Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 359: Sugar Mommy

"I had the same type of moonstone."

Levi didn't give much of a reaction, "Are you saying it's yours?"

Aria shook her head, "Nope." She knew many would have the same type of stone.

Levi nodded, "Moonstone jewelry trend was introduced by your father in country A, isn't it?"

Aria hummed continuing her work as she responded, "Yeah, that time he had given me that stone saying it is a stone of inner growth and strength. It provides calmness from the emotional instability and stabilizes the emotions. Dad had said moonstone represents 'a new beginning' so I had given it to my senior when he lost his mother."

Levi who had taken files from the desk spoke, "Alright. I will ask them to see you next week."

"Thank you." Aria continued her work.

--- Waiting room ---

Levi dropped the message, "Sorry CEO West, President Cooper today's schedule is very tight. She couldn't make it. She is free on coming Monday, shall I make an appointment for you?"

Xoan turned to Xin who had said without reason she wouldn't meet him and it happened the same. But hearing Levi mention he can meet her next week, he asked, "What about on Thursday? It's a national public holiday."

Xin played dumb.

Levi responded formally without any emotions, "President Cooper will be in the Capital."

Xoan didn't expect Aria to really attend the Corpus on Tuesday evening. Since she will be in the capital till Thursday, he thought to meet her in the capital directly either at the party or Wednesday or Thursday."

"No need for an appointment." Xoan left with Xin without hard feelings.

Xin spoke after sitting in the car, "I'm not coming to the capital."

Xoan: "..."

He wanted to lure him without actually telling him but Xin caught him before he could even speak. Xoan didn't respond and started to think about how he could take Xin with him.


At Wood International

Ceon reached at lunchtime with little tot next to him talking nonstop.

Zoe looked around and identified the place, "Uncle, why did you bring me here? Today is not my birthday for the celebration."

Ceon carried her up in arms and asked, "Do you remember aunty who played with you on your birthday?"

Zoe licked her lollipop trying to remember, "Aunty who sat with me in the swing?"

Ceon nodded and heard Zoe say "I think I remember her."

"Do you want to meet her?"

Noah who had finished lunch in the restaurant with Norah coughed lightly standing behind Ceon, "Really? Using a little girl?" 'You are too naive'

Ceon bit his tongue before facing him, "Hey" He didn't want Zara to feel awkward if he directly meets her.

Norah had heard about Ceon but hadn't seen him. Noah saw Zoe who smiled at him and Norah sweetly. He asked in a gentle voice, "Do you like chocolate mousse?"

Zoe nodded her head vigorously.

Ceon: "..."

He couldn't understand how Zoe got along with Zara and now Noah. He always saw her run away from every other stranger.

"Shall I take you to eat? I will drop you back at your uncle after eating."

Zoe excitedly stood up on a chair extending her hands at Noah.

Ceon: "Do you, siblings know some kind of magic?"

Zoe's eyes sparkled hearing 'Magic', "Uncle, do you know magic? I want to learn."

Noah pinched her cheek gently and carried her in his arms effortlessly. He informed Ceon "Sister Zara will be here in a few minutes for lunch. Pick your niece from my office."

Without waiting for Ceon's response, Noah left with Zoe and Norah to the dessert buffet section.

They took a dessert and grabbed light lunch for Zoe.

Norah tried to feed her, "Have some food then you can eat chocolate Mousse."

Norah was soft but Zoe moved closer to Noah, "Uncle will feed me."

Norah: "..."

Noah seated Zoe on the table and fed her while Norah and he heard the little tot speaking about her school.

Ceon took the time to recover from the slight shock by his niece and saw Zara enter the restaurant. He joined her while serving their plates.

"Hey," Ceon greeted.

Zara paused to glance at him, "Excuse me?"

Ceon knew she cent percent doesn't remember him. He pointed to his niece with his chin as he spoke, "I'm sure you remember my kitten."

She saw Zoe and identified her immediately. She was surprised to see her with Noah and Norah.

"Your daughter is really cute." She faintly smiled and continued to serve her plate.

'Daughter?' Ceon quickly cleared it, "She is my niece."

Zara didn't care if she was his daughter or niece and nodded. She was going towards the same table but Ceon caught up with her, "Wait, can you choose a different table?"

Zara's expression was blank. She looked at Noah playing with Zoe and looked at Ceon. She understood something was up. She didn't want to jump to conclusions so she sat at the nearest table to hear him.

Ceon was glad she heard him and sat opposite to her. He introduced himself, "Ceon Davis."

Zara saw his hand extended towards her for a handshake and again glanced at Noah. She kind of started to feel like she was set up on a blind date. She took the spoon to eat and asked, "What's going on?"

Ceon retracted his hand back in disappointment by how she was treating him. "First of all, thank you for helping us last year."

Zara just nodded with a light hum.

Ceon's hand subconsciously started clicking on the plate thinking how to handle everything without directly confessing to her to avoid making her uncomfortable.

Zara could say he was contemplating so she waited but seeing him just jabbing the pasta in his plate she spoke, "Look, whatever it is you can say it and don't spoil the food please." She pointed at his plate in the end.

Ceon stopped his hand and asked, "What is your view about the relationship between an older woman and a younger man?"

Zara found the topic funny and couldn't understand why he asked. "Should I have an opinion about Sugar mommies?"


Ceon had just taken his first bite when he choked on it.

Zara pushed water glass ahead for him and continued to eat while Ceon composed himself. He wasn't looking for a sugar mommy.

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