Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 286: Alan is back with little bitch

In Alan's office

"Alan, you have a meeting, right? We will talk later, You..."

Alan cut in, "I had preponed it to leave early."

Aria hummed and asked, "If Brother Calvin isn't the son of Uncle Abel, then who is his father? Or is it Uncle Abel?"

Alan fetched a file from his desk, "Calvin Parker had submitted samples and found negative in the DNA report." His team had fetched another copy of the report.

Finn asked, "Then how can Calvin Parker and Oliver Cooper's reports turned out to be positive if he isn't the father?"

"Ugh... So much confusion. I think we should collect evidence first before I rip Saira Hayek's true colors. Let's take this slow, I want to recheck the DNA test of Brother Calvin and Uncle Abel. I'll get samples for it. Alan, my team is on Noah's case so your team has to check on Saira Hayek and her connections. Then we or I will talk with Brother Calvin. Is it alright?"

Alan hummed rubbing her head.

Finn spoke in a dilemma, "I think she has someone's support. She doesn't seem to be so smart to outsmart you guys."

Aria wasn't sure about it, "Actually the work they had done was all internet handled and they had erased cleanly so we were missing out. And Once I talk with Brother Calvin and bring out the truth..."

Finn hesitatingly cut in, "Are you still trusting Calvin Parker? What if he faked reports both time and played it saying your father met him for reports? Your father might have met him for a different reason."

Aria froze.

Right. But she couldn't understand why she felt she could still talk to him and he will respond.

Alan wrapped his hand around her shoulder seeing her dampened mood, "It's alright. We will take a step by step. No need to rush and alert them. And Aria Cooper, don't forget your acting is pathetic."

Aria: ○_○

Finn chuckled while saying, "You might slap Saria Hayek once in your sight."

Aria: -_-

Aria had no words to defend herself. She might do it for maligning Oliver and trying to manipulate her.

Aria changed the topic, "Grandfather Harold sent so many lobsters. Let's go and eat."

Alan and Finn chuckled making her blush in embarrassment.

"You guys are so mean." Aria pouted.

"If you need my help..."

Aria saw Finn standing up to leave so she cut in, "Oh President Stanley, how dare you ditch my dinner invite? And of course, I need your help. Need your uncle's help for DNA tests."

Finn didn't want to disturb the couple so he thought to leave and anyway his friend was smart to know it.

Finn's mother's family had a chain of hospitals in country A which stands top in the whole country for medical research, top doctors, and excellent treatment and service.

Imperial hospital's heir was Finn Stanley as his uncle had no child.

"Uncle Frank knows you so chill."

"He was so cold when he treated our wound on Tuesday."

Finn's lips twitched hearing that. 'Sh*t sh*t sh*t...' He prayed his uncle doesn't know he loves Aria who loves somebody else.

Alan commented, "What? Don't expect everyone to be warm with you."

Aria controlled her smile and teased, "But I melted Daemon Ice king doing nothing. A smile and clean bowled."

Nathan who had taken the files from the table fled off. Aria got to know that nickname by him in a flow of talk.

Aria sweetly smiled peeking at Alan's face.

Finn coughed lightly, "You guys aren't teenagers, and don't forget the single dog out here."

Alan, anyway couldn't help his heart skipping its beat. He covered her dainty face with his large palm and took her out hearing her giggle.

"Finn, let's go together." She called skipping out with them happily.

Nathan watched three presidents going out. Two atrocious Presidents with impassive faces walking with domineering and formidable air and one who took whole business Industries on a storm was playing around giggling and talking happily as if she had no worries in life.

A secretary asked, "Assistant Nathan, Do you know if the secretary post under President Cooper is available?"

Nathan saw three expectant gazes on him, "If Young madam President knows you aren't loyal under President Morgan and asking for a job, she will make sure you don't get jobs anywhere else. So..."

The secretaries awkwardly smiled and scurried away quickly.


In Parker villa

Saira got to know Calvin was home. She quickly went to his room.

"Calvin... Aren't you eating properly? Why are you losing weight? Doesn't Arrie treat you well?"

Saira worriedly asked almost into tears.

Calvin wanted to pick some clothes and leave but seeing his mother's state, he sighed and answered, "I'm not staying in Cooper mansion. Alan Morgan will take care of Arrie. Don't worry about her."

Saira sniffled, "Are they back together? Good good. Poor girl, she is going through a lot at such a young age, she should have somebody to lean on."

Calvin wiped her tears and helped her with water, "Arrie will be fine soon. Stop worrying so much about her, she is strong and she will be fine."

Saira looked pitiful wiping her cheeks and sobbed hard. "What about you? If you don't want to stay here, please stay with your sister. Be her moral support. Help her with work so that she could leave freely."

Calvin shook his head, "Arrie is excellent in her work. Her moral support is Alan Morgan. If she needs me, she will look for me, stop worrying. You are not young so don't stress yourself so much."

Saira clenched her fist hearing 'Alan Morgan' again and again. She had no idea Alan Morgan would be present on the day she told her story to Aria.

She hated how Calvin never gave in to her request to be with Aria and take over everything.

Gritting her teeth lowering her gaze, she could only nod for now. She didn't feel the necessity to say 'Stay home.' and saw him leave after coaxing her.

She went to her bedroom and saw Abel reading the newspaper calmly. Taking the satellite phone from her cupboard, she entered the bathroom.

She dialed a string of numbers turning on the shower to mimic as she was showering.

"Hun, Calvin isn't listening to me." She softly spoke after hearing another end.

"I don't know Hun, I heard Alan Morgan is back with that little bitch."

"I don't understand why you are scared of him. He is just a kid compared to your experience in the business. Can't you handle him?"


"Okay. I think if that girl knows Calvin is staying in the office, she will look for him... Hmmm... Alright..."

Saira hung up the call and deeply sighed.

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