Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 298: Filthy things

In the Morgan mansion.

Alan frowned in sleep hearing a beep at midnight. Thinking it might be important, he woke up to check without disturbing the sleeping beauty in his arms.

He saw Aria received Norah Hanes's message, [Please don't let Noah get hurt.]

He didn't like how Norah framed it. He felt like Norah was thinking Aria put them in trouble when she was pulling all the troubles on herself to get them together.

Seeing his dainty woman next to him sleeping peacefully, he wrapped his arms tighter, "I'm there for you dummy."

He smiled seeing her snuggle. He doesn't understand how she responds because she wouldn't remember anything in the morning.

Alan was prepared when Aria went to Hanes industries, he had his men around the building. If a small mishap with Geoff or Moran, his team would take down everything to keep her safe.

Since Aria knew Moran who knew them, he was sure Moran wouldn't take the risk to go against them. After hearing about the brief about the family situation, he realized his guard should only be against Chairman Hanes who had a heart of stone.

He had just kissed Aria's forehead but she woke up. Her groggy, concerned voice sounded as she checked his temperature which was normal.

"What's wrong? Why are you awake? Did you have a nightmare? Aren't you getting sleep?"

Alan spoke to let her relax her nerves, "Am I not allowed to kiss you whenever I want?"

Aria smiled resignedly. "Be good and sleep. Rest is important."

Alan obediently hummed but added, "You are not allowed to wake up when I'm stealing a kiss."

Aria smiled seeing him convincingly making his stand. "My incubus, you can steal how much ever you want."

"Next time, I'll be the real incubus and eat you up." He said and gently nibbled her nose tip.

Aria giggled, "Are you asking me to be a succubus and take advantage of you?"


Both soon drifted to sleep as they spoke.


In the morning, Alan told her about Norah's message.

Aria didn't like how Norah framed her message. Instead of texting back, she called her number while getting ready for the office.

"President Cooper?" Norah's confused voice sounded in the walking closet.

Aria would have told Norah to call her by name but she didn't have the mood for it. Alan thought to stop her from getting angry at Noa.

Aria ignored his cue and spoke, "Ms.Hanes, self-confidence is very important when you are doing anything and very importantly, please have confidence in Noah. Just because I convinced your father doesn't mean Noah couldn't stand for you two. I appreciate that you thought I could protect you guys but right now, you should have faith and confidence in Noah. I hope I am clear and you understood what I am trying to say."

Alan looked at her in amazement. He had thought she might be pissed off on Norah for thinking Aria started problems.

A mischievous glint flashed in his eyes and suddenly lifted her to seat her on the island counter.

Norah who understood what Aria meant, "I'm sorry, I will trust Noah about everything. And thank you for pointing my wrong."

Whereas Aria was punching her husband for locking her lips while she was on the call.

"Hello?" Noah said while there was no response from Aria's side. She felt like she disappointed Noah's friend who has complete trust and confidence in him.

She didn't mean to doubt Noah but in the fright, he didn't know whom to text the message in the night.

"Hello President Cooper, are you there?"

Aria pushed Alan trying to catch his breath. "Ms. Hanes. I am sorry if... Mmm... I was too harsh. Have a good... day."

Alan stood as if he didn't do anything to her and was leaving hearing the voice, "You too... Bye." Norah felt weird by Aria's response and hung up the call thinking she might be busy.

Aria gritted her teeth and pulled her man back to her grabbing his tie. Alan didn't give in and asked maintaining distance, "Do you think everyone is dummy like you?"

Aria pouted understanding Alan pointed about her trust in him and expecting it from others. "Then it's good that I'm a dummy." Then she bit his lips.

She left him only after making sure his punch pink lips were delicious red and ran away from him.


In the Wood mansion.

Zara and the parents nagged Noah nonstop before letting him go to the Hanes mansion.

Noah soon reached the outskirts of City B, in front of the magnificent mansion. Two men in black stood emotionlessly on either side of the gate.

He sighed and went towards one end and clicked on the communicating device button under the oppressing gaze of two men.

A man in his fifties answered Noah, "Yes?"

Noah presumed him as butler looking at the uniform shirt which was visible on the screen. "I'm Noah Wood. I'm here to meet Elder Hanes."

Geoff had told him his father would cent percent look into his information before the day so Noah didn't lie about his visit purpose.

A small confusion flashed on Butler's face before he formally spoke, "Sir, give me a minute."

"Sure." Noah responded and took a few steps away and leaned on his car.

One minute passed...

Two minutes passed...

Three minutes passed...

Noah frowned. He expected response even if it was a rejection.

Five minutes...

Ten minutes...

The mansion's main gates opened. If he was just a common man, he might have wonderstruck but it was common for him.

Instead of modern style, Oliver Cooper had an interest in dignified, antiquity, and nobel style so Cooper mansion was above par in the whole city B and worth the mention of its architecture in whole country A.

Whereas his mansion was completely modernized and Morgan mansion was distinctive and noteworthy concordant to Hanes mansion as he had seen in pictures.

A Maybach Landaulet imperiously halted in front of him. A window rolled down and Noah noticed an aged man in grey hair sizing him up with a sneer.

Noah had seen his picture the previous day so he greeted respectfully, "Hello Chairman Hanes."

But the Elder Hanes turned ahead as the window rolled up while he said in disdain looking down on Noah, "I don't have time for filthy things."

Then Maybach Landaulet drove off leaving Noah with a dark face.

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