Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 8 - Banishment (2)

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Chapter 8 – Banishment (2)

“No, this is not real … you’re giving this … to ME!?”

Lila just nodded with a friendly face. While the maid was brimming with emotion.

“You had such a surprise planned? …  for me? I never would have guessed!”

Tears welled up in the maid’s eyes. As if she’d already sold them and could already see good fortune coming her way. The moment she lapsed into a dream, Lila’s face turned cold.


“… Yes?”

Pointing her chin to the earring, Lila harshly spat out; “Do you want to be kicked out as a maid who stole her master’s things? Or will you go out on your own?”


The maid, who was just lost in dreams of eternal happiness just a moment ago, looked like the color had been drained from her body. She once again could not believe what she was hearing. How could a single line destroy so much hope? She thought.

“When all my fingers fold, even your right to decide will disappear. It would be better for you to go ahead and choose.”

Lila raised her chin, acting as if she were generous. Her proud legs crossed while she spread out all her fingers.

One, two, three … the maid’s entire body shook, each folding finger brought her closer to certain doom. Only Lila’s ring and little finger remained, the maid looked frozen in time, as if she was being hypnotised by the actions of the woman before her.

“Four.” Said Lila in a monotonous voice, calmly reminding her how quick she had to decide.

The maid panicked, only one finger was left. If she were to be charged with stealing the master’s belongings, the consequences would be fatal. It was clear that she would never be able to find a job anywhere else. Even if it was a false claim.

“I-I’ll go out on my own! Please don’t spread false rumors about me!”

The maid was forced to give in.

“Smart choice.”

Lila’s smile turned into a satisfied one, like one that a predator would have after successfully hunting its prey. The maid furiously left the room, but didn’t show it much from the clear fear she had of Lila. Hir was just staring blankly at the scene that lay before him.

“You must feel uneasy after all this ruckus. I am sorry about that.”

It was a complete turn from the way she had just spoken to the maid. The difference in her tone almost made Hir jump. This confused Him even more.

In Hir’s eyes, Lila was two different people sharing one body. His round eyes grew wide, with his eyelashes fluttering as he looked at Lila. Lila, who would typically have rebuked him by saying; “What are you looking at?!” Smiled affectionately.


“Huh? What?”

It seemed like Hir had just muttered something, but she couldn’t hear it.


Lila laid Hir on the bed and placed a towel on his forehead, looking at him the way a mother would look at her new-born baby. From now on, I’ll protect you. So you can feel safe and happy for the rest of your time living with me.

She warmly pulled the quilt up to his arms and stroked his hair.

It felt  like a baby sheep’s fluffy wool. She couldn’t understand how anyone would want to hurt this child. She was so lost in the cuteness of his hair that she messed it up so much from running her fingers through it. By the time his head resembled a magpie’s nest, Lila realized that Hir had been curling into a ball, like a cornered animal.

Oh no! I was too lost ruffling his hair! He’s probably not used to me yet so he doesn’t like it.

Feeling awkward, Lila withdrew her hand. “I didn’t mean to disturb you. You should get some rest now.”

The air in the room was in a bad state, due to poor ventilation. If he stayed here any longer, it would for sure make his state worse, so she came up with something to help him.

“This place is too dirty to stay in, so let’s go to my room for a while. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll get a new room.”

Lila picked Hir up from his small bed and took off into the hallway trying to remember the path back to her room. She was very upset, because he felt a lot lighter than he should be. She was sure to feed him right from now on.

Lila arrived at her room and gently placed Hir in the comfort of two pillows in her giant bed. “I’ll go without disturbing you now, sleep tight Hir.” Hir, who pulled the blanket up to his eyes, nodded cautiously. A second later, he shifted and answered loudly, “Yes!”

It seemed to be a reflexive act, from fearing that he would be abused again if he did not answer her. After leaving him with a warm smile Lila quietly left the room. She headed for the lodge outside the mansion, where the maids stayed. There were some head maids present there who were in command of several maids each. After seeing Lila heading to her direction from the window, one of the maids, Jean, quickly opened the door.

“Madam! What’s the matter?”

“One of the maids just quit.”

Knowing exactly who it was, the maids Jean and Jane nodded. “She was your exclusive maid, Yes!”

“Spread a rumor that the maid, who just quit, had stolen the things of her master.” Ordered Lila. “Make sure it spreads far.”

“What? Sto-stolen?” Jane was well aware of how deadly such a rumor was for a maid.

“Yes. She stole my favorite earrings.”

Lila smiled coldly, from the very beginning she never planned for there to be a choice for the maid. She’d just done it to give her a glimpse of hope. Hope that she had deprived Hir of. Naturally, in Lila’s eyes, there would only be consequences from such actions. I cannot let go of anyone who bullied Hir.

She would never forgive anyone who had made him suffer. Lila let loose a controlled laugh before sweeping a few strands of hair behind her ears. Pinned on her delicate earlobe were the earrings said to be stolen, shining under the dim light. The payback begins now.

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