Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 89 - Romantic Man (1)

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Chapter 89 – Romantic Man (1)

Lila felt Lacias went rigid under her touch. He was so stiff that she misunderstood it completely, not noticing how flustered Lacias was.

“Was that too forward of me?” Lila’s hand stopped and before she could pull it back, Lacias grasped it with his hand and held it in place.

“No, no.” Lacias chuckled with a slight shake of his head. “I was just surprised. Do continue.” He rubbed his head even further on her palm.

However, Lila was not keen to continue anymore as she subtly slipped her hand off of his, making Lacias’ eyes drop like a sad puppy.

“That’s enough.”

“But why?” Lacias appeared like he was close to pouting. “Does it mean you would do it again if I did something you find admirable?”

Lila shrugged at that. “Think as you wish.”  She turned on her heel and was about to continue their leisurely stroll when she stopped mid step, suddenly remembering what she needed to ask him.

Lacias waited in anticipation, but the words that fell from Lila’s lips were different from what he was expecting.

“What was the building Baron Blake had entered in being used for?”

Lacias’ shoulders dropped. It was a subject Lacias wasn’t interested in at all but he needed to answer her question nonetheless. “It was just an abandoned building.”

“What?” She asked sternly, not bothering to hide the disappointment in her voice.

Lacias knew it fell short of Lila’s expectations. “Yes. The building was long registered as a residential use. It seems like the owner decidedly chose to not write his name on the documents, so his identity would stay hidden.”

Lila knew that something was going on inside that particular building, and she wondered what that was exactly. Doug Blake appeared to be talkative when she met him during the Hiln’s party, and maybe having a friendly chat with him would answer her questions.

She was reminded of her own plan on inviting him to Senior’s party.

She would gauge the situation from the details Doug Blake would be sharing with her once they chatted, and from then on she would search the building’s premises. Lila’s focus was solely on them, thinking that both the building and Doug Blake may pose as a threat to her and Hir. The mere fact they weren’t mentioned in the original work made her extremely anxious, seeing that she didn’t have any idea how all of it would unfold. She mindlessly walked along the grassy path with Lacias trailing behind her.

“Lila, Lila.” Lacias called, but it only fell into deaf ears. She was too deep in her thoughts to pay any attention to her surroundings.

A warm hand settled on her shoulder. The gesture was so sudden it startled her out of her musings. “You surprised me.” She placed a hand on her chest.

Lacias stood in front of her and bent his knees slightly to match her eye level. “Look at me, please. Don’t think of anything else.”

“But Baron Blake—“

Before she could continue her words, Lacias spoke. “You’re talking about him again.” His touch was soft, but his calluses felt rough on her skin. And just like the contrast in his hands, Lacias’ voice was subdued despite the smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“Don’t think of anyone else when you’re with me.” He said, his blue eyes seemingly out of focus.

There was an edge to his voice. Lila studied his face and the slight crease on his eyebrows expressed his apparent discontent. She knew that it was all they talked about recently with no room for anything else, so she couldn’t blame him for feeling this way.

She sighed to herself and lifted a palm to his cheek, caressing it softly with her thumb as she spoke in a soft voice. “Did talking about work when we’re together bother you?”

Lacias didn’t answer. But the tension in his demeanor relaxed under her touch, and completely vanished at the sound of her voice. Finally got her full attention, his lips turned into a small pout as he caught her gaze with his own. Lila suppressed a smile from forming, thinking that she must be out of her head if she thought Lacias looked adorable, but she would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t amused by his antics.

“I apologize, but I was really curious. Curious enough to send you a pigeon.” Lila said.

Lacias perked up at her words. He did not expect that at all. “You did?”

She nodded. “Yes. I had no idea that you were coming and I thought I should say hello.”

“You sent me a letter.” Lacias said smilingly. “I can’t wait to see what you wrote to me.” He was no longer upset like he was a few moments before, and Lila felt guilty for having led him into believing that she sent him a letter, when it could barely be even called a memo. Lila just smiled in return, not wanting to ruin the lively mood Lacias was in.

“I’ll reply to you right away once I receive it.” Lacias’ smile reached his eyes as he added. “On a lovely piece of paper too.”

“I didn’t peg you for a romantic.” Lila stated, teasing slightly.

Lacias stepped closer to her and asked, “Why? What’s your initial perception of me?”

“What I meant was…” Lila’s words trailed off when she realized she already had an image of him printed on her head based on what she read in the original work. Looking at him biasedly when he was standing in front of her was quite unfair, and she decided that she would view him the way he was presenting himself.

Lila shook her head at her own words. “I mean you’ve always been a romantic.” She said instead.

“I guess I have to work harder then.” Lacias beamed her a small smile, and Lila could hear nothing but sincerity in his voice.

She quelled the urge to reach out for him. “Shall we go to the swing set? I want to see you sitting on it.”

Lacias quirked a brow. “Me?”

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