Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 27 - The Mother She Never Had (2)

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Chapter 27 – The Mother She Never Had (2)

“Which one of these do you like, sweetie?”

“Well, I don’t like these kinds of things, they all look so similar.”

The duchess just completely ignored her. “Oh! I think both rubies and diamonds will suit you. Wait, even sapphires do too! Oh my!”

Lila would have definitely not accepted the luxurious gifts if she knew that this would happen. Now she sat still on the chair and was basically Carmerline’s dressing doll. as she tried different jewelries on her.

Camerline gave Lila different jewelry to wear to see what would fit her most for the tiara at Lila’s wedding to come. She looked as excited as a school girl on the first day of school.

“Why are you so beautiful to make this affair so difficult? Ooh I’m sure this one would fit just right.”

Lacias who was sitting next to Lila on the sofa watched in disdain as his mother was pulling her own hair out trying to decide what to put on his future wife. He shifted his look to Lila who was sitting next to him.

“Are you tired?”

“Not really.”

“Come on don’t lie. You look worn out.” Said Lacias with a smile as he handed her a cup of tea.

“Alright, to be honest I’m actually not used to this at all and I’m just feeling awkward. I don’t really know what to do.”

An ordinary citizen would be able to live their entire lives with just one of those jewels and they would be satisfied. Yet now Lila was in a situation where an array of these jewels were laid in front of her and she couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

Lila looked at him with pleading eyes. “It doesn’t matter to me which ones I wear. Please can we just pick any.”

“Come on. You’re too beautiful not to choose carefully, as the jewels would pale against you.”

Lila’s face became even more astounded at this sudden compliment from Lacias. Lacias smiled faintly and looked away. She looks too cute.

“Oh! The yellow diamonds are also nice! Even more candidates! Now. What shall we do about the dress?”

Lila didn’t even think about getting to the dress, god knows how long she would take with that. But seeing as Camerline was enjoying herself so much she didn’t want to hurt her feelings so she let her continue. Yet a part of her was hoping that something would stop this nonsense. While Lila placed her teacup back on the table Lacias replied as if reading her mind.

“Don’t you think it would be better for us to have a simple wedding-?”

“Why?!” Camerline shouted out loud even before Lacias finished talking. “Sweetie! That’s nonsense. If you know how much I had been looking forward to this wedding you’d know why it is so.”

“Mother, I have no wish to hold a big wedding if Lila does not want one. I will respect her wishes.”


Camerline was caught off guard by her son’s sweet tone. She eyed him with a serious eye as his answer seemed to almost have honey dripping out of it which was an answer that she would never get from her son.

“Should I … call Dr. Michelle-”

“Thanks, but I’m quite sane.”

“No, you seem not.”

Lacias answered indifferently as Camerilne mentioned the doctor who worked for the Wipere family. She seemed to not believe him at the very least. Lila finally decided to speak up after watching them go back and forth for a while.

“I don’t mean I dislike a big wedding. However, as this is my second marriage, people will talk.”

Camerilne clicked her tongue and nodded to herself. “You’re worrying over nothing. What’s the big deal? It’s just a second marriage. In this era they are very common.”

Lila saw that Camerline possessed a different mindset compared to others. “However, Will everybody think the same way?”

Camerline’s behaviour was a little unpredictable to Lila. Even though she had never made a proper appearance in the novel she never expected her to be this way.

Most people that didn’t have Camerline’s way of thinking would laugh at this sorry excuse of a marriage. Lila had been an ordinary citizen her entire life being married to a Viscount didn’t really change that, it was embarrassing for the Wiperes even without the second marriage factor.

The wedding that was done with the Viscount was a very simple one. The entire wedding ceremony was just a dinner party with only a select few from the Marshmell family attending. No one would envy a marriage between a peasant and a Viscount so it was decided by the Marshmell family to keep it discreet. That was why she agreed with having a small wedding. If the people started to talk about Lila’s Cinderella-like state the Wipere family would become a laughingstock.

“It’s just that I do not want people to sneer at you. A grand wedding would only have a negative effect on the reputation of the Wipere family.”

Camerline smiled at Lila’s firm words. “My new daughter-in-law is very smart.”

Lila continued in a composed manner. “On top of that, I also have a son. We can clearly guess what people will think of this marriage.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “Therefore, we do not need to be hung on the idea of a grand wedding when everything I mentioned is against us.”

“Stop, stop. You’re correct on all accounts.” Camerline stroked Lila’s hair like she thought Lila’s cleverness cute and spoke with a wide smile. “However, I am capable of taking care of people who talk behind my back.”

Was she really going to do all this just for me?

Camerline’s smile became a confident one. “And I’ll make people who speak ill of you regret their words.”

Camerline exhaled deeply after her last remark and patted Lila on the head. “Now then, let’s choose some jewels for you. Diamonds suit a tiara, don’t you think?”

Lila could not help smiling back at Camerline’s bright countenance. She felt like she finally had the mother that she never had before.

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