Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 290: I like a married woman

"Pre... President Morgan, what is the plan?"

Nathan wanted to say 'You can't win like this.' but buried it.

Alan lazily glanced at him. Once his car went out of the surveillance area, he slammed on the gas pedal and his eyes sharpened ahead like an eagle searching its prey.

Nathan swallowed again and again and his hands subconsciously held the handle and seat. He never went in half the speed Alan was speeding.

He was even scared to open his lips. He had thought he should be around Alan in case of emergency but he regretted it.

He tried to calm his heartbeat but they were drumming against his chest due to speed and Alan's expressionless face.

Alan knew Nathan was staring at him, "Shall I drop you down?"

There wasn't a hint of urgency or fright or anxiousness. It was his usually emotionless voice as if he was sitting in his office.

Nathan stuck with his integrity, "No President Morgan."

His hurried voice turned Alan's eyes on his once, "Daring..."

After it, the speed of the car was still increasing. Nathan saw Xoan's car which was half of the speed of them.

It was the eighth-mile when Alan sped past Xoan. The latter was flustered but the car speed wasn't enough to chase Alan so winning on him was a dream.

He quickly checked the GPS and found a cheat route ahead. A sinister smile appeared on his face.

But that wasn't fated enough to stay longer.

Nathan was getting happy thinking Alan would win but eyes were wide open in shock when the car spun on the road and stood in the opposite direction in the same lane.

"President Morgan, why are we here?" but he wanted to ask 'How did you do that?'

Alan tossed his mobile at Nathan waiting for Xoan's car to show up at far.

Nathan grounded his teeth realizing Xoan had arranged people on the highway to trouble Alan.

Alan felt Xoan wasn't smart as he thought. As soon as Alan's men grounded Xoan's men who were tracking his movements, Alan's men kept an eye on Xoan.

Entering the highway and speeding wasn't a big deal for him. Teaching Xoan was a real deal.

As soon as Xoan's car came to sight, Alan drove against his car at high speed.

Nathan held the mobile tighter in shock. Thinking Alan was planning to collide, "President Morgan we... We will be injured too and... and... Young madam gifted you this car just yesterday."

Nathan's words didn't affect Alan.

Xoan still had to drive three miles for the shortcut but was in utter shock by the speed of Alan's car going towards him.

"Are you freaking nuts? F*ck you Alan Morgan." He cursed Alan in the car.

He had thought Alan would play by the rules and subconsciously he remembered the girl who won against him in fencing.

'If the opposition doesn't play dirty doesn't mean they don't know.'

But Xoan held the steering wheel tighter. His heartbeats were crazily high and he commended Alan's daring in mind.

He knew both would get hurt but he was at the shorter end. He wasn't ready to lose and thought Alan would drive aside as the car nears.

"Move move move move move..." He chanted but Alan's car was sturdy on the road.

Nathan shut his eyes counting the number to hear the collision and his head hitting the airbag and the car flipping multiple times.


Xoan wheeled aside at the neck of the movement and went off-road.

Alan smirked and slowed down watching the rearview mirror.

As soon as Xoan went off-road, he didn't do anything reckless and tried to control speed and bring the car back on road but it still bumped into a dried lifeless small tree trunk before coming to halt.

The smoke covered around the car while Alan imperiously took U-turn glancing at Nathan who was patting his chest.

Nathan suddenly remembered something and turned to Alan, "You... You have raced before and that picture wasn't posed."

He had seen a picture in Aria's mobile where he was leaning on a race car holding a helmet in his clutch, There was another man's back but he didn't identify him.

It was a picture from a year back. Alan and Vince raced on the real race track while Aria was a viewer. She had taken that picture when Vince was praising Alan. 

Alan didn't feel the necessity to respond and made sure his car hadn't left a single mark on the road.

The place around them was just a barren land so off the road wasn't life-threatening. So Xoan's car or Xoan wouldn't be hurt much.

Even if Xoan gets hurt, he didn't have a single piece of evidence to prove Alan was behind it. He started off slow while he sped ahead. There were no cameras anywhere. His tires didn't leave a mark anywhere either.

The only thing he had to do was steal the memory card from the dashboard camera of Xoan's car.

Both men alighted the car to see the bonnet of the Lamborghini open and smoke increasing. The airbags were flattening when Alan opened the car door and pulled Xoan out to let him breathe properly.

Nathan unscrewed the cap and handed a water bottle to Xoan who was coughing hard trying to catch a breath.

Alan had thought Xoan would be unconscious but he was quite impressed by his guts.

Alan calmly destroyed the memory chip of the dashboard and took his mobile. Before Xoan could realize what was happening, Alan had unlocked his phone lock with Xoan's face.

While Alan texted Xoan's men to retreat, Nathan bragged, "CEO West, President Morgan had raced a few times in formula one. I haven't seen his techniques but I'm sure you know noobs can't enter there. Be a man, don't be a kid anymore."

Nathan liked taunting Xoan who acts high and mighty in front of all.

Alan broke Xoan's mobile after sending a message to Xoan's men to get a car for Xoan.

Alan wanted to check if he could get hacker information but he hadn't checked.

Alan asked curiously when Xoan stood up, "I returned back to ask, are you sure you can covet my wife?... Let me clear it better, She is Mrs. Alan Morgan."

Xoan's eyes widened. 'Wife? I like a married woman?'

He understood that the girl wasn't bluffing as Alan's wife and she had cleared their relationship at the beginning itself.

Alan smirked, "By the way, the car features are chosen by my wife so technically you lost to my wife again."

Nathan saw his boss giving full credits to his wife. Thinking about his own wife, He felt he never really complimented her.

Xoan's lips twitched again. 'Lost to the same girl?'

Alan left towards his car and drove away with Nathan.

Xoan had no means of communication and started to think about how to bring Alan on his knees.

Soon Xoan's subordinate reached and drove him in a sedan. Xoan didn't utter a word to them.

He knew Alan could have left without caring if he was alive or dead so he thought Alan couldn't drop down to illegal and would bow down in front of power.

He didn't utter a single word about what happened to anybody. Not even to Xin who will cent percent stop his next plan.


Alan dropped Nathan at his place before going to Alian villa.

It wasn't difficult to know Alan was still with Aria if they closely observed him. He just stopped his men from hovering around and trouble Aria.

Entering the passcode, Alan entered to see Aria resting on the couch peacefully.

He saw her designs first set of clothes on mannequins. He liked Aria's designs and how she had used Roxy's paintings and calligraphy beautifully intricate blending together without fading the other one.

He kissed her cheek to see her smile. Aria adjusted herself pulling him to her arms. Her adorable voice sounded, "Little time."

Alan thought she would be squeezed under him but she adjusted herself on the couch under him and embraced him balancing half his body weight on her and half on the couch.

Looking at her dainty petite face next to his, he smiled to himself. Prepping her cheek tenderly, "Sweetheart, If we hadn't married, would you have considered anybody who loves you?"

He expected yes or no but Aria frowned and pinched his waist hard until she heard the response to his question.

He hissed and answered to his question lovingly biting her cheek, "You can only be mine."

Her frown changed to a smile. Without opening eyes, she pecked on his forehead and caressed his head on her shoulder with a hand as another hand soothed his skin where she had pinched.

'Dummy' How many ever hover around her, his wife just loves him.

Without leaving much weight on her he wrapped a hand around her. Breathing in her scent burying his face in the crook of her neck, he too rested with her.

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