Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 94 - Rendezvous (1)

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Chapter 94 – Rendezvous (1)

The woman who had sent Lila the cards must have not arrived yet. Lila stalled for a bit more, her eyes zeroing in on the table diagonal from where Edith was seated. Although the teahouse could only do so much to provide space between the two, Lila was unfortunately left with no choice. She made her way towards the table and seated.

She was at a tough spot. Edith Nepeli was a powerful woman in their society who could spread rumors like wildfire. One word from her mouth and everyone would instantly know that Lila had been meeting up with a mysterious woman.

The best option was to go find a different place to have their conversation, but Lila doubted her guest would understand her. All she could do right now was to sit quietly by herself and wait.

The moment she sat down, Edith stood up at once and started making her way to Lila’s direction. Lila’s purple eyes trailed her closely, hoping that the latter would head somewhere else but the more steps Edith took, the more Lila realized that she was heading towards her.

Edith halted when she reached Lila’s table. Was there anything she wanted from her?

“Long time no see!” Edith exclaimed, smiling brightly.

“Yes… Long time no see.” Lila repeated her words back to her.

“But how come you didn’t say hello to me? You could’ve greeted me, Duchess of Wipere.” Edith said lightheartedly. Her face had a look of pure innocence, one that reeked of privilege without having to experience any hardships.

Lila smiled back warmly. “I’m not a Duchess yet, so you may refrain from addressing me as such.”

Edith waved her off. “You’re in the midst of wedding preparations anyway, so I might as well. Don’t go acting so closed off.” She said playfully, her face laden with masked friendliness.

The pretentiousness didn’t go amiss with Lila, however, that she wondered what Edith exactly needed from her, for Edith to be this overwhelmingly friendly. Lila also flashed her a friendly smile while nodding at the latter’s words even though she found her really suspicious.

“Great! We should get to know each other more!” Edith said and clapped her hands together.

Lila found herself nodding, albeit reluctantly for the second time. “Sure. Next time…”

“Can I call you sister?”

“That’s a little—“

“Sister, you just told me that you won’t distance yourself anymore!” Edith interrupted, giving her no chance to finish her sentence. Lila subtly kneaded her temples in the guise of brushing her hair back. She could feel a migraine coming in from Edith’s unwarranted presence.

“Let me sit with you. My legs are starting to hurt.” Edith didn’t wait for Lila’s permission as she pulled a chair back, just as Lila tried to prevent her from sitting with a wave of her hand. “This seat is already occupied.”

But Edith sat on the chair just the same. “Oh? I don’t suppose you’re meeting Duke Wipere?”

Lila shook her head. “It’s not Lacias, but I am meeting someone else. So if it’s alright, would it be okay if we talk next time?”

“You can’t do that.” Edith replied, taking no offense at Lila’s refusal and only smiled even more brightly.

Lila didn’t understand why she was behaving so stubbornly. Edith seemed dead set about staying where she was seated with no plans of moving. This time Lila was certain that there’s something Edith really wanted from her, but what could that be?

And then it hit her. One of the worst things that could happen seeped into Lila’s mind, numbing her senses.

Could it be that Edith was the one who sent her the cards?

She shouldn’t let herself be lured into a strange trap, and she really hoped that Edith wasn’t behind the cards she had received.

Try as she might to brush the thought off, the possibility of Edith being the one who wrote the cards was becoming more likely in each passing second. The time and location where they would be meeting was clearly written down, and here they were, both at the same place and at the same time.

Lila’s eyes scanned the door where she had entered from, and it seemed like no one else would be entering the teahouse anytime soon, which meant Edith certainly was the one who had sent her the cards.

“Why don’t you wear the earrings I gave you? You used to wear them every single day.” Edith’s spoke suddenly, breaking Lila out of her thoughts.

Lila blinked at Edith’s words. “What earrings…” Her words trailed off when she recalled a pair of colorful earrings— one that was used to frame the maid when Lila first woke up as Mrs. Marshmell, the earrings Mrs. Marshmell was fond of.

Wait, those earrings were Edith’s gift?

It was only then did Lila realize why Mrs. Marshmell kept Edith’s cards with great care. Everything’s so much clearer now. Did Edith serve as Mrs. Marshmell’s sponsor? And if that was the case, what does Edith get in return?

Edith had not received a dime ever since Lila woke up in Mrs. Marshmell’s body. Maybe information was expected in exchange for the jewelry. This must be the reason why Edith initiated the meeting in the first place.

That was the only reasonable thought Lila could think of, but the words that came out from Edith’s mouth confused Lila even more.

“Did you ever think that it was me behind those cards you’ve received?”

Silence ensued. What is happening? Did it mean that Mrs. Marshmell also had no idea who the sender was? Or maybe Edith was setting her up?
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