Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 73 - Diamonds And Frills (2)

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Chapter 73 – Diamonds and Frills (2)

Lila was supposed to meet Camerline here and tried to arrive early so as to not keep her future mother-in-law waiting, but she still felt as though she herself was late. This feeling was later proven by what she was looking at.

A carriage marked with the Wipere crest was waiting in front of the salon, Lila calmly went in despite thinking whether she should go out earlier or ask Camerline to come later.

She was soon greeted with an excited scream. “You are here?!” Vibrance returned to Carmeline’s face when she saw her future daughter-in-law entering the salon.

“Come now. I ordered some dresses for you, and they are already finished!”

Lila felt a little hesitant. “Yes, thank you.”

Lila tried to walk as slowly as possible but arrived at the front of the dresses due to the small size of the shop. Camerline pulled her arm to show her the dresses, which there were way too many.

Is she going to open a dress shop?

Lila wanted Camerline to say that all of them were not hers, as there were dresses per color and per season. She tried to count them but gave up after counting over ten.

“What are all these?”

“They are your dresses! I cut the number down since they might be a burden!”

She cut the number down?!

“You have given me more than enough already.”

Camerline narrowed her eyes at Lila’s comment.

“It’s because you’re too pretty!”

“Thank you … but-”

“I could not give up on a color since they all seemed to suit you!”

“What?” Lila could not keep up with her at all.

“Do you think I would have done this for Lacias? My life’s dream has been getting dresses for my daughter!”

Lila stopped talking at the words ‘life’s dream’ despite sighing inwardly. The dresses were expensive at first glance, and she saw a pure white dress that was the showstopper there. It looked much more luxurious than others and had an elegant neckline, bell-shaped skirt, and abundant frills with diamonds. The entire dress was decorated with jewels, and she would be glaring brightly if she wore it and span.

It cannot be true.

Lila pointed to the dress and asked Camerline what it was with a wavering voice. Camerline replied with a bright smile.

“Yes! You recognize it immediately!”


“That is your wedding dress!”

Lila placed her palm on her forehead.

How much did the dress cost? It looked expensive enough to live on for the rest of her life if Lila sold it. It seemed too much for her to wear, as she would need to look on the floor to see if there were fallen jewels. Lila did not favor the dress, but she also did not want Camerline’s nagging to follow her if she refused.

I wish small weddings were trending.

Camerline muttered as she looked at the dress. “I wanted something that would fit your body with a clean neckline.”

She seemed to be talking about a mermaid dress that would show off Lila’s slim waist and cover her legs. It may have suited Lila better and also would have used fewer jewels. She became curious and stared at Camerline.

“Unfortunately, Lacias was dead against it.”

“He was?”

“Yes. He doesn’t have the right taste.”

Lila thought things over, as Lacias had not seemed to favor any dresses. Perhaps he wanted to be the one to give her the dress, as usually when he gave her clothes and jewelry he always said they suited her. However, this was a bit too much.

“I think your design would have been better.”

“You do too? So you agree with me?” Camerline was overjoyed.

“Yes, I-”

Camerline clapped her hands with a smile at Lila’s words, and Lila had a feeling about what was going to come.

“Then, let’s have a more elegant dress made!”


“Marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! You won’t have the chance to regret anything if you’re wearing the most beautiful dress!”

Lila’s eyes shook at the possibility, she laughed a little at the fact that she was a woman who already had a wedding in her previous life but shunned that thought away. Lila was tired of receiving things from Camerline that she could not return. She did not want a new dress, and Lila spoke in a rush.


“Yes?” Responded Camerline with glee still clear in her eyes.

“But, I like that dress. I will wear that.” Lila smiled and touched the dress.

“You said that Lacias had chosen that one for you, right?”


Camerline scowled again at Lila’s response. “Honey, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” She repeated. “Wouldn’t it be better if you wore the dress that you wanted?”

“I like this one and believe that Lacias had a reason for choosing the design.”

“Well, aren’t you two sweet?”

Lila flushed as that had not been her intention.

Camerline continued. “Lacias would have loved to hear that. He’s regretting not being here now.”

“It’s not that much of a big deal.” She said shyly.

“No, I know my son well.”

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