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Chapter 125 – Leaving

Lila skimmed the room with her eyes searching for Lacias, he insisted on watching her silently, but now that she finished talking, he was nowhere to be found. She didn’t have the time to be looking for him since he might have gotten an important report from his knights. She had to focus on searching for Edith and Senior who coincidentally also disappeared.

After leaving the room and scouring the crowds she eventually found them in their own huddle. “What are the both of you talking about while excluding me?”

“Ah, Lila!” Senior smiled broadly and waved her arms at Lila who was approaching.

Lila looked at the other girl and slightly rolled her eyes. “And why are you so excited all the sudden”

Edith shrugged in response to Lila’s words. And Senior butted in again. “Where were you this entire time Lila?”

“I was looking for you guys for a long while, and couldn’t find you no matter how hard I searched until now.”

The two looked at each other and smiled slightly in cohesion. “We’ve also been looking for you the entire time and couldn’t find you.”

Lila thought the situation over in her head and came to the conclusion that they must have been chasing each other in circles which is why it took a long time. She clicked her tongue and explained the previous reason why they couldn’t find her.

“I guess we couldn’t have met because I went out to a private room. To have a meeting with Dawson Hiln.”

“What did you just say?” Senior’s expression hardened at once. “Did you guys talk?”

“Of course.” Answered Lila blatantly.

“What did you talk about? How much did you flutter your tongue!” It was as if steam was coming out of Senior’s head, her emotions made a quick flip.

“I’ll tell you what we talked about so please calm down. Before that, could you tell me why you two were so excited just now?”

“Ah, I’ll tell you about that!” Edith intercepted, thinking that Lila and Senior might fight if she didn’t.

“It’s nothing interesting.” She laughed, as if what happened was funny.

“There is this young lady who follows Dawson Hiln everywhere he goes, and she always snorts when she passes by Senior. But she approached us first and today, Senior laughed at her!”

“This is all thanks to Lila.” Senior continued, “in the past, I wouldn’t have believed that a day like this would actually come! I really wanted to share this happiness with Lila!”

Lila clapped her hands trying to look impressed. “Wow alright… I can see why you’re happy now.” The truth was, Lila felt a little disappointed by the story, but she was told it wasn’t interesting so Lila couldn’t complain.

Senior’s face cheered up at Lila’s compliment, as if she was never offended. She must be in a good mood. “And that’s why……!”

Senior kept going on about her story and Edith rolled her eyes at her overenthusiasm, then moved closer to Lila. “What about you? Did anything happen to you?”

Her eyes lit up the moment Lila opened her mouth to answer. “Dawson Hiln….”

“Yes … Dawson Hiln?”

Lila paused for a moment and reviewed her choices, she had to mention their kerfuffle now because Edith would find out one way or another. So she decided to tell them. “He seemed to be keeping us in check.”

“And she looked so annoyed….” Senior suddenly stopped her babbling and burst into laughter. “Hahaha!”

The corners of Senior’s lips had soared so high, they had nowhere to go anymore, revealing a set of straight teeth.

Lila mentally shook her head from disdain. “Is this really something to be laughing about?”

Senior wiped the tears beginning to appear on her eyes from laughter. “This is the best day of my life.”

After letting out a few final bursts of laughter, she calmed herself down by straightening her hair, then turned back to her duo. “So, what did you guys talk about?”

“What I say from now on is important so listen carefully.” Edith and Senior leaned forward to do just that.

“Dawson mentioned that he plans to ruin today’s party to stop us from accomplishing our goal.”

“A plan to ruin the party?” Edith looked around, there was not an issue in sight “Are you sure he wasn’t just trying to scare you?”

“It’s possible, but it’s also possible that he will ruin it, and no one’s aware of his plan other than us. Got that?”

Adding on the strange man that Lila saw. It may be a hallucination, but it felt strange as Dawson spoke like that too.

“We need to make sure that the party stays in order. I’ll search for some Wipere Knights for some support.”

“Wait, don’t leave yet!” Edith stood in front of Lila who was on her way to search for the Wipere Knights. There was a hint of impatience in her tone of voice, perhaps to prevent Lila from going alone. “I want to go with you, because uh … I need a breath of fresh air, right! And uh it’s getting a little too stuffy in here.” She put on her purest smile to go with the convincing.

Lila couldn’t help but snicker at the statement. She doesn’t need such an excuse to come with me, and how is the ‘Social Queen’ getting stuffy at a party?

Lila nodded once while letting out a small laugh.

“Then I want to go with you too.” Senior, who had been quietly waiting for Lila’s response, took a step forward and appealed to her.

Edith stepped in and stated the obvious before Lila could. “Shouldn’t you be serving the noble ladies? The main host of the party, leaving? That would be nonsense.”

She spoke in a warm tone, but there was strong opposition in her voice. All Lila could hear though was ‘I want to be alone with Lila!’

Senior agreed with Edith in silence and crossed her arms, she didn’t like the condescending way Edith stated her point. Whenever I talk to Nepeli, I feel like I’m getting controlled by her….

Edith rolled her eyes again, then stuck to Lila’s side like a piece of gum. “Let’s go. How does a walk in the garden sound?”

“Edith, this is not a date.”

“I know I know, we’re going to find the knights, but is that a no on the walk in the garden?”

Lila sighed calmly before responding. “Fine … we’ll have a walk in the garden together, it’s on our way out anyway.”

Edith jumped with excitement like a schoolgirl getting her first piece of candy. “Yes! Let’s do so!”

With that the two took off, leaving the frustrated Senior behind to tend to her party.

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