Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 296: Life partners

Noah instantly turned behind thinking Norah was present but heard all laughing because there was nobody behind him.

"Arrie!" He was embarrassed in front of in-laws to be.

Aria chuckled and pointed above where Zara and Norah were standing and watching everything.

Norah blushed and looked away when their eyes met.

She was ordered by her father to get ready for dinner. Until she saw Noah's family she had no idea her parents had already spoken to Aria about everything.

Noah's parents had no objection to their relationship. Silent, gentle and sensible Zara and Norah were already on good terms.

Geoff and Noah's father cued among themselves and left the youngsters taking their wife.

Moran watched the crazy Fourie.

Noah was going towards stairs but the girls started their act. "Cutie, how can you abandon us so soon?"

"It's so unfair."

Both held his arms and made pitiful faces without letting him move.

"Guys, let me meet her. It's been two years."

"Sweetie, we haven't met in two days, It's TWO DAYS."

"I am already missing you."

Roxy who entered the mansion chuckled looking at Noah in despair.

Both were torturing Noah until Alan and Isaac entered the mansion.

Noah: ●_●

He was at a loss of words seeing two girls skip over to their man's arms.

"Loonies, come to me again, I'll break your legs." Noah growled and stood grimly while two girls giggled holding their man's hand.

Zara patted his back and pointed at Norah, "Talk to her. Go to the lawn and come for dinner."

Aria and Eva tried to scare him, "Noah, we miss you." Then all chuckled seeing him run holding Norah's hand.

Alan and Isaac were used to it while Moran asked Zara curiously, "Are these four always like these?"

"They are controlling because of you guys. They are capable of behaving like spoiled kids. This is quite a mature side."

Moran nodded and saw Alan tenderly talking with Aria who was smiling endlessly.

"Why did you call us?" Alan asked, brushing her hair away from her face.

While the other side Eva spoke to Isaac, Aria briefed Alan.

"Dinner with all. Apparently, everyone likes Noah and Norah Hanes together. The only problem is the Elder Hanes. Vice President Hanes will talk to Noah about it after dinner. Uncle Wood asked us to call you all for dinner. Did you see Norah Hanes? Isn't she pretty in real?"

Alan didn't agree to her, "You are the prettiest." For him, nothing looked better than his beautiful wife.

Aria smiled pulling his cheek. "Come in, I'll introduce them."

"Chicken, meet my Lion. Alan, he is..."

Alan and Moran shook their hands and the latter said, "Long time."

Alan hummed but he responded to Aria's surprised expression, "The same college."

Aria: 😮

Moran: "Teeny weeny, I'm not chicken."

Aria stuck her tongue out at him and took Alan near Geoff and Sarah.

Eva too introduced her man.


Noah sighed after they reached a safe distance from the door. Norah wasn't sure what to say so she started drawing on the ground with her toes.

When he faced her, he saw her blushing red. He smiled to himself and extended his hand, "Hey, I'm Noah Wood."

Norah warmly smiled and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Norah Hanes. Pleased to meet you."

Noah smiled, "Ms.Hanes, are you sure about your decision to break off your previous engagement?"

Norah purposefully gave it a thought, confusing him, and raised her hand, "I have already removed that ring for a better one."

Noah bobbed her head, "Dumb girl, why didn't confess sooner? We wasted so much time."

"All is well when the end is well." Norah smiled harmlessly looking at Noah who seemed to look more handsome than before.

"I'm sorry for everything." Norah apologized and lowered her head.

She still couldn't believe her parents actually agreed to break the engagement and let her be with Noah.

Noah took a step ahead and wrapped his hands around her. "It's alright."

Norah froze for a few seconds. When Noah was about to unwrap, she sensed it and wrapped her hands quickly around his waist.

"We have taken a step ahead. We have to face everything. No turning back." Norah mumbled but it was loud and clear enough for him to hear.

"Absolutely." Noah caressed her head letting her hug.

Norah then explained how she ended in their place with her family. She told tits and bits of what happened in Hanes Industries which she had heard from Moran.

"Your friends are amazing. I never really got to make friends due to my complex identities. When I finally thought I got some in the country E, everything changed."

Noah smiled hearing about his friends and felt sorry for her. "It's alright. I'll be with you. Whatever you wish to do, I'll be there for everything."

They spoke for some more time until a maid called them inside for dinner.

Norah held him back and asked an important question that was bugging her, "Do you really love me? Or are you doing it to help me out?"

Noah saw her anticipated gaze and responded gently. "If I am doing to help you out of your problem m, then I'll not be happy in my life after it is solved. So Ms. Hanes, do you dare to spend your life with me to check it out?"

Norah saw his extended palm for her hand and asked in surprise. "Are you proposing to me?"

Noah smiled as he nodded. "I guess so. I can only give my hand as I don't have a ring or flowers."

Norah's smile broadened, gazing Noah's sincere eyes and tossed on him excitedly wrapping her arms around Noah's shoulder.

Noah wasn't expecting such an intimate hug. He was happy she found her answer. He had just wrapped a hand around her waist, Norah realized what she did in her joy.

Unwrapping her hands, Norah blushed to even look him in the eye while his hand was strongly caged her.

"You are the shy type. Weren't you too daring to call me to your dorm room?"

That led her to blush more and tried to break free from his arm which he tightened instead.

"Noah, somebody will come." Her tone had turned too meek nervously.

Noah wanted to tease but heard, "Guys, how long should we wait for you guys to kiss?"

Norah was flustered while Noah cursed them in mind. 'Half-witted loonies.'

Eva, Aria, and Rian chuckled seeing Norah scarlet forcing Noah's arm to leave her.

"The single is mingled now." Rian teased.

Aria crossed her arms, "I didn't expect you guys to be shy and demure after sharing a room on your first meet."

"Come on, kiss, kiss..." Eva yammered and Aria and Rian joined too.

While Norah was at loss, Isaac nudged Eva's head before wrapping a hand around her shoulder standing behind her.

Roxy hugged Rian's arm standing by him and joined to yammer 'kiss'

Aria leaned and held Alan's hand when he wrapped his hand around her.

Zara and her parents smiled looking at Fourie who were happy for each other standing with their life partners.

The Fourie who they were proud of.

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