Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 129 - Sly Operations (1)

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Chapter 129 – Sly Operations (1)

The boy had once thought that it would take him no more than a hand or just a finger for him to overpower such a feeble woman. He had simply believed that she would take fright and run if he made faces at her while uttering harsh words, like what most noble ladies would. But unfortunately, it was rather him who was taken in fright, rooted to the spot.

‘It’s never wise to judge people by their appearances’ Lila’s earlier advice had by now sunk deeply into his mind and heart.

“You can either choose to tell me everything you know and run back to Dawson to inform him that his plan has now gone awry. Or you can die by my trigger and let him blindly wait for your return.”


“Of course, if you choose the latter, no one will guarantee the safety of your loved ones … either.” Lila had flashed him her amiable smile, again.


Lila was relieved to see her blackmail had taken effect on him. “So what’s your choice? Or do you think I’m mistaken?”

“… Shut your mouth.”

“Your plans have already failed.”

The boy was badly shaken up as soon as Lila finished her sentence. But he was still determined to hold his tongue while his face stiffened with anxiety.

He’s pretty impressive.

She was curious to find out what the boy had been promised, as he showed such a firm resolution and kept his silence for the sake of it. His steadfast loyalty was truly impressive, enough for her to feel covetous of.

I’m sure he wouldn’t tell me his name even if I asked.

Now that she had blackmailed the boy, Dawson was bound to get off to a bad start with his ambitious plan. And if she lets the boy go free, he’ll try to inform Dawson all about it.

“Tell me what Dawson had promised to give you. It’s embarrassing for me to mention this, but I have the ability to give as well.”

Technically, her ability was based on Lacias. But there was no time for her to consider that.

“If you tell me everything you know, I’ll promise to give you everything Dawson promised to. I’ll even pay you double of it if you want.”

“Will you snap out of your chatter!” The boy suddenly regained his confidence. “There’s no way you can coax me into speaking. You might as well just give up.”


How outrageous. couldn’t he at least pretend to be interested? Lila had never known anyone this headstrong before. How could he snap at someone who’d just offered him twice of whatever he demanded without a hint of hesitation?

He’s not in the least bit interested in my offer.

The boy was solely occupied in racking his brain for a way to escape from the gun muzzle, while his shoulders stiffened from the tension.

Lila was having a hard time retrieving information from him, she thought he would vomit out everything on his mind as soon as she pulled out the gun, but he was still as resilient as ever. The boy didn’t bat an eye when he was told that he would be given double of his original remuneration. To such a person, even a remuneration ten times as big wouldn’t be able to change his mind.


It was when she was musing for a method that a faint vibration was felt around her collarbone. Although she wasn’t able to see as her eyes were still fixed on the boy, she could feel that it was coming from somewhere around her necklace, which was a gift from Lacias.

It was as if Lacias’s ring, which was embedded in the necklace, was rocking to and fro, causing quite the stir from within.

She felt a sudden urge to hold onto the rocking necklace tightly in her hand. With that thought in mind, her grip around the barrel flinched as she lost her attention. The boy immediately noticed the stumble and decided to exploit it.


“Ugh….” Lila was futilely pushed out to the back. However young the boy was, her delicate body was physically no match for him.

Once again, he strongly struck her arm away from him causing her to lose her grip around the barrel and drop it to the ground.

The boy showed his heels the moment she shifted her eyes from him to the pistol, making Lila regret her decision. “Get back here!” She shouted pointlessly, as it only made the boy run even faster.

“Are you going to Dawson Hiln?! But I already told you, it’s no use!” Lila quickly picked up the pistol hoping that the threat would get to him, granting her time to point the gun at him again. But by the time she turned back, the nimble boy was already long out of sight. She wanted to track him down by summoning her ring, but it was simply impossible for her to aim at someone who’d already got so far away.

“Blast.” cursed Lila as she lowered her pistol in despair. “I lost him.”

Lila knew that she had no one to blame except herself, because of how exposed she left herself during her thinking process. After cursing at herself more, Lila suddenly tasted blood in her mouth. She must have been biting her lips without realizing it.

Lila’s hands were finally free for her to fiddle around her necklace. The movement of the ring in the jewel was now fiercer than she had felt before.

Lacias really must be somewhere nearby.

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