Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 76 - Bicker Between Mother And Son (2)

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Chapter 76 – Bicker Between Mother and Son (2)

Lila heard things differently and thought Lacias was waiting for the wedding itself and not the dress. She pushed the thought away since it was such an arrogant notion.

“Did you finish your schedule then?”

“We only came here to check sizes.”

Camerline spoke while she sipped her tea, and Lacias’ face brightened at her words.

“Why are you like this? You make me nervous.”

Camerline’s face turned dark at her son’s bright smile and Lila felt glad that she was able to see this side of the story which was not mentioned in the original work.

“Then it’s my turn to go on a date with Lila, isn’t it?” He demanded.

“No!” Camerline shouted, and Lila saw the salon employees lower their heads in surprise. the Wiperes always spoke like they were alone in public. “I was going to spend the day with her, do you think I will let you steal her away?”

“You said that you finished. Why are you keeping a busy person like her here?”

Camerline’s face turned to Lila, her expression making it clear to side with her and falsify his claim. She needed to do several things but going with Lacias meant she would not be able to do any of them. It was obvious that he was just saying that to have fun with her. Lila was stuck between a rock and a hard place, she wondered what her options were.

A voice broke her out of her thoughts. “Lila.”

“Yes?” Lacias seemed to be able to ignore everything Camerline was shouting at him, or he would not have been able to call her with such a soft voice.

“How about it?” Lacias’ eyes fluttered, and Lila wondered whether he was in ill health but scrapped the idea. It was more logical that he was nervous in asking for a date, and her eyes softened.

“If you want, I would like to be alone with you.”


Lacias’ face shook like there had been an earthquake at Lila’s hesitation, she enjoyed teasing him. However, she pressed down the urge to go out with him. Lacias did make her want to do so since his reaction was so adorable. He began to hurry her on when Lila kept quiet, thinking things like that.

“I want to be with you, and you won’t be disappointed.”

Lila would not be disappointed even if he simply took her for a stroll down the city.

“Lila.” He called once more, his voice beckoning her. He knew it was having an effect on her and she knew that too. He was good at making her feel like it was just them two in the entire world.

Lila eventually stopped teasing Lacias with him begging for her attention. Her thought process was to agree on going with him on his date so that they can rest home and possibly practice making rings. That was possibly the reason why he was requesting her in the first place. She thought. However, that thought was quickly interrupted.

“No! Lila’s going to spend her time with me today.”

While Camerline shouted her refusal, Lacias ignored her. Lila did not dare to say yes in her current situation, instead, she opted for a simple nod in Lacias’s direction. He smiled brightly at her response.

“You can do whatever you want, Mother. However, Lila will go with me.”

“It’s amazing to hear those words from you. I remember when you fought with me, saying that you will never marry.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You … !” Camerline raised her fan to hit Lacias, but her son was too quick to evade it. She then changed her target to someone easier, as her future daughter-in-law was easier to persuade.

“Lila. Sweetie.”

“Yes?” She answered in the sweetest tone possible.

“You promised to be here with me today. Right?”

“That’s right.”

“So are you just going to leave me like this? It doesn’t make sense.” Camerline continued noticing that her guilt trip was getting to her. “I wanted to share a meal with you!”

Lila felt like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Although one side clearly seemed to be the better option, which was Lacias’s side, Lila did not want to tell Camerline no. She thought that there was nothing to do, and the meal seemed to be an improvisation. Should she say this? What if Carmeline fainted? Even if Carmeline did so, Lila could not help but think that Lacias would just go on a date with her anyway.

“Oh … Uh-” Lila was about to console Camerline, but Lacias stopped her.

“Stop trying to meddle with newlyweds.”

“You, you dare to say that?!”

“Why are you interfering when our time is so precious!”

“You have a long road ahead of you!”

“I believe it to be insufficient.” Lacias said calmly.

Carmeline muttered at her son, going against her word for word, and she leaned back in her chair like she gave up. “I won’t let you slide next time.”

“Well, I won’t, either.”

“You … !”

Lila pressed her palm against Lacias’ lips not wanting their bickering to proceed any longer. “Lacias, stop.”

He nodded instead of answering,  his eyes were instantly calmed at her gesture. Lila’s hand smelled sweet, and he wanted to taste it. However, that would surprise Lila, and he just pressed his lips against her palm. Her hand went away at the touch, and Lacias followed her hand with his eyes.

“Well, well. Aren’t you two too sweet for words?” Carmeline stood up as she muttered her complaints. “Lila, I’ll decorate the marriage ceremony since you said I could.”

“I’ll love anything you do.”

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