Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 338: She is mine

Finn asked again, "Grandpa Wen, how do you know Alia?"

Zeke kept his book away and reminisced, "Aria's mother Emily Parker had cardiovascular disease. She didn't have strong symptoms so they didn't know until she reached the terminal stage. 

Aria was less than three years old, she had bruised her fingers trying to peel and cut an apple for her mother. When she was finally successful, her mother had taken her last breath.

Aria was trying to wake up her mother holding a peeled apple slice to feed her. There wasn't any mistake from our side but the nurses were moved to tears seeing Aria. 

It had impacted greatly on Win too so he observed Aria growing up until she vanished five years back so he is little grumpy."

When Zeke finished speaking both men fell into silence. While one remembered the past, another one imagined little Aria and Emily.


Three generation men silently completed their dinner and Finn was ready to leave but a beauty appeared in the mansion. 

Zeke introduced them, "Dr.Keton, he is my grandson, Finn Stanley. You two should go out and enjoy it. Get to know each other, I don't mind even if you return with marriage certificates."

Finn: "..."

He never in his dreams thought his grandfather was setting a trap without kicking him out when he entered.

Ms.Keton awkwardly smiled at Zeke, "Hello President Stanley, I'm Mirana Keton, working as a doctor under Professor Winston Wen in Imperial Hospital.."

Finn grounded his teeth glaring at Zeke who waved his hand and went upstairs.

Finn directly declined, "I'm sorry about my grandfather. I didn't know about this blind date else I would have declined."

He grabbed his blazer and started walking towards the exit. Mirana Keton was embarrassed but she had no choice so she also decided to leave.

Finn who went out clenched his fist looking at the flat tires of his car. Controlling his urge to create a fuss, he dialed Ceon's number.

"Pick me from Wen mansion. My psycho grandfather flattened my car tires." He blurted out.

Mirana Keton controlled laughing checking flattened tires and offered, "President Stanley, shall I drop you somewhere?"

Ceon who heard the gentle girl's voice on the call played along, "Finn, Sister-in-law asked my help, I'm going over there."


Ceon hung up without letting Finn talk.

Dustin was out of town on work. His mansion drivers were busy, he didn't want to bother others so his grandfather left no choice for him other than going with Mirana.

"Sorry for the trouble." Finn said and took the shotgun seat.

Mirana was surprised but she was calm and collected. She took the driver seat and drove out of the mansion.

Both were dead mute as if they didn't know to talk. After exiting the regency, she had only driven a small distance, the road was blocked.

"I will check." Finn said and alighted to see there was a deep pit in the middle of the road.

When he went to Wen mansion, that road was fine, he couldn't understand how the pit came. He went to the cops standing aside, "Excuse me? How long will it take to clear the road?"

The cop repeated what he had informed others, "Minimum an hour."

Finn saw he could leave if he got a cab from the other side but since Mirana helped him till there and it was late evening, he didn't feel safe to leave her alone.

Annoyed, he tried to speak calmly, "It will take an hour to clear the road. There is a cafe, want to rest there?"

Mirana's fingers tapped on the steering wheel looking at the cafe, "I don't think it's a coincidence."

Finn pointed five men around, "He, he, that one, he and that man are Grandfather's men." 

Of course, he knew his grandfather and well. Similarly, his grandfather cent percent knew he could be stopped by flat tires.

Even if anybody tries to reach him, they have to wait in the lanes of the car. 

Mirana smiled and alighted the car. Both ordered coffee and started to wait.

She decided to talk since there was a long time, "Congratulations on your first movie success."

Finn glanced at her who was sitting rather seriously. She didn't look like the one to flirt. She looked mature to the age of twenty-five and was a serious person.

He hummed and his attention went back to the phone.

Mirana didn't expect him to treat her so coldly. "President Stanley, if you are uncomfortable, please carry on. I will manage here."

Finn leisurely raised his gaze then lowered back, "Probably my grandfather will chase after me holding a scalpel."

Mirana gently chuckled hearing him. Seeing him busy typing on his mobile, "President Stanley, may I ask you a personal question?"

"Nope!" Finn didn't care to give a face to her and responded giving no space for her to talk.

Mirana furrowed her brows. She had thought it was just rumored that Finn was a cold-hearted man, she felt it was true hearing him.

The rest of the time both didn't talk and waited silently. 

Starlight security picked Finn and Mirana went her way without bothering Finn. She just wanted to give a face to Zeke so she went.

Zeke received news that two were simply sitting without talking. He could only sigh in resignation and called Harold Stanley to grumble.

Both old men had planned a few more blind dates but they were disappointed by the first date state.


It was almost fifteen days, all were about to go to panic mode, Aria and Alan returned with a beautiful tan exiting the airport happily.

Alan who had instructed Morgan mansion driver to pick them had informed Madam, Master, and young master Morgan so there were a bunch of people at the arrival gate.

Eva counted, "One... Two... Three..."

Followed by it, Aria screamed and ran everywhere to escape from the three who wanted to beat her up for not contacting them.

Alan reached Isaac who was boring a hole through Alan's head. Amelia saw Aria fit and fine running around so their negative thoughts erased.

"Are you guys fine? for real."

"Yes, Mom."

Isaac asked in a low voice pulling Alan aside, "What's wrong? Levi and Nathan didn't speak a word out."

Alan looked at him indifferently, "We just needed a break without third wheels popping up."

Isaac's lips twitched and tried to make sense, "You guys are married. You spend a good time with her and why are you still so possessive?"

Alan gave him a 'You dumb' look then he replied looking at Aria chuckling, "Because she is mine."

Isaac: "..."

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