Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 324: Suspicious movements

Noah was calmly going to bed when Aria went to check on him. Aria spoke, "Let's hope everything will be alright. I know it's hard but this is the time you have to be strong."

Noah pondered and spoke hesitatingly, "Arrie, she couldn't stand for herself and me when it was needed. Do you think I should wait? What if she backs off again after coming? Suffering the second time will be harder."

Aria leaned on the armchair opposite to him, "You are pessimistic because of the situation. You know Norah Hanes better than me so I will not comment on her. I can only tell, Chairman Hanes' fright in every member of the Hanes family is high. She didn't run away at that time because she doesn't love you, she wanted to protect you from her grandfather."

Noah hummed but added, "If she comes and if I have even a small doubt on her, I will not accept her... Will you guys still support me at that time after going through all these?"

Aria smiled hearing him, "Cent percent. If you can't trust her, you have to back off to save both of your lives."

Noah sighed and nodded, "Go now, I am sleepy."

Aria left saying, "No cheating on sleep."

"Yes, President Cooper." Noah promptly went to bed and also slept soon.

Aria was happy seeing Noah collect himself quickly. She was at a loss of words seeing Alan waiting at the door. "My dumb prince, why didn't you come in if you wanted to wait?"

Alan ignored her comment and scooped her up to take her to their room to rest.


In the morning, Aria saw the gym filled up with everyone. She chuckled looking at Rian forcing Roxy to exercise, Isaac was instructing Eva as he worked out. Finn was busy with his workout.

Dustin and Levi didn't have gym clothes so they were time passing.

Alan returned from the jog and started working out after pecking on her nose tip.

She went to her Aerial Hammock and started her exercise leaving Dustin and Levi amazed.

Aria heard them gasps whenever her moves were complex while others were already used to it.

"Isn't hammock used for playing?... Why is President Cooper twisting herself complexly?... It looks so hard... She will strain her muscle tissues..."

Levi was annoyed hearing Dustin. He went further inside and heard his mobile beep. His eyes contracted by looking at the mail content.

"President Cooper, DNA test result is out."

All fled to him like bees to the flower except Alan, Isaac, and Finn. Aria rolled down and landed on the floor gracefully.

Levi handed the mobile to Aria while others asked, "What is the result?"

Aria responded looking at Alan, "The Probability of paternity is 0%."




"How can that be?"

But Alan asked, "Whose samples did you send?"

Rian rolled his eyes, "Of course, Calvin Parker and Abel Parker."

He had just finished, Aria answered, "Kite Parker and Abel Parker."

Nobody knew whose sample she had given. Levi had seen those names on the report and handed his mobile in confusion.

Alan knew Aria hadn't come to Cooper mansion for Calvin's hair sample or toothbrush after she had collected Abel's hair sample so he guessed it couldn't be Calvin Parker.

"Holy mother."

Finn crossed his arms, "Saira Hayek is playing big."

Confused, Dustin looked at everyone's face. He had no idea about anything and he knew he shouldn't ask as it wasn't related to his work or Finn Stanley.

Roxy asked in a dilemma, "Could my father and Saira Hayek be a team?"

Aria pursed her lips looking at Roxy. Alan, Finn, and Isaac went back to their workout. Rian, Noah, and Eva started laughing with Aria looking at Roxy.

Aria hugged her who had zero faith in her own father. "Shall we send for their paternity check? You will get a beautiful elder sister."

Roxy shrugged her off and went back to the treadmill, "Fine, I am dumb." Since both wanted Skyline, she thought like that.

Four laughed again seeing her embarrassed.

Alan had checked about it and knew they had no connections.


Aria finished her exercise and was around Alan when Isaac asked in a low voice.

"Arrie what are the plans if Calvin Parker isn't the son of Abel Parker?"

Aria tried to play, "Why do you think I have a plan?"

Isaac was about to pat her head and say, 'I'm not seeing you today.' but Alan pulled her to him, "Germs."

Isaac grounded his teeth and was about to get back, Aria stood away from both, "You pack of germs, workout."

Isaac grinned and heard, "I have checked the pregnancy reports of Saira and heard her all the explanation so according to that, and the number of her pregnancy weeks shows that she had physical contact that week. So Dad is out of the list and she can't add more lies. So I'm thinking of meeting..."

Aria told the counterplan and added, "I know it's not conventional but I don't want to leave a loophole when I meet Saira."

Isaac hummed, "What if he rejects your request? He has that right. And what about the man behind Saira? Could I be of any help?"

Aria shook her head, "If he rejects, other than complaining to police as a fake claim over the relationship, no choice will be left. Saira's movement in the restaurant was suspicious. She wasn't just there for lunch with her friends and the bill was paid by the surname who wasn't in that room. Now background checks on the other five women. Ahhhh... My head will explode anytime soon."

She just wanted to work and lead a life with Alan, friends, and family. She couldn't understand why so many things are getting complex as hell.

Even Isaac felt hard to digest just hearing it. She has to plan and look for the real culprit so that she doesn't hurt innocents. So he could say she was having a real hard time getting deeper in the mess.

Alan sighed hearing her and carried her out, "Time to clean germs out."

"Ahh, my poor heart." She couldn't understand how he manages to give attacks to her heart.


In Aria and Alan's room.

Both were ready to leave, Aria tugged Alan towards her.

"I want to meet him." Aria asked earnestly.

Alan saw her expectant and understood her change of plan, "Are you sure? Shall I come?"

"I have no objection if you are free."

Free? He could leave everything for her.

"I'll get an appointment. We will go together after the morning meeting."

Aria hugged his arm and went out fangirling over him. "Aww, my husband sees nothing other than me."


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