Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 42 - The Start Of A Deal (1)

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Chapter 42 – The Start Of a Deal (1)

“Good afternoon Ms. Hiln.”

The woman in long high heels and a fancy red dress turned around immediately and gave Lila her full attention. She certainly looks pretty. Lila thought to herself. And yet she looks like a host from a mile away. Lila’s eyes were quickly caught by her radiant orange hair and her wide eyes. She swiftly got back into character when Senior took notice of her.

“Ah … Madame Marshmell.” Hiln Senior’s face became emotionless for a moment when her eyes landed on the woman standing before her. She tried remembering who she was and recalled hearing about her being a widow and planning to marry again. Senior put her socializing expression back on as if it were a mask and welcomed Lila properly.

“Welcome, welcome Madame Marshmell.” She was clearly experienced with this kind of greeting. “So I heard that you were planning to get married again. Congratulations!”

“Things came out to be like that. Thank you,” she said, kind of awkwardly.

Lila’s focus was on Senior Hiln but not on what she was saying. It was on what she was doing. She couldn’t help but notice that Senior kept looking left and right fiercely as if she were a leopard searching for her next prey. However, she couldn’t put her finger on what it was that Senior was looking for.

It seemed the attention that was handed to her before had just vanished. Lila tried following Senior’s gaze as she looked towards the right once more and to her surprise it was lined up with Dawson Hiln, her own family member. She heard Senior’s teeth clench as she stared at Dawson.

Her pretty face was covered by an angered expression. Lila thought twice about transacting with Senior Hiln, since she couldn’t even control her own emotion during a conversation with another person. If this was the case all the time Senior was certainly not fit to be the head of the Hiln family.

“Ms. Hiln.”

“Please.” She said nonchalantly “Call me Senior.”

Lila looked back at her. “All right … Ms. Senior-” Lila was about to request her to go to a more private spot, however Senior’s eyes were still fixated on their right.

Is she still watching Dawson?

Lila decided not to turn this time, thinking that turning again would be too noticeable. She opened her mouth to try and get Senior’s attention once more, but Ms. Senior beat her to it.

“So, you’re marrying … Count Lacias.”

Lila was astonished at how she knew. She stated it as if it were a well-known fact. Could Senior Hiln really be that observant? Lila had to ask.

“How did you know?”

“Hm. He’s watching you like a puppy waiting for the return of his master,” she said, pointing her chin behind Lila.

Lila couldn’t believe him. She thought he went to consult Lugar when he left the balcony with her, but instead he chose to linger behind her and watch. She could not live down this embarrassment. Although, that was quite the bold assumption on Senior’s part. She seemed like a sharp person.

Lila smiled and made a suggestion to Senior without even turning back at Lacias.

“How about talking in a private place?”

“I’m sorry?”

“I have something delicate to say.” She elaborated.

Senior’s gaze turned cold with suspicion. “Why me and not Dawson?”

Lila’s expression remained constant. “This is for your ears only, Ms. Senior.”

She looked suspicious but she nodded in the end. “All right.”

“Do you know a quiet place, Ms. Senior?”

Senior stepped past Lila and gestured her hand to follow her. “Come with me.” Lila followed shortly after.

“What do you want to say?” She asked, as they approached a room in the corner with a tough door.

“I’ll tell you when we get there … if you don’t mind, Ms. Senior.”

Senior raised an eyebrow, but answered nonetheless. “So be it.”


The room seemed like a guest bedroom. There was a long orange sofa that was definitely long enough to sleep on, with a faint smell of lavender in the air. It could have been Seniors perfume, as Lila could have sworn that she smelt it on her when they were talking earlier.

The door was definitely thick enough to muffle any sound that came out of the empty room, so Lila was satisfied.

“Senior, you want to be the head of the Hilns. don’t you?”

Senior’s face turned grim. “What are you talking about? Why did you bring me here?!”

“Calm down. I’m not here to go against you.” She lied slightly. Senior seemed wary at the sudden question, and her reaction was one of sudden fear. It didn’t suit her.

“I came here to bet on you, or else why would I have asked for a private spot?” She moved in a little closer to her. .“Or am I wrong? I thought you would make a better head of the Hilns.”

“Oh, You’re serious?”

Of course, Lila was, since she needed that to fulfill Lacias’ contract. But she didn’t let that spill out.

“I need some time to think.” Senior said, gently placing her palm on her face and beginning to walk away.

“I’m sorry, but I do not have time!” Lila blurted out, to try and get her to come back.

Senior turned back and bit her lips with a confused expression. She sighed heavily and looked back at Lila. “I’ll ask you something. Do you have the capabilities?”


“To put me on the top of the Hilns. I am not confident that you do.”

“I understand,” she said, without hesitation. “But I think that you have the ‘capabilities’ to become the head, especially with my help.”

Senior felt very odd speaking to Mrs. Marshmell about their topic. She thought that Madame Marshmell was merely just a pretty face before.

“You really think that I can become the head?”

“Yes. Why wouldn’t that be possible?” She spoke as if it were completely normal.

Senior looked her straight in the eyes. “You’re quite confident.” She didn’t mention that she liked that sort of demeanor and continued regardless. Lila ignored the comment and continued.

“Well I have a question for you, Then, you’re willing to become the head right?”

Senior hesitated, she couldn’t outright say that she had lived her entire life in Dawson’s shadow. Yet Lila kept going, knowing that fact well.

“Then just forget it. If you don’t believe yourself, it will be impossible.” Lila acted like she was about to exit the room, how the tables have turned. She thought to herself knowing quite well what came next.

“Ah … Madame, wait!”

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