Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 350: Am I worthless?

--- Past---

It was Saira's first date

Saira had taken Emily with her and her date had brought his friends.

When five men entered the restaurant, Saira's eyes fell on a man who was handsome and chivalry. Seeing him, she thought he was her date but he wasn't.

Even after sitting with her date, her eyes were subconsciously moving to the man on the next table. She was never in love so she doubted if it was love at first sight.

She liked him and ignored her date completely. She saw Emily getting along really well with them. She was thinking to ask about the man she liked but as soon as her date left with his friends Emily started speaking about the man she liked.

"How was your date?... You know what? That man in a cream color blazer, he is Oliver. Isn't he cool? We spoke for some time and it kicked off really well between us. You ask anything he will give you information about it. We exchanged our number too. I'm thinking of meeting him again. Ahhh… I'm feeling like a teenage girl in love..."

Emily blabbered on about Oliver. She wanted to ask Emily to introduce Oliver but before she could say, she confessed she likes Oliver.

Emily totally consumed herself in Oliver, she didn't notice Saira's uneasiness. Since Saira was always a quiet shy lady, Emily hadn't much thought about it either.

Emily many times tagged Saira to meet Oliver but Saira started feeling like Emily was showing off. Emily always praised Oliver to Saira which increased Saira's curiosity and she started to feel possessive.

Saira many times tried to confess to Oliver directly but she didn't have the courage. Oliver was greeting her when she was meeting him with Emily but he wouldn't spare a glance at her.

She tried to change herself, she tried to look outgoing, she changed her look but nothing worked to get Oliver's attention.

She had thought the Parker family wouldn't accept Oliver whose business wasn't at the good state and his father's company wasn't as good as Parker. So she hadn't left her hope. She still felt she was the right one for Oliver.

But after the first meeting of Oliver, everyone in the Parker family just loved him. In fact, they urged them to get married soon.

Saira's hope was completely broken. She tried her all to give up on Oliver and went on blind dates her family arranged but nothing worked out.

Soon she heard Oliver and Emily were planning an engagement. She chose the best dress she could grab in the hope there might be any luck that she could get a chance but she had watched everyone sitting in the corner.

Emily called Saira as a best friend but Saira felt 'Emily doesn't notice me, doesn't care about me' when she was sitting in the corner gloomy watching everyone happy.

Saira's negative thoughts increased, 'She isn't trying to know how I am doing, she isn't trying to know if I'm happy or not. She is happily enjoying her birthday and engagement. Am I worthless? Why did she even call me to leave me in the corner?...'

And somehow she got a wicked idea that if she sleeps with Oliver, he can be hers. She knew everyone was staying in the hotel that day so tried to know which was Oliver's room from the receptionist but due to customer privacy, it wasn't disclosed.

She was returning to the party hall but saw Emily was helping Oliver who wasn't sober. She was quietly following him when Oliver's friends rushed up to them.

In a panic, she hid in a corner and waited for them to disperse. When she again peeked out, she saw Emily exiting from room number 407.

Saira quickly returned to the party hall in case Saira looked for her. She quickly sprinkles some alcohol on her dress and sipped a little. She looked tipsy but she wasn't.

"Saira, are you alright? We are sharing a room. I have lots to talk to you about. Let's go."

Saira smiled harmlessly and pointed at some friends calling her. "Enjoy your time. I will go to the room. Take your time."

Emily's cheeks were flushed due to drinks. She looked alluring when she smiled back to Saira, "Be careful, I will come to you real quick."

Saira nodded and went to the 407 and locked the door behind her. She heard the man mumbling but she didn't know she was in the wrong room.

She didn't know, after sending Oliver to 401, Emily had checked on her brother in 407.

In the morning, when she woke up she got to know that she was in Abel's room but not Oliver's room. She wasn't sure what exactly made her sad, she started crying.

She knew she shouldn't think of sleeping with her friend's fiance. She knew she had changed after knowing her feelings for Oliver but how she ended up in another man's bed. She regretted not turning on the lights to check who was on the bed.

Abel was very mature at that fact. He made sure she was fine, consoled her, calmed her down, and also came up with the solution of getting married taking complete responsibility without knowing she wasn't actually drunk.

He didn't tell anyone about that night to anybody because he didn't want anybody to point their finger at Saira and judge her.

When she returned back to the room where she was sharing a room with Emily, she saw Emily was crying her eyes out.

As soon as she saw marks on Emily's body she understood something that happened at night. Since she was crying, it didn't cross her mind that it could be Oliver.

It wasn't the time to take a one night stand so casually. If anybody knows she slept with somebody, nobody would accept her so she quickly helped her out of the hotel to the Parker family.

Saira kept hearing Emily mumble, 'Oliver will hate me.' so she calmed Emily and asked, "Now, tell me what happened. We will find a way out of it."

Emile briefed while sobbing, "I didn't mean to end up doing all that. I just wanted to check on him, I couldn't control myself and kissed him. I thought he was sound asleep and he wouldn't wake up but now everything is over…"

Saira was thinking who Emily went to check on and she was about to ask, Emily continued to cry saying, "...Oliver will not like me anymore."

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