn's office room also had a long table for the meeting other than his own desk at the floor to ceiling window.

"Hey President Stanley, mind if I disturb you?"

"Dumb! Come in..."

Aria's lips twitched and flung the door open, "You are the big dumbo..." She shut her lips quickly seeing the five more were sitting at the table.

All were looking at her in bewilderment. They had just heard Finn and Aria bicker when together but never had heard or seen it live.

A female manager was swooning on Finn seeing his smile.

'Dumb man, was it important to call me dumb when you are actually in the meeting?'

She looked behind in annoyance to see secretaries giggling. 'Shouldn't they give me heads up or ask me to wait when he is in a meeting?'

The secretaries knew well Finn wouldn't like it if Aria waits so they didn't say anything.

Aria coughed awkwardly, "I will..." 'wait outside.'

"Do you need an invitation to enter inside?"

Aria was speechless seeing him not giving her a face. 'You just wait.'

She entered inside as she spoke, "President Stanley, do you have any idea about the time? If you want to wither, why are you torturing them?"

"Do you think you are blooming? Ugh... I see old age is affecting your brain."

Aria: ○_○

"Well, I can't help a man with a half brain to function normally."

Finn was speechless hearing her call him a half-dead man.

Aria giggled hearing no response and turned to managers who were suffocating themselves.

"I feel sorry for you having such a dictator as president. May I be helpful to wind up the meeting quickly?"

Coen's mouth was still wide open sitting on the couch. He had reached fifteen minutes earlier and Finn had just pointed him to the couch without a word giving him the look, 'Disturbing brat.'

Aria received a response from the Marketing Manager, "President Cooper, we are discussing the advertisement of Katie Archer's new movie as President Stanley going to turn down the rumors as false."

Once the news got out, they knew Katie Archer's popularity would be affected and the movie box office collection might fluctuate.

"Is it important to clear the rumors?"

"Grandpa might kill me if it continues." Finn lied.

Aria took seriously, "Alright. Turndown the rumors saying it is due to the fans who liked them to be a couple but don't pull down all the posts because it will seem suspicious as these two fought. And you can give offers like lucky winners or bonanza or choose some lucky viewers and offer them free tickets in your budget. Here you can send out a word as you might pick some viewers for the next movies too in your first movie."

All looked at her in astonishment for her quickness.

A manager spoke, "President Stanley, President Cooper's idea is amazing. We can start a trend of lucky viewers. As we are new and nobody followed this idea, it will also spread a good word about us. Since it's the social media era, we should choose the viewers who are actively using them and they would excitedly announce it saying they got lucky and the number of viewers would increase too."

Aria realized Finn had a great team that came up with a real-time succession rate.

Finn stretched his long arm and patted her head, "My manager is still intact."

"You-" Aria gritted her teeth flinging his handoff.

Finn continued, "Get me a detailed report on it. Meeting adjourned."

Aria knocked on his head and turned his swivel chair pushing it towards his desk.

She nodded at Ceon but continued to speak with Finn, "Stubborn mule, I heard you got hurt and didn't visit a doctor."

The managers envied them while going out.

Finn badly wanted to say, 'I'm not a kid or a broken leg patient to wheel me on the chair.'

Aria continued, "How did you get hurt? Where are you hurt?"

"Alia, it's nothing."

"I will tell you that. Wh..."

Levi who entered the room with juice and coffee commented. "His left-hand forearm."

Aria nodded at him and ordered Finn, "Remove your blazer."

Getting no reaction from Finn for quite a few seconds, "Do you want me to strip you now?"

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