Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 275: Full of negative thoughts

The call hung up by Kyle but Noah felt like he lost something which was his. That feeling was very unusual and he felt for the first time.

He knew Aria was married, he had felt he would miss her once she gets busy with work and personal life but it was a completely different feeling for Kyle.

It took his time to understand his heartache, misery, and helplessness were due to he treasured his relationship with Kyle without understanding himself.

He wasn't only avoiding some topics to keep Kyle comfortable, he unknowing avoided his feelings too to let Kyle comfortable with him.

-- Present --

"But I am too late to realize it and she will be married soon. I was so dumb. She never lied to me and I didn't even ask her in the country E if she loves or not when that stupid is in love with me from day one... She is also dumb..."

Noah was dead drunk and continued mumbling while the other three were still holding the first tin he had given them.

Eva and Aria went to Noah and shook him hard, "Noah, how did you get to know she loves you?"

"She isn't married yet and you two love each other. It can still work out." Aria sprinkled water on his face to wake him up.

Rian slapped his arm in frustration, "You drunkard, how dare you sleep without finishing the story?"

But Noah held Aria's hand to stop her from sprinkling water and held Rian's hand from punching him. He pulled both hands together and mumbled.

"It's all over. Everything is over. I lost her... I'm sorry, I didn't tell you guys. I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

Eva and Aria started crying and the former said, "Why are you so dumb? Why didn't you tell us early? You idiot."

Eva, Aria knew how it feels to lose the one you love and they couldn't stop themselves from crying seeing him in desolation.

"Noah, we will fight for your love."

Rian felt bad for his buddy and saw the other two were crying. Since one was sleeping, he went to the girls.

"How are you going to help him like this? Stop crying." Rian continued to coax them but he badly wanted to ask, 'When did you two become crybabies from being strong, tough and shameless?'

But he knew, they were still the girls with a soft heart which they hide well.

Rian was still coaxing, Levi entered the Cooper mansion with lots of files in his hands. He furrowed his brows seeing Aria cry.

He strode faster and saw Aria's hand was still holding Noah. "What happened to President Wood? Why are you two crying? President Cooper, What's wrong?"

Aria saw Levi checking Noah's pulse hence she slapped his hand, "He is alive. He is drunk and asleep."

Levi sighed a breath of relief, "They why are you two crying in front of him like he is dead?"

Three glared at Levi who quickly apologized, "I'm sorry. I didn't really mean it... Wait, are you guys drunk too and crying?"

Aria sniffled and released her hand from Noah. "Nope. Noah drank two dozens of beers. I didn't even get to finish one."

Even though Noah wasn't telling everything about his country E's friends, Aria many times heard him say about his friends but she never felt Noah had feelings for her.

Probably if she was with him in that country, she might have noticed the changes but being far away in a different country, she failed. She felt like they weren't with Noah when he needed the most.

Then the trio took Noah to his room. Rian helped him with clothes while the other two girls washed their faces and went downstairs.

Levi saw her somber mood so he didn't ask the important question and handed files to her. "President Cooper, there are many files that need your attention. These are urgent files so I came by."

Aria hummed as she went through it, "Thank you."

Eva peeked at the file for a long time and patted her back, "Your work is so hard. I felt dizzy just seeing four pages. I will go upstairs. Call me once you are done."

Aria hummed without breaking attention from the files. 

After finishing a few files, Levi passed the next one as he asked, "President Cooper, Why aren't you coming to office? Is there anything I could be of any help."

Pausing for a second, Aria raised her head, "Will you continue working if the Operational CEO of Skyline changes?"

Levi answered straightforwardly, "Nope."


"I joined Skyline for you on Commander Stanley's order. I'm working for you and there is no meaning in continuing working if you aren't there."

Aria smiled hearing him, "Aww you love me so much."

Levi gave it a thought, "Actually, we have attended many meetings with different kinds of chiefs of the company, compared to them, you are the best."

Aria asked in confusion, "Am I so lenient?"

Levi's lips twitched. "Lenient doesn't exist in your dictionary while working. I told you about work ethics and professionalism."

Aria shook her head in contradiction, "I'm off from the company for two days, you are saying professionalism. Are you taunting me?"

Levi didn't answer and asked, "President Cooper, why are you pessimist today? What happened?"

Aria signed the file and faced him, "Calvin Parker is my half brother."

Levi frowned but didn't respond to it. He didn't know anything about Oliver Cooper so without knowing, he wasn't ready to judge.

"Is that the reason he is attacking you for Skyline?"

Aria sighed, "Apparently, he keeps denying that and we don't have a solid proof."

Levi silently saw her in solemn. He could say she was deeply affected but he wasn't sure whether to hear about her half brother all a sudden who would share everything she had or for not knowing about it till that day.

Levi analyzed Cooper's assets and the company was built by Oliver Cooper so there was no ancestral right so everything will be with her.

"Are you giving up Skyline just because of that?"

Aria shook her head, "I told Brother Calvin to work there if he wants but he turned down. I need time to accept my father… I mean, My father always hid it from me and didn't trust me."

Levi understood she was distressed for her father's way of handling things and keeping her out of important things.

"President Cooper, I think your father always trusted you else why would he write everything to your name when he knew he had a son? I think you have to change your way of thinking."

Aria hummed while taking the next file, "It isn't that I'm not trying but I end up having full of negative thoughts so."

She hated those 'What-ifs' questions she started to get. She also didn't like how she was starting to doubt her father's trust in her because of those what-ifs.

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