Noah flexed his neck and saw Maserati driving up. Moran alighted the car and shook his hand with Noah without caring about the security cameras at the gates.

"Why are you persistent about convincing my grandfather? You name a negative, he has that. Ego, uncaring, selfish, arrogance, rudeness, pessimism, dominance, unreliable, self-opinionated.."

Noah smiled hearing him continue, "So you are saying your grandfather is an old stubborn boor."

"You got me there. Saying that fact feels so good." Moran exclaimed.

He was really happy to work and converse with his father as a son, unlike a trained puppet. He got control over most of the things except the security department which was led by the Elder Hanes.

"Bro Mo, I never guessed the Moron of Seven could be President Hanes. Two uncanny personalities."

Moran's lips twitched, "Moran... Teeny weeny knew me and my name so she was calling me Moron but not because I'm stupid or something... Ugh, now she calls me Chicken."

Noah chuckled at his despair. Aria had already told about her and Moran's encounter so he knew it. Both spoke till Geoff reached the mansion. Noah bid them and left.

He started planning how he could cancel all the plans of Elder Hanes and leave him with no choice but to meet him.

He had just reached a mile when he slammed on the brakes as a delinquent plan popped in his head. He quickly called Rian.

"Hey bro, I need your help." His playful tone sparked Ryan's mood. "And it is?"

"I will see you at our hangout place." Noah said and heard Rian before hanging up the call.

Noah elaborated on his plan which Rian loved with add on changes.

"What if this pisses off Chairman Hanes?" Rian asked after making some calls to arrange a few things.

"I want to take his permission to convince him. If it goes out of hand, I may have to break his ego. If it turns out hopeless, we will kidnap Norah from his clutch." Noah had finished his dinner and saw Roxy going to them.

"What's up guys?" Roxy sat next to Rian and looked at them alternatively.

Rian gave a quick recap of what they had just discussed which excited her too. Noah shook his head in resignation looking at the couple improvising their part of work joyfully.

After about half an hour, Rian answered a call and smiled at Noah indicating their work was done.

Three didn't sleep the whole night.


In the Wood mansion, Zara calmed her parents from worrying about Noah.


In the Morgan mansion, Amelia and Rowan checked their network to know how they could be helpful for Noah. 

Before they went to bed, they found a solution. Amelia quickly dropped information to Aria so that she could arrange accordingly.


In Isaac's villa.

Eva was foot massaging Isaac who was tired from the shoot due to fighting scenes as she heard him complain about the actress who was failing to do every action scenes. Due to the high number of retakes, he was pissed off.

Isaac answered Rian's call on speaker for Eva. The latter quickly agreed for Rian boosting him and poked Isaac if he could join but he grumbled.

"I have to knock back... Babe, I love your profession, let's switch... How about I live you off?"

Eva giggled and let him wash her hands before cuddling on the bed as they thought what Rian and Noah's plan would result in the end.


In Cooper mansion, Aria was coddling Alan giving him deep tissue massage on his shoulder to relieve tension and stiffness as she heard him giving his reviews on her new business plan.

Alan and Aria almost received a call at the same time. A managing director called Alan while Aria answered Rian's call.

Aria chuckled hearing Rian while Alan permitted the managing director about the new proposal and asked PR to work on it carefully.

Alan had pulled her on his lap to tell her about the new business plan but Aria received another call from Amelia.

"My young lady, I'm missing you."

"I miss you too Mum." Aria responded by turning on the speaker for Alan who gave her a dirty look hearing her.

"Did I disturb you guys? It is important so I called."

"No Mum, you didn't disturb us. Why are you two awake so late at night? Beauty sleep is very important."

Amelia smiled on the other end, "Oh my mother, I called you to tell, Dad's best friend Doctor Wen is Elder Hanes personal doctor and friend. Dad already spoke to Doctor Wen, I have sent you his number. He is in the city for a few days and he will help you guys if anything fluctuates."

Aria was surprised. "Mum, Elder Doctor Wen is Finn's maternal grandfather. He hardly meets anybody. Mum, you are so cool."

If Aria remembers right, it had been more than five years since Finn saw his grandfather who was in anger. He wanted Finn to study medicine so he was ignoring his beloved grandson.

Aria overloaded Amelia with lots of compliments before hanging up the call to see her husband sulking.

Her husband was gullible so she wrapped her arms around him, "I want my husband. Oh yeah, you can continue reviewing the project."

Alan's face softened seeing her nestle against his chest. He couldn't understand why people say Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don't get along, his mother and wife were close enough to even forget their husbands.

He continued his analysis of the new project but before he could finish, Aria was asleep on him. "Dummy."

He heard her mumble, "My love..." and that was enough to put him in a great mood and cuddled her sleep.


The next day, early morning, Noah, Rian, and Roxy quickly returned home to get fresh. Noah went to Hanes Mansion after breakfast.

The same thing repeated again, butler asked him to wait but didn't contact him back. Noah had to wait at the gate ignoring the judgemental gaze of two guards who were standing outside like a statue.

Noah had planned to meet Elder Hanes in one way or another. If he doesn't meet him still, then he would agree to take Geoff's help to enter the Hanes mansion.

The only reason he wasn't ready to take his help because he didn't want Elder Hanes to release his fury on his own Hanes family members.

Noah tried to calmly stop the car raising his hand but it drove away.

Noah counted in his mind, 'One... Two... three... ... ... Ten.'


There was an ear-piercing sound from about a quarter-mile away.

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