Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 273: Vulnerable

Kyle didn't have much of a reaction hearing that and asked, "You might not like me staying over at your place."

Noah hummed promptly, "But it's not safe for you to go to the hotel now either."

Kyle passively nodded and went to his place. Noah went back to study after sending her to the guest room.

Kyle got fresh before going to Noah's open study room in the living hall. "Thank you for today."

Noah didn't spare a glance and hummed. "Let's visit the police station and file a complaint in the morning."

Kyle panicked and quickly said, "No, no... That's not necessary."

Noah wasn't sure how to react to it, "You were abused and you are trying to protect them. Do you... Never mind, you aren't answerable to me. Do as you please."

Since she never responded to anything properly, he thought she wouldn't speak it out either. He felt a joke about himself for helping the same person who doesn't value anything.

Kyle hesitated for a long time to speak seeing him give the cold shoulder. Noah was annoyed to see her standing and staring at him.

He thought to wrap his work and stood up to leave, Kyle clutched his T-shirt hem, "I'm sorry."

Noah shrugged her hand and was leaving again, Kyle continued, "I'm sorry for everything. Actually it's my mistake all along. I don't understand why I always get affected by your behavior so much so I was rude to you. And... There is something about me I don't want to talk about. I didn't want to lie to you so I always tried to avoid it. I knew this all led you to misunderstand me and your behavior changed with me. But I didn't realize it and thought you were playing with me. I'm sorry."

Kyle nervously made eye contact with Noah to make sure he wasn't angry. Seeing him calm, she continued, "Actually, those men saved me from two men who tried to abuse me away and I don't want to get into the case trouble. If my parents get to know, they will take me away and might not allow me to study further. So I said no but not to protect anybody."

Noah sighed hearing her, 'Is her past and parents are so horrible?'

"Alright. It's late. Go to bed." Noah said unemotionally and turned to leave but Kyle held him back.

"Can... Can we be friends? I... I might still avoid some topic about me but I promise, I will never lie to you."

Noah was kind of curious to know what happened in her life that she avoids talking about her but he didn't ask.


He saw her smile and left for his room, "Go to bed."

He called Aria before sleeping. He told her about everything that happened and she also suggested waiting for her to speak about it. If memories are dark, she might fall in despair.

But when Eva was connected to call and got to know Kyle was at his place, she teased him to lighten his mood.

He didn't care if he gets a good friend in country E, he wasn't going to leave his loonies.

From the next day, Kyle and Noah got along really well. They got along so well that Mila started to feel left out if Chris wasn't present.

Kyle always preferred to stay silent if it's about her family or friends or her past. For the rest of the things, she was normal speaking about it.

Everything was going well for two-plus years but it was soon disrupted when Mila proposed Noah in front of all the classmates.

"Noah Wood, I had seen you the first time when you had stood up to introduce yourself on our orientation day. You were famous between girls from day one due to your genteel look, gentle voice, and your warm smiles. I had tried to talk to you on the same day but I was too scared to reach you because I felt nobody facing you. Since our exams are near, I don't want to hide it anymore, Noah Wood I love you. Will you be my boyfriend?"

While all cheered hearing Mila, two were frozen at their place and another was holding his breath.

Noah never felt special for Mila. Even to think about dating her didn't fit in his thoughts. He didn't want to embarrass Mila so he went to her and called her outside.

"Mila, let's talk outside."

Mila didn't hear him and held his hand, "Noah, don't say no. We have known each other for so long and you know me too. So please accept it."

Noah didn't respond to it and tried to sound soft getting irritated by the classmates' cheer. "Let's talk in private. Mila let go of my hand."

Mila realized soon Noah wasn't going to say yes. Her eyes suddenly flickered with dangerous glint and eyed Kyle who had lowered her head.

She strode to her. Noah wasn't sure what she was up to so he just watched her.


The whole class gasped seeing Mila slap Kyle who was quiet as a mouse.

Noah didn't know the reason but he ran up to them. Before another strike landed on Kyle, Noah had instinctively wrapped his hand around shocked Kyle, and earned a hit on his back.

Mila laughed sinisterly and said, "Kyle Mason, you seduced Noah, didn't you? Were you bad-mouthing behind my back? You should have told me you liked Noah, I would have backed off right away for you. Hadn't I told you that I like him? I thought we were friends."

Noah had left Kyle but didn't get a chance to speak. Kyle who heard Mila felt wrong too.

Noah knew well Kyle never tried to get close to him. He didn't know whether she liked him or not but she never badmouthed about anybody to him.

To add fuel to the fire, Chirs went to Mila, "Mila, please calm down. I had told you to confess long back. Look what you got."

Kyle tried to speak but words failed her.

Others were shocked to see four friends who used to be close were so easy going on negatives.

Noah spoke clearly word for a word, "Mila, I never had any such feeling for you. And my decision has nothing to do with Kyle. Let's go out and talk calmly."

"Talk?" Mila laughed mockingly, "There is nothing left to talk." Then she strode out with Chris giving a disgusted look to Kyle.

Noah wanted to clear the things out to avoid ruining their friendship when there was just a month left but he saw Kyle trembling under everyone's gazes.

After being with her for so long, he knew well how vulnerable she was when it comes to emotions and relationships.

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